Adverbs are an essential part of writing, as they add depth and meaning to sentences. A well-placed adverb can change the entire tone of a sentence, enhancing its effect on the reader.
The letter “S” has its fair share of adverbs that can be used in various contexts.
In this article, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 1000 adverbs starting with S.
From simple and straightforward ones like “slowly” and “suddenly” to more complex ones like “subsequently” and “sacrificially,” this list includes every possible adverb that starts with the letter S.
Adverbs that Start With S
Below are 30 Top Adverbs That Start with S, along with meaning and example sentences. (Skip to Complete List)
1. Suddenly
Meaning: Quickly and unexpectedly.
Example: The weather changed suddenly.
2. Slowly
Meaning: At a low speed; over a long period of time.
Example: The snail moved slowly.
3. Swiftly
Meaning: In a very fast manner; quickly.
Example: The message was delivered swiftly.
4. Solely
Meaning: Only and not involving anyone or anything else.
Example: The responsibility lies solely with him.
5. Silently
Meaning: Without any sound; not speaking.
Example: He silently entered the room.
6. Surely
Meaning: Without doubt; certainly.
Example: Victory will surely be ours.
7. Sneakily
Meaning: In a secretive or dishonest manner.
Example: He sneakily took the last cookie.
8. Sincerely
Meaning: In a genuine way; without pretense.
Example: I sincerely apologize for the mistake.
9. Strongly
Meaning: With great force or determination.
Example: She strongly opposed the decision.
10. Subtly
Meaning: In a manner that is delicate or understated.
Example: The fragrance was subtly pleasant.
11. Sparingly
Meaning: In a restricted or infrequent manner.
Example: Use the spice sparingly as it’s very potent.
12. Specifically
Meaning: For a particular reason, purpose, etc.
Example: The tool was designed specifically for this task.
13. Simultaneously
Meaning: At the same time.
Example: The two events happened simultaneously.
14. Surprisingly
Meaning: In a manner that causes surprise or disbelief.
Example: Surprisingly, he declined the offer.
15. Seamlessly
Meaning: Smoothly and continuously, with no apparent gaps or spaces between.
Example: The transition was done seamlessly.
16. Sternly
Meaning: In a strict and serious manner.
Example: She looked at him sternly.
17. Strangely
Meaning: In a manner that is unusual or hard to understand.
Example: He acted strangely after the incident.
18. Steadily
Meaning: At an even, regular pace.
Example: The rain fell steadily throughout the day.
19. Safely
Meaning: Without any harm or risk.
Example: Ensure you operate the machinery safely.
20. Sarcastically
Meaning: In a manner that mocks or conveys contempt.
Example: “Oh, great job,” she said sarcastically.
21. Severely
Meaning: To an intense degree.
Example: The town was severely affected by the flood.
22. Suddenly
Meaning: Quickly and unexpectedly.
Example: He suddenly stopped talking.
23. Stylishly
Meaning: In a manner that is fashionable and attractive.
Example: She dresses very stylishly.
24. Solemnly
Meaning: In a sincere and serious manner.
Example: He swore solemnly to tell the truth.
25. Suspiciously
Meaning: In a manner that shows a cautious distrust.
Example: He looked at the package suspiciously.
26. Systematically
Meaning: According to a fixed plan or system.
Example: The data was systematically collected and analyzed.
27. Shamelessly
Meaning: Without shame or embarrassment.
Example: He shamelessly lied about his actions.
28. Spontaneously
Meaning: Without being caused by anything; naturally and unexpectedly.
Example: The crowd began to applaud spontaneously.
29. Sensibly
Meaning: In a way that shows good judgment or reasonableness.
Example: She invested her money sensibly.
30. Sweetly
Meaning: In a pleasant or charming manner.
Example: The bird sang sweetly.
