Adverbs are an essential part of speech that can add depth and meaning to your writing.
Whether you’re trying to convey a sense of urgency or emphasize a particular action, the right adverb can make all the difference.
If you’re looking for some new adverbs to add to your vocabulary, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore 250 different adverbs that start with the letter P.
From “painfully” to “particularly” and everything in between, these adverbs cover a wide range of meanings and uses. They can help you add emphasis, clarify your intentions, and create more vivid descriptions in your writing.
Adverbs that Start With P
Below are 30 Top Adverbs That Start with P, along with meaning and example sentences. (Skip to Complete List)
1. Particularly
Meaning: To a higher degree than is usual or average.
Example: I don’t particularly like spicy food.
2. Possibly
Meaning: Perhaps; maybe.
Example: We could possibly go there tomorrow.
3. Previously
Meaning: At a previous or earlier time; before.
Example: She had met him previously at a conference.
4. Perfectly
Meaning: In a manner or to a degree that could not be better.
Example: The dress fits her perfectly.
5. Publicly
Meaning: In open view of everyone; openly.
Example: He publicly apologized for his actions.
6. Purposefully
Meaning: In a determined manner; with intent.
Example: She walked purposefully towards the podium.
7. Painfully
Meaning: In a way that causes pain or distress.
Example: His leg was painfully swollen.
8. Politely
Meaning: In a manner showing good manners and respect.
Example: He politely asked for a glass of water.
9. Passionately
Meaning: With intense feeling or strong emotion.
Example: She spoke passionately about the environment.
10. Predominantly
Meaning: Mainly; for the most part.
Example: The population is predominantly young.
11. Precisely
Meaning: Exactly and accurately.
Example: The clock strikes precisely at noon.
12. Promptly
Meaning: With little or no delay; immediately.
Example: He arrived promptly at 8 o’clock.
13. Persistently
Meaning: In a persistent manner; continuously.
Example: She persistently pursued her goals.
14. Positively
Meaning: With certainty; absolutely.
Example: I am positively sure this is the right way.
15. Potentially
Meaning: That can develop into something or be developed in the future.
Example: It’s a potentially dangerous situation.
16. Playfully
Meaning: In a light-hearted or teasing manner.
Example: He playfully nudged his friend.
17. Practically
Meaning: Almost; nearly.
Example: The room was practically empty.
18. Preferably
Meaning: More suitably or agreeably.
Example: Meet me at noon, or preferably before.
19. Proudly
Meaning: In a manner that expresses pride or satisfaction.
Example: She proudly displayed her certificate.
20. Periodically
Meaning: From time to time; occasionally.
Example: Check the equipment periodically for any damage.
21. Professionally
Meaning: In a manner that relates to a person’s profession as opposed to their personal life.
Example: She behaves very professionally in meetings.
22. Parallelly
Meaning: In a parallel manner; alongside.
Example: The two cars raced parallelly down the track.
23. Plausibly
Meaning: In a manner that seems reasonable or probable.
Example: He plausibly denied the allegations.
24. Pervasively
Meaning: In a way that spreads widely throughout an area or group of people.
Example: The culture of the company is pervasively innovative.
25. Perceptibly
Meaning: In a way that can be seen or noticed.
Example: The weather changed perceptibly over the hours.
26. Ponderously
Meaning: In a manner that suggests great weight; clumsily.
Example: The elephant moved ponderously.
27. Pointedly
Meaning: In a manner that is emphasized or done in a deliberate way to make a point.
Example: She pointedly ignored his comments.
28. Predictably
Meaning: In a way that is foreseen or expected.
Example: The match ended predictably, with the champions winning.
29. Prematurely
Meaning: Before the due or expected time.
Example: The event was concluded prematurely due to the rain.
30. Pricelessly
Meaning: In a manner that has such great value that its worth cannot be measured.
Example: The child’s reaction was pricelessly genuine.
