All Crimes that Start with C

Continuing our alphabetical exploration of crime, we delve into the myriad offenses beginning with the letter ‘C’. This collection ranges from the high-tech realm of cybercrimes to the age-old transgressions of theft and violence. These concise definitions offer a snapshot of the diverse and complex nature of criminal acts associated with ‘C’.

Crimes that Start with C

Below are crimes starting with the letter c.

  1. Counterfeiting – Producing fake currency or goods.
  2. Cyberstalking – Harassing someone online.
  3. Child Abduction – Kidnapping a minor.
  4. Credit Card Fraud – Illegal use of credit cards.
  5. Conspiracy – Planning to commit a crime.
  6. Child Pornography – Making or distributing explicit content of minors.
  7. Cyberbullying – Bullying someone through digital platforms.
  8. Criminal Negligence – Ignoring a duty, causing harm.
  9. Criminal Trespass – Unlawfully entering another’s property.
  10. Contempt of Court – Disobeying court orders.
  11. Check Fraud – Illegal use of checks.
  12. Cyber Terrorism – Terrorism using digital networks.
  13. Car Theft – Unlawfully taking a vehicle.
  14. Child Endangerment – Putting a minor in danger.
  15. Corruption – Misuse of power for personal gain.
  16. Cattle Rustling – Stealing livestock.
  17. Cyber Espionage – Spying using digital means.
  18. Counterintelligence – Activities against espionage.
  19. Criminal Mischief – Damaging property deliberately.
  20. Cannibalism – Eating human flesh.
  21. Catfishing – Deceiving someone online.
  22. Culpable Homicide – Killing without malice.
  23. Check Kiting – Writing bad checks.
  24. Contract Killing – Murder for hire.
  25. Cyber Squatting – Registering domain names unfairly.
  26. Criminal Harassment – Intimidating or harassing someone.
  27. Civil Disobedience – Peaceful protest breaking laws.
  28. Criminal Coercion – Forcing someone to act.
  29. Criminal Conversion – Unlawfully using another’s property.
  30. Custodial Interference – Hindering child custody rights.
  31. Crimes Against Humanity – Widespread human rights abuses.
  32. Curfew Violation – Breaking a curfew law.
  33. Cyber Fraud – Fraud using computers.
  34. Concealment – Hiding criminal evidence.
  35. Cruelty to Animals – Inflicting pain on animals.
  36. Cable Piracy – Illegal cable service access.
  37. Contract Fraud – Deceit in contractual dealings.
  38. Charity Fraud – Misusing charitable contributions.
  39. Collusion – Secret agreement for deceptive purposes.
  40. Computer Hacking – Unauthorized access to computers.
  41. Concealed Weapon – Carrying a hidden weapon illegally.
  42. Criminal Libel – Defaming someone with malicious intent.
  43. Criminal Profiteering – Gaining from criminal activity.
  44. Cyber Extortion – Extortion using digital threats.
  45. Criminal Contempt – Disrespecting the court.
  46. Carjacking – Stealing a car by force.
  47. Counterintelligence Crimes – Crimes against national security.
  48. Clandestine Drug Laboratory – Illegal drug production.
  49. Child Molestation – Sexual abuse of a child.
  50. Cocaine Trafficking – Illegal distribution of cocaine.

Crimes that Start with c

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