Are you on the lookout for interesting adverbs that start with the letter V? Look no further! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 200 adverbs starting with the letter V, sure to add a little variety and spice to your writing.
From “vaguely” to “vivaciously,” this list covers all aspects of life, from the mundane to the exhilarating.
Whether you’re looking to describe a particularly vivacious party or simply want to add some variation to your writing, we’ve got you covered.
So why wait? Dive into our extensive list of adverbs starting with V and take your writing skills up a notch!
Read: Adverbs and it Types
Adverbs that Start With V
Below are 30 Top Adverbs That Start with V, along with meaning and example sentences. (Skip to Complete List)
1. Vigorously
Meaning: In a manner that’s strong, energetic, and enthusiastic.
Example: She argued vigorously in defense of her beliefs.
2. Virtually
Meaning: Nearly; almost.
Example: The project is virtually complete.
3. Visibly
Meaning: In a way that can be seen.
Example: He was visibly upset after the argument.
4. Vocally
Meaning: In a manner that relates to the voice or speaking out.
Example: Many residents vocally opposed the new construction.
5. Vividly
Meaning: In a manner that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
Example: I remember the day vividly.
6. Vexedly
Meaning: In an annoyed, frustrated, or worried manner.
Example: She looked at the puzzle vexedly.
7. Vastly
Meaning: To a very great extent; much.
Example: This version is vastly improved.
8. Vehemently
Meaning: In a forceful, passionate, or intense manner.
Example: He vehemently denied the allegations.
9. Vertically
Meaning: In an up and down direction or position.
Example: The ladder was placed vertically against the wall.
10. Voluntarily
Meaning: By one’s own free choice; without being forced.
Example: He voluntarily offered to help.
11. Valiantly
Meaning: With courage or determination.
Example: The firefighters worked valiantly to save the building.
12. Vicariously
Meaning: Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
Example: She lived vicariously through her children.
13. Voraciously
Meaning: In a manner that shows a very eager approach to an activity.
Example: He reads voraciously.
14. Virtuously
Meaning: In a manner showing high moral standards.
Example: She behaved virtuously in challenging situations.
15. Vengefully
Meaning: In a manner that seeks to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
Example: He stared vengefully at his rival.
16. Versatilely
Meaning: In a manner that’s adaptable or flexible.
Example: She works versatilely across multiple domains.
17. Vainly
Meaning: Without success or a result.
Example: He tried vainly to save the deal.
18. Violently
Meaning: Using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Example: The storm raged violently.
19. Vociferously
Meaning: In a loud and forceful manner.
Example: They vociferously demanded their rights.
20. Voyeuristically
Meaning: In a manner that involves deriving sexual pleasure from watching others.
Example: The film was criticized for its voyeuristically explicit scenes.
21. Variedly
Meaning: In diverse manners or ways.
Example: The artist’s works were variedly appreciated.
22. Virtually
Meaning: For all practical purposes.
Example: Their response was virtually unanimous.
23. Viscerally
Meaning: In an intuitive or instinctive manner, as opposed to a reasoned or thought-out response.
Example: She reacted viscerally to the news.
24. Vapidly
Meaning: In a dull or unstimulating manner.
Example: He spoke vapidly, making the audience lose interest.
25. Vexatiously
Meaning: In a manner that’s intended to annoy, worry, or cause trouble.
Example: The claim was seen as vexatiously brought to court.
26. Venerably
Meaning: In a manner that commands respect because of age or impressive dignity.
Example: The old scholar spoke venerably.
27. Vicinously
Meaning: In a manner that’s nearby or neighboring.
Example: The communities lived vicinously.
28. Vaingloriously
Meaning: In an excessively proud or boastful manner.
Example: He spoke vaingloriously of his achievements.
29. Verifiably
Meaning: In a manner that can be proven or shown to be true.
Example: The results are verifiably accurate.
30. Virtually
Meaning: Almost, or very nearly.
Example: The town was virtually deserted by evening.
All Adverbs Starting With V
Vacillatingly | Vacuously | Vagally |
Vagariously | Vaginally | Vagrantly |
Vaguely | Vainly | Valiantly |
Validly | Valleyward | Valleywards |
Valorously | Valourously | Valuationally |
Valuatively | Valuelessly | Vampily |
Vampirically | Vampishly | Vandalically |
Vanishingly | Vanward | Vapidly |
Vaporously | Vapouringly | Vapourously |
Variably | Variationally | Varicosely |
Variedly | Varietally | Variously |
Varyingly | Vascularly | Vastly |
Vaultingly | Vauntingly | Vectorially |
Veeringly | Vegetally | Vegetatively |
Vehemently | Vehicularly | Veiledly |
Venally | Venerably | Venereally |
Vengeably | Vengefully | Venially |
Venomously | Venously | Ventrally |
Venturingly | Venturously | Veraciously |
Verbally | Verblessly | Verbosely |
Verdantly | Veridically | Verifiably |
Verily | Verisimilarly | Veristically |
Veritably | Verminly | Verminously |
Vernacularly | Vernally | Versatilely |
Vertebrally | Vertically | Vertiginously |
Very | Vestally | Vestigially |
Vexatiously | Vexedly | Vexingly |
Viably | Vibrantly | Vibratingly |
Vibrationally | Vibronically | Vicariously |
Viceregally | Viciously | Victoriously |
Viewlessly | Vigilantly | Vigorously |
Vilely | Villageward | Villagewards |
Villainously | Vindictively | Vinegarishly |
Vinously | Violably | Violatively |
Violently | Violetward | Viperishly |
Viperously | Virally | Virescently |
Virginally | Virginly | Virilely |
Virologically | Virtually | Virtuosically |
Virtuously | Virulently | Viscerally |
Viscidly | Viscously | Visibly |
Visigothically | Visionarily | Visualizably |
Visually | Visuospatially | Vitalistically |
Vitally | Viticulturally | Vitriolically |
Vituperatively | Vituperously | Vivaciously |
Vively | Vividly | Viviparously |
Vixenishly | Vocalically | Vocally |
Vocationally | Vocatively | Vociferously |
Voguishly | Voicelessly | Volarly |
Volatilely | Volcanically | Volcanologically |
Volitionally | Volitively | Volubly |
Volumetrically | Voluminously | Voluntarily |
Voluptuously | Vomitously | Voraciously |
Vortically | Votively | Voyeuristically |
Vulgarly | Vulnerably | Vulpinely |
Also study: Complete List of Adverbs
Also Study: Adjectives starting with V
Positive Adverbs That Start With V
- valuably
- vigilantly
- victoriously
- voluptuously
- venerably
- valorously
- volitionally
- vibrantly
- virtuously
- valiantly
- verily
- vigorously
- veraciously
- vivaciously
- voluntarily
- vitally
Negative Adverbs That Start With V
- Vacantly
- Vaguely
- Vainly
- Vapidly
- Vehemently
- Venomously
- Verbosely
- Vicariously
- Viciously
- Victimizedly
- Villainously
- Violently
- Vitriolically
- Vociferously
- Volcanically
- Voluntarily (in the sense of doing something negative without being forced)
- Voluminously
- Voraciously
- Vulgarly
- Vulnerably
List of Adverbs starting with V – Infographics
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