List of Spanish Words in English A-Z (Alphabetical List)

Welcome to “List of Spanish Words in English A-Z,” a comprehensive blog dedicated to exploring the rich and diverse world of Spanish vocabulary.

From the vibrant colors of daily life to the intricate nuances of culture and expression, Spanish words carry a melody and rhythm that resonate across continents. Our journey through the alphabet offers a unique window into the language’s essence, unfolding the beauty of each word and its English translation.

Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a curious learner, or a seasoned linguist, this blog is your gateway to understanding and appreciating the depth and charm of Spanish, one letter at a time.

Join us as we embark on this linguistic adventure, exploring the fascinating interplay between Spanish and English, and uncovering the stories behind the words.

Spanish Words in English A-Z

Below is the list of Spanish words in alphabetical order:


  • Amor – Love
  • Amigo – Friend
  • Agua – Water
  • Ayudar – Help
  • Amarillo – Yellow
  • Arriba – Up, above
  • Abajo – Down, below
  • Árbol – Tree
  • Animales – Animals
  • Abrir – Open
  • Aprender – Learn
  • Ayer – Yesterday
  • Alto – Tall, high
  • Antes – Before
  • Afuera – Outside
  • Adentro – Inside
  • Ahora – Now
  • Aire – Air
  • Auto – Car
  • Aurora – Dawn
  • Año – Year
  • Arte – Art
  • Ancho – Wide
  • Azul – Blue
  • Abuelo – Grandfather
  • Abuela – Grandmother
  • Almuerzo – Lunch
  • Alma – Soul
  • Apagar – Turn off
  • Avión – Airplane
  • Andar – Walk
  • Agradecer – To thank
  • Aroma – Aroma
  • Aventura – Adventure
  • Abrigo – Coat
  • Almohada – Pillow
  • Arena – Sand
  • Aceite – Oil
  • Asiento – Seat
  • Amanecer – Dawn
  • Anillo – Ring
  • Alegría – Happiness
  • Almendra – Almond
  • Asistir – Attend
  • Alma – Soul
  • Arroz – Rice
  • Aviso – Notice
  • Apio – Celery
  • Arco – Arch
  • Atardecer – Dusk
  • Ascensor – Elevator


  • Bueno – Good
  • Beber – Drink
  • Bonito – Pretty
  • Bajo – Short (in height)
  • Blanco – White
  • Buscar – Search, look for
  • Biblioteca – Library
  • Bicicleta – Bicycle
  • Bailar – Dance
  • Barato – Cheap
  • Brazo – Arm
  • Bolsa – Bag
  • Baño – Bathroom
  • Botella – Bottle
  • Boca – Mouth
  • Bosque – Forest
  • Bebé – Baby
  • Beso – Kiss
  • Botón – Button
  • Boda – Wedding
  • Beneficio – Benefit
  • Batería – Battery
  • Banana – Banana
  • Barco – Boat
  • Balón – Ball
  • Brillar – Shine
  • Bestia – Beast
  • Balcón – Balcony
  • Bufanda – Scarf
  • Barrer – Sweep
  • Brazalete – Bracelet
  • Burlarse – Mock, make fun of
  • Brote – Sprout
  • Brillo – Brightness
  • Bufón – Jester
  • Burla – Joke
  • Búho – Owl
  • Bulto – Lump, bump
  • Burbuja – Bubble
  • Brújula – Compass
  • Bulto – Bundle
  • Bisagra – Hinge
  • Barranco – Ravine
  • Barrera – Barrier
  • Blandir – Wield
  • Bruma – Mist
  • Borde – Edge
  • Bálsamo – Balm
  • Brújula – Compass
  • Bendición – Blessing


  • Casa – House
  • Coche – Car
  • Ciudad – City
  • Comer – Eat
  • Calor – Heat
  • Correr – Run
  • Color – Color
  • Cielo – Sky
  • Calle – Street
  • Cama – Bed
  • Cabeza – Head
  • Corazón – Heart
  • Cuatro – Four
  • Café – Coffee
  • Canción – Song
  • Cuerpo – Body
  • Cara – Face
  • Computadora – Computer
  • Cumpleaños – Birthday
  • Clase – Class
  • Cocina – Kitchen
  • Cuchillo – Knife
  • Camino – Path, road
  • Cultura – Culture
  • Crear – Create
  • Cielo – Sky, heaven
  • Calma – Calm
  • Cuento – Story, tale
  • Cuadro – Painting, picture
  • Cruz – Cross
  • Cobre – Copper
  • Cadena – Chain
  • Codo – Elbow
  • Codo – Stingy
  • Cuerno – Horn
  • Cuna – Cradle
  • Cima – Summit, top
  • Cubo – Cube
  • Cubo – Bucket
  • Cuero – Leather
  • Corte – Cut
  • Cola – Tail
  • Cola – Glue
  • Calvo – Bald
  • Canto – Chant, song
  • Caro – Expensive
  • Caja – Box
  • Cartera – Wallet
  • Cuchara – Spoon
  • Collar – Necklace


  • Esperar – Wait, hope
  • Escribir – Write
  • Escuela – School
  • Estrella – Star
  • Estar – Be (state of being)
  • Elefante – Elephant
  • Ejemplo – Example
  • Elegir – Choose, select
  • Especial – Special
  • Empezar – Start, begin
  • Entrada – Entrance
  • Entender – Understand
  • Equipo – Team
  • Energía – Energy
  • Explicar – Explain
  • Experiencia – Experience
  • Escuchar – Listen
  • Edificio – Building
  • Extraño – Strange, unusual
  • Economía – Economy
  • Enseñar – Teach
  • Error – Error, mistake
  • Estación – Station, season
  • Efecto – Effect
  • Estilo – Style
  • Etapa – Stage, phase
  • Evento – Event
  • Exacto – Exact
  • Éxito – Success
  • Emoción – Emotion
  • Empresa – Company, business
  • Encanto – Charm
  • Escala – Scale, ladder
  • Escenario – Scenario, stage
  • Espejo – Mirror
  • Especie – Species
  • Esquema – Scheme, outline
  • Estatua – Statue
  • Estrategia – Strategy
  • Eternidad – Eternity
  • Examen – Exam
  • Excusa – Excuse
  • Ejército – Army
  • Euforia – Euphoria
  • Evolución – Evolution
  • Edad – Age
  • Enfermedad – Illness
  • Enemigo – Enemy
  • Enlace – Link, bond
  • Enfoque – Focus