All Adverbs Starting With S
Sacerdotally | Sacramentally | Sacredly |
Sacrilegiously | Sadly | Safely |
Sagaciously | Sagely | Salaciously |
Saleable | Saleably | Saliently |
Saltirewise | Saltly | Salutatorily |
Salutiferously | Same | Sanctifyingly |
Sanctimoniously | Sanely | Sanguinarily |
Sanguinely | Sanskritist | Sapiently |
Sarcastically | Sardonically | Satirically |
Satisfactorily | Satisfyingly | Saucily |
Saufly | Savagely | Savely |
Savingly | Savorily | Savorly |
Scabbily | Scandalously | Scant |
Scantily | Scantly | Scarce |
Scarcely | Scarily | Scathingly |
Scatteringly | Scenically | Sceptically |
Schematically | Scherzando | Schismatically |
Scholarly | Scholastically | Schoolward |
Scienter | Scientifically | Scilicet |
Scoffingly | Scoldingly | Scorching |
Scornfully | Scowlingly | Scraggily |
Scrappily | Scratching | Screamingly |
Scribblingly | Scripturally | Scrumptiously |
Scrupulously | Scurrilously | Scurvily |
Seaboard | Seasonally | Seaward |
Seawards | Second | Secondarily |
Secondhand | Secondly | Secretly |
Securely | Sedately | Seductively |
Seemingly | Seldom | Selectively |
Selfishly | Selflessly | Semiannually |
Semimonthly | Semiweekly | Sens |
Sensibly | Sensually | Sensuously |
Sentimentally | Separably | Separately |
Sequentially | Serenely | Serially |
Seriatim | Seriously | Several |
Severally | Severely | Sexually |
Shabbily | Shadily | Shaggily |
Shakily | Shallowly | Shambolically |
Shamefacedly | Shamefully | Shamelessly |
Shapelessly | Sharp | Sharply |
Sheenly | Sheepishly | Sheer |
Sheerly | Shiftily | Shiftingly |
Shilling | Shily | Shipshape |
Shiveringly | Shockingly | Shoddily |
Shoreward | Short | Shortly |
Showily | Shrewdly | Shrewishly |
Shrilly | Shrinkingly | Shudderingly |
Shuttlewise | Shyly | Sic |
Sickeningly | Sicker | Sickerly |
Sickly | Sidearm | Sidelong |
Sidesaddle | Sidesplittingly | Sideward |
Sidewards | Sideway | Sideways |
Sidewise | Signally | Significantly |
Siker | Silently | Silkily |
Sillily | Silverly | Similarly |
Simperingly | Simply | Simultaneously |
Since | Sincerely | Singly |
Singularly | Sinuously | Sinusoidally |
Sithen | Sithence | Sithens |
Sixfold | Sixthly | Skeptically |
Sketchily | Skew | Skilfully |
Skillfully | Skimmingly | Skimpily |
Skippingly | Skittishly | Skulkingly |
Skyey | Skyward | Skywards |
Slack | Slackly | Slam |
Slanderously | Slangily | Slantingly |
Slantways | Slantwise | Slap |
Slapdash | Slatternly | Slavishly |
Sleek | Sleekly | Sleepily |
Sleeplessly | Slenderly | Slickly |
Slight | Slightingly | Slightly |
Slily | Slimly | Slope |
Slopingly | Sloppily | Slouchily |
Slouchingly | Slovenly | Slow |
Slower | Slowest | Slowly |
Sluggishly | Sly | Slyly |
Smack | Small | Smally |
Smarmily | Smartly | Smash |
Smashingly | Smickly | Smilingly |
Smirkingly | Smokily | Smolderingly |
Smooth | Smoothly | Smotheringly |
Smoulderingly | Smugly | Smuttily |
Snailfish | Snappishly | Snatchingly |
Sneakily | Sneakingly | Sneeringly |
Snidely | Snobbishly | Snootily |
Snuffingly | Snugly | Soaking |
Soberly | Sociably | Socially |
Soft | Softly | Solely |
Solemnly | Solidly | Solo |
Somberly | Sombrely | Some |
Someday | Somehow | Sometime |
Sometimes | Somewhat | Soon |
Sooner | Sopping | Sordidly |
Sorely | Soullessly | Sound |
Soundly | Sourly | Souse |
South | Southeast | Southeaster |
Southerly | Southward | Southwards |
Southwest | Spaceward | Spaciously |
Sparely | Sparingly | Sparsedly |
Sparsely | Spasmodically | Spastically |
Spatially | Specially | Specifically |
Speciously | Spectacularly | Spectrally |
Speculatively | Speechlessly | Speedfully |
Speedily | Spherically | Spicily |
Spinally | Spirally | Spiritedly |
Spiritoso | Spiritually | Spitefully |
