Adverbs are an essential part of speech that help us modify and enhance our writing. They give us the ability to express ourselves more effectively and provide a deeper understanding of what we are trying to convey. Today, we will be focusing on adverbs that start with the letter B.
There is a wide range of adverbs starting with B, each playing its unique role in making our writing more descriptive, interesting, and meaningful. From “beautifully” to “boldly,” these adverbs can add depth and dimension to any piece of text, whether it’s creative writing, academic papers, or marketing copy.
Adverbs that Start With B
Below are 30 Top Adverbs That Start with B, along with meaning and example sentences. (Skip to Complete List)
1. Badly
Meaning: In an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way.
Example: The team performed badly in the final match.
2. Barely
Meaning: By the smallest margin; almost not.
Example: I barely made it to the bus on time.
3. Bashfully
Meaning: In a shy or embarrassed manner.
Example: She smiled bashfully when he complimented her.
4. Basically
Meaning: In fundamental or essential respects.
Example: Basically, I think he’s right, even if I don’t agree with all his points.
5. Beforehand
Meaning: Before an action or event; in advance.
Example: We need to plan everything beforehand.
6. Begrudgingly
Meaning: In a reluctant or resentful manner.
Example: He begrudgingly accepted the decision.
7. Belatedly
Meaning: Later than should have been the case.
Example: She belatedly realized her mistake.
8. Benevolently
Meaning: In a kind and well-meaning manner.
Example: He smiled benevolently at the children.
9. Beside
Meaning: At the side of; next to.
Example: She sat beside him during the lecture.
10. Besides
Meaning: In addition to; apart from.
Example: Besides being a teacher, he’s also a renowned author.
11. Best
Meaning: To the highest degree; most.
Example: She tries her best to help everyone.
12. Better
Meaning: To a higher degree than before or than something else.
Example: He performed better this time than last time.
13. Bitterly
Meaning: With a lot of anger and sadness.
Example: She cried bitterly when she heard the news.
14. Blatantly
Meaning: In an open and unashamed manner.
Example: He blatantly lied during the interview.
15. Blindly
Meaning: Without understanding, judgment, or perception.
Example: Don’t follow the rules blindly without understanding them.
16. Blissfully
Meaning: In a way that shows a state of extreme happiness.
Example: They lived blissfully ever after.
17. Boldly
Meaning: In a confident and courageous manner.
Example: She spoke up boldly in the meeting.
18. Briefly
Meaning: For a short period of time.
Example: He paused briefly before continuing.
19. Brightly
Meaning: In a way that is full of energy and cheerfulness.
Example: The sun shone brightly that morning.
20. Briskly
Meaning: In a quick, energetic way.
Example: She walked briskly to the station.
21. Broadly
Meaning: In a general way, without considering minor details.
Example: Broadly speaking, the project was a success.
22. Brutally
Meaning: In a savagely violent way.
Example: The truth was brutally clear to him.
23. Busily
Meaning: In an active or engaged manner.
Example: She worked busily throughout the day.
24. By
Meaning: Past or beyond.
Example: He walked by without noticing her.
25. Bygone
Meaning: Belonging to an earlier time.
Example: In bygone days, things were different.
26. Byzantinely
Meaning: In a way that is excessively complicated.
Example: The procedure was byzantinely complex.
27. Backward
Meaning: Toward the back.
Example: Don’t look backward while moving forward.
28. Beneath
Meaning: Below; under.
Example: The cat hid beneath the table.
29. Bewilderingly
Meaning: In a perplexing or confusing manner.
Example: The maze was bewilderingly complex.
30. Biennially
Meaning: Every two years.
Example: The conference is held biennially.
All Adverbs Starting With B
Babyishly | Back | Backstage |
Backward | Backwardly | Bacterially |
Badly | Baldly | Balmily |
Bang | Barbarously | Bareback |
Barely | Barometrically | Basely |
Bashfully | Basically | Beamingly |
Beautifully | Becomingly | Befittingly |
Before | Beforehand | Beggarly |
Begrudgingly | Behaviorally | Behind |
Being | Belatedly | Believably |
Belligerently | Below | Beneath |
Beneficially | Benignly | Besides |
Best | Better | Beyond |
Bias | Biblically | Biennially |
Bihourly | Bilaterally | Billowingly |
Bimonthly | Bi-monthly | Bindingly |
Binocularly | Biologically | Bitingly |
Bitterly | Biweekly | Bizarrely |
Black | Blamelessly | Blandly |
Blankly | Blasphemously | Blatantly |
Blazingly | Bleakly | Blessedly |
Blindingly | Blindly | Blissfully |
Blisteringly | Blithely | Bloody |
Blooming | Bluely | Bluntly |
Blushingly | Boastfully | Boastingly |
Bodily | Boiling | Boilingly |
Boisterously | Boldly | Bonnily |
Boringly | Botanically | Bouncingly |
Boyishly | Brag | Braggingly |
Bravely | Brazenly | Breathlessly |
Breathtakingly | Brief | Briefly |
Bright | Brightly | Brilliantly |
Briskly | Broadcast | Broadly |
Brokenly | Brotherly | Brutally |
Bulkily | Burdensomely | Burning |
Busily | Buzzingly | By |
Positive Adverbs That Start With B
- Biologically
- Blissfully
- Bestially
- Bracingly
- Byzantine
- Boostingly
- Blissfully
- Briskly
- Boon
- Blazingly
- Bubbly
- Buddingly
- Blithely
- Brusquely
- Blissful
- Brightly
- Belovedly
- Beautiful
- Bohemianly
- Broodingly
- Benefitingly
- Bewitchingly
- Beneficently
- Breezily
- Broadmindedly
- Boldly
- Beneficently
- Busily
- Bodaciously
- Breezily
- Brawnily
- Bountifully
- Bountifully
- Bright
- Buxomly
- Buzzingly
- Brotherly
- Blooming
- Boldly
- Beneficially
- Briskly
- Beautifully
- Blissfully
- Beneficially
- Beguilingly
- Beauteously
- Brightly
- Bounteously
- Blindly
- Better
- Better
- Benevolently
- Best
- Buoyantly
- Bravely
- Benevolently
- Broadly
- Burly
- Beamingly
- Brainily
- Breathtakingly
- Bossly
- Blissfully
- Bonnily
- Blissfully
Negative Adverbs That Start With B
- Badly
- Barely
- Bashfully
- Begrudgingly
- Belatedly
- Bellicosely
- Beneath
- Beseechingly
- Betrayingly
- Bewilderedly
- Bitterly
- Blamefully
- Blindly
- Boastfully
- Boldly
- Bombastically
- Boorishly
- Bossily
- Boundlessly
- Brashly
- Brazenly
- Breakneck
- Breathlessly
- Briskly
- Brittlely
- Broodingly
- Brutally
- Busily
- Byzantinely
- Belligerently
- Bent
- Bigotedly
- Bitterly
- Blatantly
- Bleakly
- Bluntly
- Boastingly
- Boorishly
- Boundlessly
- Bumblingly
Also study: List of Adverbs
Also Study: Adjectives starting with B
Adverbs that start with B Info-graphics
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