  • Día – Day
  • Dinero – Money
  • Dormir – Sleep
  • Decir – Say, tell
  • Dulce – Sweet
  • Derecho – Right (direction)
  • Derecho – Right (legal)
  • Dolor – Pain
  • Doctor – Doctor
  • Danza – Dance
  • Dibujo – Drawing
  • Diente – Tooth
  • Dedo – Finger
  • Desierto – Desert
  • Dueño – Owner
  • Donde – Where
  • Difícil – Difficult
  • Durante – During
  • Demasiado – Too much
  • Descubrir – Discover
  • Deseo – Desire, wish
  • Disfrutar – Enjoy
  • Distancia – Distance
  • Detalle – Detail
  • Deber – Duty, must
  • Destino – Destiny, destination
  • Danza – Dance
  • Deporte – Sport
  • Diario – Daily, diary
  • Duda – Doubt
  • Dulzura – Sweetness
  • Dragón – Dragon
  • Dama – Lady
  • Dominar – Dominate
  • Diplomacia – Diplomacy
  • Dinámica – Dynamics
  • Descanso – Rest
  • Documento – Document
  • Diploma – Diploma
  • Diversidad – Diversity
  • Dosis – Dose
  • Devoción – Devotion
  • Dibujo – Drawing
  • Dictado – Dictation
  • Dilema – Dilemma
  • Disciplina – Discipline
  • Distribuir – Distribute
  • Divertido – Fun
  • Dúo – Duo
  • Descuento – Discount


  • Familia – Family
  • Fuego – Fire
  • Feliz – Happy
  • Frío – Cold
  • Fruta – Fruit
  • Foto – Photo
  • Fiesta – Party
  • Flor – Flower
  • Fácil – Easy
  • Fuerte – Strong
  • Futuro – Future
  • Forma – Shape, form
  • Favor – Favor
  • Frontera – Border
  • Fin – End
  • Frase – Phrase
  • Fútbol – Football, soccer
  • Falta – Lack, fault
  • Funcionar – Work, function
  • Famoso – Famous
  • Fábrica – Factory
  • Fresco – Fresh, cool
  • Fondo – Background, bottom
  • Fumar – Smoke
  • Frase – Sentence
  • Fuerza – Strength, force
  • Fe – Faith
  • Fiebre – Fever
  • Final – Final, end
  • Firma – Signature
  • Filosofía – Philosophy
  • Festival – Festival
  • Frecuencia – Frequency
  • Fantasía – Fantasy
  • Fósforo – Match (for fire)
  • Funda – Case, cover
  • Feria – Fair
  • Fusión – Fusion
  • Fracaso – Failure
  • Frente – Forehead, front
  • Favorito – Favorite
  • Fantasma – Ghost
  • Fábula – Fable
  • Figura – Figure
  • Folio – Sheet (of paper)
  • Fertilidad – Fertility
  • Futbolista – Football player, soccer player
  • Filtrar – Filter
  • Flotar – Float
  • Flexibilidad – Flexibility


  • Gato – Cat
  • Grande – Big, large
  • Ganar – Win, earn
  • Gente – People
  • Gusto – Taste, pleasure
  • Gobierno – Government
  • Gol – Goal (in sports)
  • Guerra – War
  • Grupo – Group
  • Guía – Guide
  • Golpe – Hit, strike
  • Girar – Turn, spin
  • Gris – Gray
  • Gracia – Grace, charm
  • Galleta – Cookie
  • Garganta – Throat
  • Globo – Balloon, globe
  • Granja – Farm
  • Guardar – Save, keep
  • Gusano – Worm
  • Ganancia – Profit, gain
  • Gorra – Cap
  • Gafas – Glasses
  • Garaje – Garage
  • Gesto – Gesture
  • Generoso – Generous
  • Grano – Grain
  • Guitarra – Guitar
  • Gemelo – Twin
  • Garantía – Warranty, guarantee
  • Gasolina – Gasoline
  • Gema – Gem
  • Gel – Gel
  • Generación – Generation
  • Gobernar – Govern
  • Gráfico – Graph
  • Graduación – Graduation
  • Gramática – Grammar
  • Gravedad – Gravity
  • Grueso – Thick
  • Guante – Glove
  • Gallo – Rooster
  • Ganado – Cattle
  • Garra – Claw
  • Gas – Gas
  • Gaviota – Seagull
  • Gestión – Management
  • Goma – Rubber, eraser
  • Guayaba – Guava
  • Guion – Script


  • Hola – Hello
  • Hacer – To do, make
  • Hombre – Man
  • Hablar – To speak
  • Hora – Hour, time
  • Hijo – Son
  • Hija – Daughter
  • Hotel – Hotel
  • Historia – History, story
  • Huevo – Egg
  • Hoy – Today
  • Hermano – Brother
  • Hermana – Sister
  • Hambre – Hunger
  • Humano – Human
  • Humor – Humor
  • Helado – Ice cream
  • Hogar – Home
  • Hierro – Iron
  • Hielo – Ice
  • Hueso – Bone
  • Honor – Honor
  • Huerto – Orchard, vegetable garden
  • Hilo – Thread
  • Herramienta – Tool
  • Héroe – Hero
  • Herida – Wound, injury
  • Huelga – Strike (protest)
  • Habilidad – Skill, ability
  • Halcón – Falcon
  • Harina – Flour
  • Hasta – Until
  • Hueco – Hole
  • Huracán – Hurricane
  • Humedad – Humidity
  • Hipótesis – Hypothesis
  • Horizontal – Horizontal
  • Hospital – Hospital
  • Humilde – Humble
  • Hinchazón – Swelling
  • Hiedra – Ivy
  • Horizonte – Horizon
  • Hechizo – Spell, enchantment
  • Hada – Fairy
  • Hoguera – Bonfire
  • Huesped – Guest
  • Hígado – Liver
  • Hormiga – Ant
  • Hipoteca – Mortgage
  • Hembra – Female