Splendidly | Spontaneously | Spookily |
Spoonily | Sporadically | Sportingly |
Sportively | Spotlessly | Sprucely |
Spuriously | Squab | Squalidly |
Squanderingly | Square | Squarely |
Squeakingly | Squeamishly | Squirely |
Stably | Staccato | Staggeringly |
Staidly | Stark | Starkly |
Startlingly | Stately | Steadfastly |
Steadily | Steady | Steaming |
Steeply | Sternly | Stiff |
Stiffly | Still | Stilly |
Stingily | Stinking | Stockily |
Stodgily | Stonily | Stormily |
Stoutly | Straight | Straightway |
Strait | Strange | Strangely |
Strictly | Strikingly | Strongly |
Stuffily | Stupidly | Sturdily |
Suavely | Subjectively | Sublimely |
Submissively | Subsequently | Subserviently |
Substantially | Subtly | Successfully |
Successively | Succinctly | Such |
Sudden | Suddenly | Sufficiently |
Suicide | Suitably | Sulkily |
Sullenly | Sultrily | Summarily |
Sumptuously | Super | Superbly |
Superlatively | Supernaturally | Supinely |
Supposedly | Supra | Supremely |
Sure | Surely | Surgically |
Surlily | Surprisingly | Suspiciously |
Swa | Swarthily | Sweatily |
Sweepingly | Sweet | Sweetly |
Swift | Swiftly | Swimmingly |
Swithe | Swoopstake | Swythe |
Syker | Syllabically | Syllogistically |
Symbiotically | Symbolically | Symmetrically |
Sympathetically | Symptomatically | Synchronously |
Syne | Synecdochically | Synergistically |
Synodically | Synonymally | Synonymously |
Syntactically | Synthetically | Syphilitically |
Systematically |
Also Study:
Positive Adverbs That Start With S
- scintillantly
- sententially
- statuesquely
- symbiotically
- salutiferously
- sanguinely
- swankily
- splendidly
- subtly
- studiously
- sultrily
- saliently
- strategically
- superheroically
- seductively
- systematically
- suavely
- smoothly
- significantly
- sweetly
- simultaneously
- steadfastly
- succulently
- superhumanly
- stoutly
- singularly
- substantively
- superiorly
- sharply
- sturdily
- sleekly
- softly
- sheerly
- sympathetically
- successfully
- singingly
- sheenly
- soon
- similarly
- substantially
- straightforwardly
- strong-mindedly
- swiftly
- seriously
- struttingly
- sentiently
- symmetrically
- swingingly
- scholarly
- sincerely
- stupefyingly
- silently
- supportively
- solemnly
- sure-footedly
- staggeringly
- sufficiently
- swimmingly
- skippingly
- sensibly
- sustainably
- seamlessly
- salutatorily
- strong-heartedly
- specially
- stainlessly
- sapiently
- stupendously
- steadily
- serenely
- superabundantly
- sociably
- spiritually
- safely
- smartly
- summarily
- sovereignly
- spicily
- suitably
- snugly
- scientifically
- speedfully
- solidly
- smilingly
- surely
- superlatively
- surprisingly
- synergistically
- stately
- strictly
- supplementarily
- sure-handedly
- sublimely
- sumptuously
- soundly
- supremely
- sportingly
- supplementally
- speedily
- simply
- silverly
- savorily
- sunnily
- strongly
- strong-handedly
- soothingly
- sweepingly
- stunningly
- sagely
- stalwartly
- satisfyingly
- securely
- swingeingly
- sensually
- surpassingly
- succinctly
- stylishly
- sanctifyingly
- sveltely
- susurrantly
Negative Adverbs That Start With S
- Sadly
- Sagaciously
- Salaciously
- Sanctimoniously
- Sandpapery
- Sanely
- Sanguinely
- Sardonically
- Sassily
- Savagely
- Scandalously
- Scarce
- Scarily
- Scathingly
- Sceptically
- Schizophrenically
- Scornfully
- Scrappily
- Screamingly
- Scrupulously
- Scurrilously
- Secludedly
- Secondarily
- Secretively
- Sedately
- Seductively
- Seemingly
- Segregatively
- Selfishly
- Senilely
- Sensationally
- Sensitively
- Serially
- Severely
- Sexually
- Shabbily
- Shamelessly
- Shapelessly
- Sharply
- Sheerly
Adverbs that start with S Info-graphics
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