Adverbs are an essential part of the English language. They are used to modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs.
Adverbs that start with F are particularly interesting as they can represent a wide range of emotions, feelings, and actions. From fast to foolishly, these adverbs starting with F can add depth and nuance to your writing.
In this article, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 200 adverbs starting with F.
Whether you are a writer looking to expand your vocabulary or someone who simply wants to improve their understanding of the English language, this list is perfect for you.
From common words like frequently and fully to more obscure ones like furtively and fervently, this list has something for everyone.
Adverbs that Start With F
Below are 30 Top Adverbs That Start with F, along with meaning and example sentences. (Skip to Complete List)
1. Faintly
Meaning: In a weak and indistinct way.
Example: The music played faintly in the background.
2. Fairly
Meaning: Reasonably, moderately, or to a satisfactory degree.
Example: The job was fairly done.
3. Faithfully
Meaning: In a loyal manner or in a way that can be trusted.
Example: He served the company faithfully for decades.
4. Falsely
Meaning: In a dishonest or untruthful manner.
Example: She was falsely accused of theft.
5. Famously
Meaning: In a way that is well known.
Example: He famously declined the award.
6. Far
Meaning: At, to, or by a great distance.
Example: The village is far from the city.
7. Fast
Meaning: At high speed.
Example: He ran fast to catch the bus.
8. Fatally
Meaning: In a manner that results in death.
Example: He was fatally injured in the accident.
9. Favorably
Meaning: With approval or pleasure.
Example: The proposal was received favorably by the committee.
10. Fearfully
Meaning: In a way that shows fear.
Example: She glanced fearfully over her shoulder.
11. Fearlessly
Meaning: Without fear; bravely.
Example: He tackled the challenge fearlessly.
12. Fervently
Meaning: With passionate intensity.
Example: She fervently hoped for a change.
13. Fiercely
Meaning: With great force or violence; intensely.
Example: The wind blew fiercely throughout the night.
14. Firmly
Meaning: With little possibility of movement; securely.
Example: He held the railing firmly.
15. Firstly
Meaning: In the first place; to begin with.
Example: Firstly, we need to address the immediate problem.
16. Flatly
Meaning: In a very definite and uncompromising manner.
Example: He flatly refused the offer.
17. Flawlessly
Meaning: Without any imperfections or defects; perfectly.
Example: She performed the routine flawlessly.
18. Flexibly
Meaning: In a manner that can be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances.
Example: The system was designed to work flexibly.
19. Fluidly
Meaning: In a way that flows smoothly and gracefully.
Example: She moved fluidly across the dance floor.
20. Foolishly
Meaning: In a way that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
Example: He foolishly spent all his savings in one day.
21. Forcefully
Meaning: In a strong and assertive manner.
Example: He argued his point forcefully.
22. Formally
Meaning: In accordance with convention or etiquette.
Example: They were formally introduced at the event.
23. Formerly
Meaning: In the past.
Example: The building was formerly a school.
24. Forthrightly
Meaning: Directly and straightforwardly.
Example: She spoke forthrightly about the challenges.
25. Fortuitously
Meaning: By chance rather than intention.
Example: They fortuitously discovered the hidden treasure.
26. Frequently
Meaning: On many occasions; many times.
Example: He visits the city frequently.
27. Fully
Meaning: Completely or entirely.
Example: She was fully aware of the consequences.
28. Furtively
Meaning: In a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention; secretively.
Example: He glanced furtively at his watch.
29. Futilely
Meaning: In a way that has no practical effect or result.
Example: He argued futilely against the decision.
30. Fittingly
Meaning: In a manner that is suitable or appropriate.
Example: He received an award, and fittingly so, for his contributions.
All Adverbs Starting With F
Facially | Factually | Fadedly |
Faintheartedly | Faintly | Fair |
Fairly | Faithfully | Fallibly |
Falsely | Familiarly | Famously |
Fantastically | Far | Farther |
Farthest | Fashionably | Fast |
Fastly | Fatally | Fatly |
Favorably | Favoredly | Fawningly |
Fearfully | Federally | Feebly |
Feelingly | Femininely | Ferociously |
Fervently | Festally | Fetisely |
Feudally | Feverously | Fickly |
Fiducially | Fiercely | Fifthly |
Fightingly | Figurately | Figuratively |
Finally | Financially | Fine |
Finely | Finitely | Firmly |
First | Firsthand | Firstly |
Fitly | Fittingly | Fivefold |
Fixatedly | Fixedly | Flagrantly |
Flakily | Flamingly | Flaringly |
Flashily | Flashingly | Flat |
Flatly | Flatteringly | Flauntingly |
Flawlessly | Fleetingly | Fleetly |
Flimsily | Flirtatiously | Flittingly |
Floatingly | Florally | Fluently |
Fluffily | Fluidly | Foamingly |
Focally | Fondly | Foolishly |
Forbiddenly | Forcefully | Forcibly |
Forebodigly | Forever | Forgetfully |
Forlornly | Formally | Formerly |
Formidably | Forth | Forthwith |
Fortnightly | Fortunately | Forward |
Fourfold | Fourthly | Foxily |
Fractionally | Fractiously | Fragilely |
Fragrantly | Frankly | Frantically |
Fraudulently | Freakishly | Free |
Freely | Freezingly | Frequently |
Fresh | Freshly | Fretful |
Friday | Friendly | Frightenedly |
Frightfully | Frigidly | Friskily |
Frivolously | Frolicly | Frolicsomely |
Frontally | Frontwards | Frostily |
Frothily | Frowningly | Frozenly |
Frugally | Fruitfully | Fruitlessly |
Frumpily | Frumpishly | Frustratedly |
Full | Fully | Fulsomely |
Fumblingly | Fumingly | Functionally |
Fundamentally | Furiously | Further |
Furthermore | Furthest | Furtively |
Positive Adverbs That Start With F
- Forthrightly
- Finely
- Futuristically
- Flat out
- Fair
- Facilely
- Flavorfully
- Fully
- Flexibly
- Fervently
- Funnily
- Flamboyantly
- Fluently
- Flourishingly
- Free
- Fertilely
- Fittingly
- Forgivingly
- Freshly
- Fashionably
- Favorably
- Felicitously
- Frankly
- Fleetly
- Famously
- Foremost
- Fascinatingly
- Fabulously
- Fondly
- Firm
- Fraternally
- Frolicsomely
- Forcefully
- Fruitfully
- Fearlessly
- Fetchingly
- Fairly
- Forward
- Formally
- Fortunately
- First-rate
- Faithfully
- Fortuitously
- Fantastically
- Fitly
- Fain
- Festively
- Full
- First
- Forever
Negative Adverbs That Start With F
- Faintly
- Falteringly
- Famishedly
- Fanatically
- Far-fetchedly
- Fascistically
- Fatally
- Faultily
- Fawningly
- Fearfully
- Fearlessly
- Feebly
- Feignedly
- Ferociously
- Fiercely
- Fiery
- Filthily
- Finickily
- Fishily
- Fitfully
- Flagrantly
- Flakily
- Flashily
- Flimsily
- Flippantly
- Flirtatiously
- Foggily
- Foolhardily
- Foolishly
- Forcibly
- Forebodingly
- Forgetfully
- Formidably
- Fortuitously
- Foully
- Fractiously
- Fraudulently
- Freakishly
- Frenetically
- Frightfully
Also study: Complete List of Adverbs
Also Study: Adjectives starting with F
Adverbs that start with F Info-graphics
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