  • Idea – Idea
  • Iglesia – Church
  • Importante – Important
  • Isla – Island
  • Izquierda – Left (direction)
  • Invierno – Winter
  • Imagen – Image, picture
  • Iniciar – Initiate, start
  • Información – Information
  • Interesante – Interesting
  • Ingeniero – Engineer
  • Invitar – Invite
  • Industria – Industry
  • Insecto – Insect
  • Inteligente – Intelligent
  • Instrumento – Instrument
  • Instante – Instant, moment
  • Incluir – Include
  • Índice – Index
  • Invertir – Invest
  • Inmigrante – Immigrant
  • Indicar – Indicate
  • Interno – Internal
  • Instituto – Institute
  • Ilusión – Illusion, hope
  • Inocente – Innocent
  • Inmenso – Immense
  • Íntimo – Intimate
  • Idea – Idea
  • Igual – Equal, same
  • Impacto – Impact
  • Infección – Infection
  • Intensidad – Intensity
  • Iluminar – Illuminate
  • Inusual – Unusual
  • Inmediato – Immediate
  • Incluso – Including
  • Ingresar – Enter, enroll
  • Incapacidad – Disability
  • Irritar – Irritate
  • Insistir – Insist
  • Influir – Influence
  • Identificar – Identify
  • Ilustrar – Illustrate
  • Inquietud – Restlessness, anxiety
  • Infancia – Childhood
  • Irónico – Ironic
  • Inmortal – Immortal
  • Índigo – Indigo
  • Imán – Magnet


  • Jugar – Play
  • Joven – Young, youth
  • Justo – Fair, just
  • Jardín – Garden
  • Joya – Jewel
  • Jamás – Never
  • Jersey – Sweater
  • Juez – Judge
  • Jugar – To play
  • Junio – June
  • Julio – July
  • Jirafa – Giraffe
  • Jabón – Soap
  • Juego – Game
  • Junto – Together
  • Jornada – Day’s work, journey
  • Jengibre – Ginger
  • Juicio – Judgment, trial
  • Jubilación – Retirement
  • Juguete – Toy
  • Jurado – Jury
  • Jactarse – Boast
  • Jinete – Rider, horseman
  • Jaula – Cage
  • Jeque – Sheikh
  • Joya – Jewel, gem
  • Jabalí – Wild boar
  • Jubiloso – Joyful
  • Júbilo – Joy
  • Jalea – Jelly
  • Jengibre – Ginger
  • Jardinero – Gardener
  • Jarrón – Vase
  • Jerarquía – Hierarchy
  • Jeroglífico – Hieroglyph
  • Jesuita – Jesuit
  • Jet – Jet
  • Jinete – Rider, horseman
  • Jitomate – Tomato (in some regions)
  • Jocoso – Jocular, funny
  • Jornal – Daily wage
  • Jornalero – Day laborer
  • Joyero – Jeweler
  • Juanete – Bunion
  • Judía – Bean
  • Judicial – Judicial
  • Judo – Judo
  • Jueves – Thursday
  • Juguetería – Toy store
  • Juliana – Julianne (cut in cooking)


Many words in Spanish that start with the letter ‘K’ are borrowed from other languages, reflecting the diverse influences on the Spanish language. Here’s a list of such words, showcasing the adaptability and inclusiveness of Spanish vocabulary.

  • Kilómetro – Kilometer
  • Karate – Karate
  • Kilo – Kilo, kilogram
  • Kiwi – Kiwi (fruit)
  • Kárate – Karate (alternative spelling)
  • Káiser – Kaiser
  • Kéfir – Kefir (type of fermented milk drink)
  • Karma – Karma
  • Kayak – Kayak
  • Ketchup – Ketchup
  • Koala – Koala
  • Kimono – Kimono
  • Krill – Krill
  • Kilovatio – Kilowatt
  • Kitsch – Kitsch (art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste)
  • Kuwaití – Kuwaiti
  • Kárateka – Karateka (a karate practitioner)
  • Kiosco – Kiosk
  • Kilogramo – Kilogram
  • Kinesiología – Kinesiology
  • Kaki – Persimmon (also known as Sharon fruit)
  • Karaoke – Karaoke
  • Kilovoltio – Kilovolt
  • Kazajo – Kazakh
  • Kurdistaní – Kurdish (pertaining to Kurdistan)
  • Kártel – Cartel
  • Kafkiano – Kafkaesque
  • Kanji – Kanji (Japanese writing characters)
  • Kitsch – Kitsch
  • Kilocaloría – Kilocalorie
  • Knockout – Knockout
  • Kickboxing – Kickboxing
  • Kung-fu – Kung Fu
  • Karst – Karst (a type of landscape)
  • Kiosko – Kiosk (alternative spelling)
  • Kilohertzio – Kilohertz
  • Kantiano – Kantian (related to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant)
  • Kafkiano – Kafkaesque (surreal or oppressive complexity)
  • Kamikaze – Kamikaze
  • Kinesioterapia – Kinesiotherapy
  • Kinesiólogo – Kinesiologist
  • Karstificación – Karstification (process of landscape formation)
  • Kriptón – Krypton
  • Kinesiotape – Kinesio tape
  • Kiwi – Kiwi (bird)
  • Képi – Kepi (flat-topped military cap)
  • Kraken – Kraken (mythical sea monster)
  • Kilates – Carats (measure of gold purity)
  • Kermés – Kermes (a type of fair or festival)
  • Kleptomanía – Kleptomania