All Adverbs Starting With P
Painfully | Painlessly | Palatably |
Palely | Pallidly | Palmately |
Palpably | Palterly | Paltrily |
Pantingly | Papally | Parabolically |
Paradoxically | Parallelly | Paramountly |
Pardonably | Parentally | Parenthetically |
Parfitly | Parliamentarily | Parochially |
Partially | Participantly | Participially |
Particularly | Partitively | Partly |
Passably | Passingly | Passionately |
Passively | Past | Pastorally |
Patchily | Patently | Paternally |
Patiently | Patly | Pausingly |
Peaceably | Peacefully | Peccantly |
Pectorally | Peculiarly | Peevishly |
Pellmell | Pellucidly | Penally |
Pendently | Penitently | Pensively |
Perceptibly | Perceptively | Perfectly |
Perhaps | Perilously | Periodically |
Perishably | Perkily | Permanently |
Permeably | Permissively | Perpetually |
Perseveringly | Persistently | Personally |
Perspicaciously | Perspicuously | Persuasively |
Perversely | Pettily | Pettishly |
Petulantly | Phenomenally | Philanthropically |
Philosophically | Physically | Pickaback |
Picturesquely | Piercingly | Piggishly |
Pinchingly | Piningly | Pinnately |
Piously | Piquantly | Piteously |
Pithily | Pitiably | Pitifully |
Pitilessly | Pityingly | Placidly |
Plaguily | Plainly | Plausibly |
Playfully | Pleadingly | Pleasantly |
Please | Pleasingly | Pleasurably |
Plenarily | Ploddingly | Pluckily |
Plumply | Plurally | Poetically |
Poignantly | Pointedly | Polewards |
Politely | Politically | Politicly |
Pompously | Poorly | Popishly |
Popularly | Porously | Posingly |
Positively | Possibly | Potentially |
Potently | Poutingly | Powerfully |
Practically | Pragmatically | Praisably |
Praiseworthily | Pratingly | Prayerfully |
Prayingly | Precisely | Predictably |
Predominantly | Preferably | Pregnantly |
Prematurely | Preparedly | Prepensely |
Presently | Pressingly | Pressly |
Prestigiously | Presumably | Presumedly |
Prettily | Pretty | Prevalently |
Previously | Priggishly | Primarily |
Primely | Primevally | Primly |
Princely | Principally | Priorly |
Prissily | Pristinely | Privately |
Privily | Proactively | Probably |
Prodigally | Prodigiously | Productively |
Profanely | Professionally | Proficiently |
Profitably | Profoundly | Profusely |
Progressively | Prolifically | Prolixly |
Prominently | Promisingly | Promptly |
Pronely | Properly | Prophetically |
Propitiously | Prosily | Prosingly |
Prosperously | Proteanly | Protectively |
Proudly | Provably | Providently |
Provisionally | Proximally | Prudently |
Prudishly | Pruriently | Pryingly |
Psychically | Psychologically | Publically |
Publicly | Puckishly | Puerilely |
Puffingly | Puissantly | Pulingly |
Punctually | Pungently | Punily |
Punishingly | Punitively | Punitorily |
Purely | Purposedly | Purposefully |
Purposely | Pursuantly | Puzzlingly |
Also study: Complete List of Adverbs
Also Study: Adjectives starting with P
Positive Adverbs That Start With P
- Pragmatically
- Proudly
- Proficiently
- Productively
- Personally
- Please
- Propitiously
- Phenomenally
- Poignantly
- Pristinely
- Pertly
- Passionately
- Permissively
- Peacefully
- Pleasingly
- Preparedly
- Playfully
- Prevalently
- Persistently
- Prophetically
- Purposefully
- Perseveringly
- Precisely
- Persuasively
- Promisingly
- Princely
- Piquantly
- Promptly
- Properly
- Philosophically
- Popularly
- Practically
- Perspicuously
- Progressively
- Praiseworthily
- Prayerfully
- Particularly
- Proactively
- Perspicaciously
- Prominently
- Prodigiously
- Prudently
- Parentally
- Pleasurably
- Proper
- Patiently
- Protectively
- Profitably
- Piously
- Paternally
- Perfectly
- Plum
- Punctually
- Profoundly
- Positively
- Placidly
- Philanthropically
- Plenty
- Prolifically
- Purely
- Powerfully
- Poetically
- Peaceably
- Professionally
- Prosperously
- Public-spiritedly
- Perceptively
- Picturesquely
- Politely
- Preciously
- Prestigiously
Negative Adverbs That Start With P
- Painfully
- Paltrily
- Panderly
- Panickingly
- Parchedly
- Parenthetically
- Parochially
- Partially
- Partisanly
- Passively
- Pathetically
- Patronizingly
- Pauperly
- Pensively
- Peremptorily
- Perfidiously
- Perfunctorily
- Perilously
- Permanently
- Perniciously
- Perpetually
- Persnicketily
- Pessimistically
- Pestilentially
- Petty
- Phlegmatically
- Piggishly
- Pitiably
- Pitilessly
- Placidly
- Ploddingly
- Pointlessly
- Poisonously
- Pompously
- Poorly
- Popularly
- Poutily
- Pragmatically
- Precariously
- Precipitously
Adverbs that start with P Info-graphics
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