  • Libro – Book
  • Luz – Light
  • Leer – Read
  • Luna – Moon
  • Largo – Long
  • Llegar – Arrive
  • Lugar – Place
  • Leche – Milk
  • Llave – Key
  • Línea – Line
  • Libertad – Freedom
  • Llamar – Call
  • Lento – Slow
  • Lápiz – Pencil
  • Lengua – Tongue, language
  • Lluvia – Rain
  • Lista – List
  • Limón – Lemon
  • León – Lion
  • Lindo – Pretty, cute
  • Lleno – Full
  • Lágrima – Tear
  • Lobo – Wolf
  • Lanzar – Throw
  • Ladrillo – Brick
  • Laboratorio – Laboratory
  • Latitud – Latitude
  • Legumbre – Vegetable
  • Lectura – Reading
  • Legislación – Legislation
  • Letra – Letter (of the alphabet)
  • Líder – Leader
  • Lógica – Logic
  • Lujo – Luxury
  • Licencia – License
  • Latir – Beat (as in heart)
  • Lazo – Ribbon, bond
  • Limpiar – Clean
  • Lavanda – Lavender
  • Líquido – Liquid
  • Locura – Madness
  • Ladrón – Thief
  • Límite – Limit
  • Laboral – Work-related
  • Laguna – Lagoon
  • Lengüeta – Tongue (of a shoe)
  • Licuadora – Blender
  • Lámpara – Lamp
  • Litoral – Coast
  • Lírico – Lyrical


  • Madre – Mother
  • Mundo – World
  • Más – More
  • Mano – Hand
  • Mar – Sea
  • Mirar – Look, watch
  • Mañana – Tomorrow, morning
  • Mujer – Woman
  • Momento – Moment
  • Miedo – Fear
  • Mesa – Table
  • Música – Music
  • Montaña – Mountain
  • Mercado – Market
  • Medicina – Medicine
  • Movimiento – Movement
  • Mensaje – Message
  • Mente – Mind
  • Mejor – Better, best
  • Muchacho – Boy
  • Muchacha – Girl
  • Maestro – Teacher (male)
  • Maestra – Teacher (female)
  • Mapa – Map
  • Madera – Wood
  • Máquina – Machine
  • Minuto – Minute
  • Muro – Wall
  • Moda – Fashion
  • Mágico – Magical
  • Moneda – Coin
  • Misión – Mission
  • Motor – Engine
  • Memoria – Memory
  • Misterio – Mystery
  • Matemáticas – Mathematics
  • Medio – Half, medium
  • Mitad – Half
  • Miel – Honey
  • Máximo – Maximum
  • Monstruo – Monster
  • Mármol – Marble
  • Molino – Mill
  • Melodía – Melody
  • Milagro – Miracle
  • Morado – Purple
  • Máscara – Mask
  • Militar – Military
  • Mueble – Furniture
  • Margarita – Daisy


  • Nombre – Name
  • Noche – Night
  • Nunca – Never
  • Nada – Nothing
  • Nuevo – New
  • Necesitar – Need
  • Nariz – Nose
  • Niño – Boy, child
  • Niña – Girl, child
  • Naturaleza – Nature
  • Norte – North
  • Noticia – News
  • Nube – Cloud
  • Nacional – National
  • Número – Number
  • Negro – Black
  • Novela – Novel
  • Navidad – Christmas
  • Nadar – Swim
  • Nota – Note, grade
  • Normal – Normal
  • Necesidad – Necessity
  • Negocio – Business
  • Nervioso – Nervous
  • Nieve – Snow
  • Novio – Boyfriend
  • Novia – Girlfriend
  • Nacer – Be born
  • Narrar – Narrate
  • Nave – Ship
  • Nivel – Level
  • Naranja – Orange (color, fruit)
  • Neblina – Fog
  • Nudo – Knot
  • Noble – Noble
  • Notar – Notice
  • Nutrir – Nurture, nourish
  • Nación – Nation
  • Níquel – Nickel
  • Nopal – Prickly pear cactus
  • Níveo – Snowy, white
  • Nata – Cream
  • Nómada – Nomad
  • Natación – Swimming
  • Nostalgia – Nostalgia
  • Neurona – Neuron
  • Neutral – Neutral
  • Nectarina – Nectarine
  • Niquelado – Nickel-plated


  • Ñoño – Dull, boring
  • Ñu – Wildebeest
  • Ñora – A type of small, round, red bell pepper
  • Ñoquis – Gnocchi
  • Ñandú – Rhea (a large bird similar to an ostrich)
  • Ñame – Yam
  • Ñaque – Trifle, insignificance
  • Ñoñez – Childishness
  • Ñublado – Cloudy
  • Ñandutí – A type of Paraguayan lace
  • Ñuñoa – A commune in Chile
  • Ñora – Bell pepper (specific type)
  • Ñeque – Stamina, grit
  • Ñurda – Left-handed (slang)
  • Ñandúes – Rheas (plural of Ñandú)
  • Ñisca – A small amount (regional usage)
  • Ñublo – Cloudiness, obscurity
  • Ñíspola – Medlar (type of fruit)
  • Ñandubay – A type of tree in South America
  • Ñoñería – Foolishness, silliness
  • Ñeñear – To act childishly
  • Ñurda – Left-handed (slang, alternative spelling)
  • Ñire – A type of beech tree native to southern Chile and Argentina
  • Ñipas – A town in Chile
  • Ñeñi – Small, tiny (childish language)
  • Ñiño – Little boy (affectionate term)
  • Ñatita – Term of endearment, literally means ‘little nose’
  • Ñeque – Force, energy (slang)
  • Ñoñerías – Foolishnesses (plural of Ñoñería)
  • Ñú – Wildebeest (alternative spelling)
  • Ñudoso – Knotty
  • Ñuboso – Cloudy, overcast
  • Ñoclo – Lump, clod (slang)
  • Ñuble – A region in Chile
  • Ñeclis – A colloquial term (regional usage)
  • Ñapanga – Big lip (slang)
  • Ñoroso – Snoring (adjective)
  • Ñangotado – Exhausted, worn out
  • Ñora – A type of chorizo (in some regions)
  • Ñecla – A clumsy person (slang)
  • Ñoco – Fool, simpleton (slang)
  • Ñengo – A nickname or term for a street-smart person
  • Ñus – Wildebeests (plural of Ñu)
  • Ñorbo – A derogatory term for a lazy person
  • Ñiposo – Snobbish, finicky
  • Ñuble – A province in Chile
  • Ñora – A type of dance (regional)
  • Ñeblina – Mist, fog (another word for neblina)
  • Ñandutí – A type of spider web
  • Ñapa – A small extra addition or bonus
  • Ñandutí – A type of traditional Paraguayan embroidered lace


  • Ojo – Eye
  • Oír – Hear
  • Otro – Other
  • Olvidar – Forget
  • Oro – Gold
  • Obtener – Obtain
  • Oficina – Office
  • Oportunidad – Opportunity
  • Ocupar – Occupy, use
  • Orden – Order
  • Océano – Ocean
  • Oveja – Sheep
  • Objeto – Object
  • Operación – Operation
  • Opinión – Opinion
  • Ofrecer – Offer
  • Oso – Bear
  • Orgullo – Pride
  • Observar – Observe
  • Ocultar – Hide
  • Olla – Pot
  • Obra – Work, piece of work
  • Otoño – Autumn
  • Oscuro – Dark
  • Origen – Origin
  • Orquesta – Orchestra
  • Onda – Wave
  • Orientar – Orient, guide
  • Original – Original
  • Olor – Smell
  • Oferta – Offer, sale
  • Ovación – Ovation
  • Oxígeno – Oxygen
  • Oasis – Oasis
  • Optimista – Optimistic
  • Obligar – Oblige, force
  • Oído – Ear, hearing
  • Orilla – Shore, edge
  • Omitir – Omit
  • Ortografía – Spelling
  • Órgano – Organ
  • Obedecer – Obey
  • Opuesto – Opposite
  • Ocasión – Occasion
  • Obligación – Obligation
  • Oeste – West
  • Objetivo – Objective, goal
  • Oficial – Official
  • Ojo – Eye, look
  • Oveja – Sheep


  1. Palabra – Word
  2. Padre – Father
  3. Poder – Power, to be able to
  4. Poner – Put, place
  5. Pais – Country
  6. Parte – Part
  7. Pequeño – Small
  8. Persona – Person
  9. Pensar – Think
  10. Pregunta – Question
  11. Pasar – Pass, spend time
  12. Problema – Problem
  13. Pueblo – Town, village
  14. Puerta – Door
  15. Perro – Dog
  16. Papel – Paper
  17. Película – Movie
  18. Primero – First
  19. Pelear – Fight
  20. Pescado – Fish
  21. Piso – Floor, apartment
  22. Pintar – Paint
  23. Paz – Peace
  24. Plaza – Square
  25. Planta – Plant
  26. Pelo – Hair
  27. Precio – Price
  28. Pronto – Soon
  29. Punto – Point
  30. Pie – Foot
  31. Pared – Wall
  32. Pan – Bread
  33. Pagar – Pay
  34. Pobre – Poor
  35. Parar – Stop
  36. Proyecto – Project
  37. Producir – Produce
  38. Prometer – Promise
  39. Peligro – Danger
  40. Paciente – Patient
  41. Pronunciar – Pronounce
  42. Política – Politics
  43. Presencia – Presence
  44. Público – Public
  45. Pensamiento – Thought
  46. Placer – Pleasure
  47. Profesor – Teacher, professor
  48. Piedra – Stone
  49. Permiso – Permission
  50. Parque – Park


  • Que – That, which
  • Querer – To want, love
  • Quién – Who
  • Quedar – Stay, remain
  • Quitar – Remove, take away
  • Quizás – Perhaps
  • Quince – Fifteen
  • Química – Chemistry
  • Quieto – Still, quiet
  • Querido – Dear, beloved
  • Queja – Complaint
  • Querer – To want, love
  • Quemar – Burn
  • Quinceañera – Fifteenth birthday celebration
  • Querella – Quarrel, complaint
  • Quinto – Fifth
  • Quisquilloso – Fussy, picky
  • Quebrar – Break
  • Quebranto – Breakdown, weakening
  • Quinta – Villa, country house
  • Quincena – Fortnight
  • Quiromancia – Palmistry
  • Quiropráctico – Chiropractor
  • Quorum – Quorum
  • Quisiera – I would like
  • Quechua – Quechua (Andean indigenous people)
  • Quinientos – Five hundred
  • Quisquilloso – Fussy, finicky
  • Quehacer – Chore, task
  • Quilómetro – Kilometer
  • Quilates – Carats
  • Quebrada – Ravine
  • Quimera – Chimera, fantasy
  • Quinteto – Quintet
  • Quintal – Quintal (unit of weight)
  • Quinoa – Quinoa
  • Quirófano – Operating room
  • Quimono – Kimono
  • Quinina – Quinine
  • Quirúrgico – Surgical
  • Querubín – Cherub
  • Quinta – Fifth (alternative usage)
  • Quiche – Quiche
  • Quintaesencia – Quintessence
  • Quijada – Jaw
  • Quisquilla – Shrimp, prawn
  • Quepis – Kepi (cap)
  • Quetzal – Quetzal (bird)
  • Quindío – Quindío (region in Colombia)
  • Quinoa – Quinoa (alternative spelling)


  • Rosa – Rose
  • Río – River
  • Rojo – Red
  • Rápido – Fast
  • Realizar – Carry out, realize
  • Razón – Reason
  • Reír – Laugh
  • Rey – King
  • Ropa – Clothes
  • Rico – Rich, tasty
  • Reloj – Watch, clock
  • Reunión – Meeting
  • Recordar – Remember
  • Romper – Break
  • Regalo – Gift
  • Rato – While, short time
  • Raza – Race, breed
  • Riesgo – Risk
  • Rueda – Wheel
  • Rana – Frog
  • Ruta – Route
  • Ruido – Noise
  • Rostro – Face
  • Raíz – Root
  • Ritmo – Rhythm
  • Reina – Queen
  • Resto – Rest, remainder
  • Roca – Rock
  • Región – Region
  • Rural – Rural
  • Receta – Recipe, prescription
  • Respeto – Respect
  • Rival – Rival
  • Reto – Challenge
  • Radio – Radio
  • Recurso – Resource
  • Robar – Steal
  • Rama – Branch
  • Ratón – Mouse
  • Rango – Rank
  • Rostro – Face
  • Rugido – Roar
  • Resumen – Summary
  • Rastro – Trace, track
  • Riguroso – Rigorous
  • Rueda – Wheel
  • Revolución – Revolution
  • Rellenar – Fill in, stuff
  • Refugio – Refuge
  • Rebanada – Slice


  • Sol – Sun
  • Ser – To be
  • Siempre – Always
  • Saber – Know
  • Salir – Leave, go out
  • Silla – Chair
  • Semana – Week
  • Sentir – Feel
  • Suelo – Ground, floor
  • Sangre – Blood
  • Sueño – Dream, sleep
  • Sombrero – Hat
  • Silencio – Silence
  • Sonreír – Smile
  • Suerte – Luck
  • Sistema – System
  • Salud – Health
  • Segundo – Second
  • Simple – Simple
  • Sabor – Flavor
  • Secreto – Secret
  • Sorpresa – Surprise
  • Suficiente – Enough
  • Seguir – Follow, continue
  • Sombra – Shadow
  • Suelo – Soil
  • Saber – To know
  • Señor – Mister, Sir
  • Señora – Mrs., Lady
  • Señal – Signal, sign
  • Situación – Situation
  • Sociedad – Society
  • Sal – Salt
  • Solución – Solution
  • Soldado – Soldier
  • Sótano – Basement
  • Sufrir – Suffer
  • Sospecha – Suspicion
  • Soga – Rope
  • Suceder – Happen
  • Sustancia – Substance
  • Soportar – Bear, endure
  • Superficie – Surface
  • Simpatía – Sympathy
  • Silla – Chair
  • Seda – Silk
  • Sabio – Wise
  • Sirena – Mermaid, siren
  • Sandalia – Sandal
  • Sorpresa – Surprise


  • Tiempo – Time
  • Tener – To have
  • Trabajar – Work
  • Tarde – Afternoon, late
  • Tierra – Earth, land
  • Tomar – Take, drink
  • También – Also
  • Todo – Everything, all
  • Tren – Train
  • Taza – Cup
  • Teléfono – Telephone
  • Temprano – Early
  • Tema – Theme, subject
  • Tipo – Type
  • Tener – To have
  • Teatro – Theater
  • Total – Total
  • Techo – Roof, ceiling
  • Tradición – Tradition
  • Tormenta – Storm
  • Tesoro – Treasure
  • Turista – Tourist
  • Tabla – Table, board
  • Triste – Sad
  • Tío – Uncle
  • Tía – Aunt
  • Trabajo – Work, job
  • Tamaño – Size
  • Teoría – Theory
  • Transporte – Transport
  • Tecnología – Technology
  • Traducir – Translate
  • Triunfo – Triumph
  • Trato – Deal, treatment
  • Testigo – Witness
  • Talento – Talent
  • Tropical – Tropical
  • Tendencia – Trend
  • Tolerancia – Tolerance
  • Templo – Temple
  • Tercero – Third
  • Tinta – Ink
  • Tiburón – Shark
  • Tornillo – Screw
  • Trigo – Wheat
  • Trompeta – Trumpet
  • Tienda – Store, tent
  • Tostada – Toast
  • Terapia – Therapy
  • Túnel – Tunnel


  • Uno – One
  • Usar – Use
  • Último – Last
  • Unir – Unite, join
  • Universo – Universe
  • Universidad – University
  • Urgente – Urgent
  • Útil – Useful
  • Unidad – Unit
  • Unión – Union
  • Uva – Grape
  • Uso – Use, usage
  • Usuario – User
  • Ubicación – Location
  • Urgencia – Urgency
  • Utopía – Utopia
  • Uniforme – Uniform
  • Único – Unique, only
  • Ultra – Ultra
  • Unánime – Unanimous
  • Uña – Nail (finger or toe)
  • Ultrasonido – Ultrasound
  • Umbral – Threshold
  • Urbe – City, metropolis
  • Uruguayo – Uruguayan
  • Unánimemente – Unanimously
  • Ultramarino – Overseas
  • Unilateral – Unilateral
  • Ulterior – Ulterior, further
  • Ufología – Ufology
  • Uranio – Uranium
  • Ulceroso – Ulcerous
  • Ubre – Udder
  • Ucronía – Uchronia (alternative history)
  • Ufano – Proud, pleased
  • Ultraje – Outrage, insult
  • Ultravioleta – Ultraviolet
  • Ululante – Howling, wailing
  • Umbrío – Shady
  • Ungüento – Ointment
  • Unicelular – Unicellular
  • Ungulado – Ungulate
  • Unilateralmente – Unilaterally
  • Uniformidad – Uniformity
  • Unívoco – Unambiguous, unequivocal
  • Urbano – Urban
  • Urraca – Magpie
  • Urología – Urology
  • Usura – Usury
  • Utilidad – Utility, usefulness


  • Ver – See
  • Vida – Life
  • Voz – Voice
  • Viajar – Travel
  • Verde – Green
  • Ventana – Window
  • Vender – Sell
  • Vino – Wine
  • Valor – Value, courage
  • Viento – Wind
  • Vehículo – Vehicle
  • Vista – View, sight
  • Vivir – Live
  • Vacaciones – Vacation
  • Visitar – Visit
  • Vaso – Glass, cup
  • Vuelo – Flight
  • Vestido – Dress
  • Viejo – Old
  • Vecino – Neighbor
  • Volver – Return
  • Variedad – Variety
  • Virtud – Virtue
  • Virus – Virus
  • Vuelta – Turn, return
  • Vigilar – Watch over, monitor
  • Vital – Vital
  • Voluntad – Will, volition
  • Vulgar – Common, vulgar
  • Vacío – Empty
  • Venganza – Revenge
  • Volumen – Volume
  • Valle – Valley
  • Víctima – Victim
  • Varón – Male
  • Vapor – Steam
  • Verso – Verse
  • Vestir – Dress, wear
  • Vibrar – Vibrate
  • Vicio – Vice
  • Viaje – Trip, journey
  • Válido – Valid
  • Vanguardia – Vanguard
  • Viga – Beam
  • Vincular – Link, bind
  • Violín – Violin
  • Visión – Vision
  • Vitalidad – Vitality
  • Vuelco – Overturn, radical change
  • Vocación – Vocation, calling


The letter ‘W’ is relatively uncommon in Spanish, and the majority of words starting with this letter are derived from foreign languages. This list exemplifies how Spanish has incorporated international terms into its lexicon.

  • Washington – Washington (as in the city or state)
  • Waterpolo – Water polo
  • Web – Web (as in internet)
  • Wifi – Wi-Fi
  • Western – Western (as in the film genre)
  • Whisky – Whiskey
  • Windsurf – Windsurfing
  • Walkman – Walkman (portable music player)
  • Wagneriano – Wagnerian (related to Richard Wagner)
  • Wélter – Welter (as in weight class in sports)
  • Watt – Watt (unit of power)
  • Wolframio – Tungsten (also known as wolfram)
  • Webmaster – Webmaster
  • Wok – Wok (cooking pan)
  • Wisconsin – Wisconsin
  • Windsurfista – Windsurfer
  • Western – Western (as in cultural influence)
  • Wagon-lit – Sleeping car (in a train)
  • Weber – Weber (unit of magnetic flux)
  • Waterpolista – Water polo player
  • C. (Water Closet) – Toilet, restroom
  • Wall Street – Wall Street
  • Widget – Widget (in computing)
  • Workflow – Workflow
  • Windsurfing – Windsurfing (alternative spelling)
  • Wearable – Wearable (as in technology)
  • Wikipedia – Wikipedia
  • Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi (alternative spelling)
  • Workshop – Workshop
  • Wellington – Wellington (as in the capital city of New Zealand)
  • Wrapping – Wrapping
  • Westfalia – Westphalia
  • Windsor – Windsor (as in the location or style)
  • Wombat – Wombat
  • Wrap – Wrap (as in food)
  • Whiskería – Whiskey bar
  • Windsurfear – To windsurf (verb)
  • C. (Wheelchair) – Wheelchair
  • Wagnerianismo – Wagnerism
  • Warrant – Warrant
  • Webinar – Webinar
  • Wattímetro – Wattmeter
  • Winchester – Winchester (type of disk drive)
  • Wiener – Wiener (as in sausage)
  • Walkie-talkie – Walkie-talkie
  • Wonton – Wonton
  • Wagnerismo – Wagnerism (alternative spelling)
  • Walabi – Wallaby
  • Wéber – Weber (alternative spelling)
  • Wushu – Wushu (Chinese martial arts)


The letter ‘X’ is relatively rare in Spanish, and it often appears in words of indigenous origin or words borrowed from other languages. Here are some Spanish words starting with ‘X’, along with their English translations:

  1. Xilografía – Woodcut, xylography
  2. Xenofobia – Xenophobia
  3. Xilófono – Xylophone
  4. Xenón – Xenon
  5. Xeroftalmia – Xerophthalmia (dryness of the eyes)
  6. Xilofonista – Xylophonist
  7. Xerojardinería – Xeriscaping (landscaping that reduces the need for irrigation)
  8. Xilografista – Xylographer
  9. Xenotrasplante – Xenotransplantation (transplanting organs or tissues between species)
  10. Xero – Xero- (prefix meaning ‘dry’)
  11. Xerocopia – Xerocopy, photocopy
  12. Xilema – Xylem (type of plant tissue)
  13. Xoconostle – Xoconostle (a type of prickly pear cactus fruit)
  14. Xantoma – Xanthoma (a skin condition)
  15. Xenotransplante – Xenotransplant
  16. Xilosa – Xylose (a type of sugar)
  17. Xantofila – Xanthophyll (a type of pigment)
  18. Xenófilo – Xenophile
  19. Xifoides – Xiphoid process (part of the sternum)
  20. Xerodermia – Xeroderma (a skin condition)
  21. Xeroderma – Xeroderma
  22. Xantopsia – Xanthopsia (a visual condition)
  23. Xocoyote – Youngest child (colloquial in some regions)
  24. Xenofilia – Xenophilia
  25. Xantina – Xanthine (a type of chemical compound)
  26. Xenobiótico – Xenobiotic (pertaining to a substance foreign to the body)
  27. Xerografía – Xerography
  28. Xerófito – Xerophyte (a plant adapted to dry environments)
  29. Xerofítico – Xerophytic
  30. Xantelasma – Xanthelasma (a skin condition)
  31. Xantófago – Xanthophagous (feeding on yellow plants)
  32. Xenocracia – Xenocracy (government by foreigners)
  33. Xenogénesis – Xenogenesis
  34. Xenón – Xenon
  35. Xenón – Xenon (alternative spelling)
  36. Xilófago – Xylophagous (feeding on wood)
  37. Xerófila – Xerophilous (adjective of xerophyte)
  38. Xilogravura – Wood engraving
  39. Xilográfico – Xylographic
  40. Xilografiado – Xylographed
  41. Xerostomía – Xerostomia (dry mouth)
  42. Xilógrafo – Xylographer
  43. Xerófito – Xerophyte
  44. Xenobiología – Xenobiology
  45. Xenogeneic – Xenogeneic (from a different species)
  46. Xilófono – Xylophone
  47. Xenotipo – Xenotype (a non-standard type)
  48. Xifópago – Xiphopagus (conjoined twins)
  49. Xilografía – Woodcut, xylography
  50. Xantina – Xanthine


  • Y – And
  • Ya – Already, now
  • Yate – Yacht
  • Yema – Yolk, bud
  • Yogur – Yogurt
  • Yerno – Son-in-law
  • Yeso – Plaster, cast
  • Yodo – Iodine
  • Yoga – Yoga
  • Yegua – Mare
  • Yugo – Yoke
  • Yacimiento – Deposit, bed (geology)
  • Yunta – Pair, team (of oxen)
  • Yute – Jute
  • Yogurtera – Yogurt maker
  • Yerba – Herb, grass
  • Yunta – Yoke (for oxen)
  • Yema – Fingertip
  • Yermo – Wasteland
  • Yedra – Ivy
  • Yelmo – Helmet
  • Yuxtaposición – Juxtaposition
  • Yucateco – Yucatecan (from Yucatán)
  • Yuca – Cassava, yuca
  • Yoguista – Yogi
  • Yendo – Going (gerund of ‘ir’)
  • Yanqui – Yankee
  • Yesquero – Tinderbox
  • Yoduro – Iodide
  • Yacaré – Caiman (South American alligator)
  • Yuxtaponer – Juxtapose
  • Yuxtapuesto – Juxtaposed
  • Yelmo – Helmet (archaic or poetic)
  • Yanquilandia – Yankee land, colloquial for the USA
  • Yodar – To iodize
  • Yodurado – Iodized
  • Yodado – Iodized
  • Yodación – Iodization
  • Yerbal – Herb garden
  • Yaguareté – Jaguar (in some regions)
  • Yucatán – Yucatán (region in Mexico)
  • Yodofobia – Iodophobia (fear of iodine)
  • Yidis – Yiddish
  • Yerbería – Herb shop
  • Yusero – Jujube tree
  • Yaque – Jack (mechanical device)
  • Yerbera – Herb container
  • Yaguasa – Whistling duck
  • Yerbatero – Herbalist
  • Yute – Burlap (made from jute)


  • Zapato – Shoe
  • Zona – Zone, area
  • Zoo – Zoo
  • Zorro – Fox
  • Zanahoria – Carrot
  • Zafiro – Sapphire
  • Zapatero – Shoemaker
  • Zumbido – Buzzing, humming
  • Zancada – Stride
  • Zarza – Bramble
  • Zafiro – Sapphire
  • Zaguan – Hallway
  • Zambullirse – Dive, plunge
  • Zarpar – Set sail
  • Zozobra – Anxiety, unease
  • Zumo – Juice
  • Zurdo – Left-handed
  • Zumbador – Buzzer
  • Zurcir – Darn, mend
  • Zueco – Clog (shoe)
  • Zafarrancho – Cleanup, mess
  • Zarzamora – Blackberry
  • Zarzuela – Zarzuela (Spanish musical theatre genre)
  • Zafio – Crude, coarse
  • Zarzuela – Fish stew
  • Zenit – Zenith
  • Zafar – Unfasten, release
  • Zafarrancho – Bustle, commotion
  • Zafarí – Safari
  • Zahorí – Dowser, water diviner
  • Zalamero – Flatterer
  • Zafiro – Sapphire (alternative spelling)
  • Zalea – Sheepskin
  • Zampar – Gobble up
  • Zancudo – Mosquito
  • Zanjar – Settle, resolve
  • Zapateado – Tap dancing
  • Zarandear – Shake, jolt
  • Zarpazo – Swipe, claw strike
  • Zarzuela – Type of opera (alternative meaning)
  • Zozobrar – Capsize, be in distress
  • Zambra – Festive gathering
  • Zaragozano – From Zaragoza
  • Zumbón – Mocking, teasing
  • Zocato – Stubborn
  • Zopilote – Buzzard
  • Zoquete – Blockhead
  • Zarzuela – Spanish light opera (another meaning)
  • Zarzuela – A stew of fish and shellfish (another meaning)
  • Zambuco – Type of dance


Spanish Words A Z

100 Easy Spanish Words

Here’s a list of 100 easy and commonly used Spanish words, great for beginners or anyone looking to brush up on their Spanish:

  1. Abajo – Down
  2. Adiós – Goodbye
  3. Agua – Water
  4. Allí – There
  5. Amigo – Friend
  6. Amor – Love
  7. Animales – Animals
  8. Año – Year
  9. Aquí – Here
  10. Árbol – Tree
  11. Arriba – Up
  12. Así así – So-so
  13. Ayer – Yesterday
  14. Banana – Banana
  15. Bicicleta – Bicycle
  16. Bien – Well, good
  17. Bonito – Pretty
  18. Café – Coffee
  19. Caliente – Hot
  20. Calle – Street
  21. Calor – Heat
  22. Canción – Song
  23. Carro – Car
  24. Casa – House
  25. Cerca – Near
  26. Cielo – Sky
  27. Ciudad – City
  28. Comida – Food
  29. Computadora – Computer
  30. Derecha – Right
  31. Día – Day
  32. Difícil – Difficult
  33. Escuela – School
  34. Fácil – Easy
  35. Familia – Family
  36. Felicidad – Happiness
  37. Feo – Ugly
  38. Flor – Flower
  39. Frío – Cold
  40. Frío – Cold
  41. Gato – Cat
  42. Gracias – Thank you
  43. Grande – Big
  44. Hola – Hello
  45. Hora – Hour, time
  46. Hoy – Today
  47. Isla – Island
  48. Izquierda – Left
  49. Lago – Lake
  50. Lápiz – Pencil
  51. Leche – Milk
  52. Lejos – Far
  53. Lento – Slow
  54. Libro – Book
  55. Lluvia – Rain
  56. Lo siento – I’m sorry
  57. Mal – Bad
  58. Mañana – Tomorrow
  59. Manzana – Apple
  60. Mar – Sea
  61. Mes – Month
  62. Minuto – Minute
  63. Montaña – Mountain
  64. Mundo – World
  65. Música – Music
  66. Naranja – Orange
  67. Nieve – Snow
  68. No – No
  69. Nube – Cloud
  70. Nuevo – New
  71. País – Country
  72. Pájaro – Bird
  73. Pan – Bread
  74. Papel – Paper
  75. Película – Movie
  76. Pequeño – Small
  77. Perro – Dog
  78. Persona – Person
  79. Pez – Fish
  80. Playa – Beach
  81. Pobre – Poor
  82. Por favor – Please
  83. Quizás – Maybe
  84. Radio – Radio
  85. Rápido – Fast
  86. Rico – Rich, tasty
  87. Río – River
  88. Semana – Week
  89. – Yes
  90. Sol – Sun
  91. Tarde – Late
  92. – Tea
  93. Teléfono – Telephone
  94. Televisión – Television
  95. Temprano – Early
  96. Trabajo – Work
  97. Triste – Sad
  98. Valle – Valley
  99. Viejo – Old
  100. Viento – Wind

Spanish words in alphabetical order