Spanish adjectives play a crucial role in expressing opinions, describing people and objects, and providing details about the characteristics of nouns. From simple adjectives like grande (big) to more complex ones like deslumbrante (dazzling), the Spanish language offers a vast array of options to enrich your vocabulary and enhance your communication skills. Whether you are learning Spanish for personal or professional reasons, having a comprehensive list of adjectives at your disposal can greatly benefit your language journey.
In this article, we present a complete A-Z list of Spanish adjectives that will serve as an invaluable resource for learners at all levels. Organized alphabetically, each adjective includes its English translation for easy comprehension.
Spanish Adjectives
Spanish adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns, indicating their qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Adjectives in Spanish typically agree with the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) of the nouns they modify. This means that they change their endings to match the gender and number of the noun they refer to.
In Spanish, adjectives are often placed after the noun they modify. However, some adjectives can also be placed before the noun to create a specific emphasis or stylistic effect.
For example:
- Un libro interesante (An interesting book)
– Here, “interesante” is a singular, masculine adjective modifying the noun “libro” (book).
- Una película emocionante (An exciting movie)
– In this case, “emocionante” is a singular, feminine adjective modifying the noun “película” (movie).
- Libros interesantes (Interesting books)
– Now the adjective “interesantes” is plural and agrees with the plural noun “libros.”
- Películas emocionantes (Exciting movies)
– Here, “emocionantes” is a plural adjective agreeing with the plural noun “películas.”
Spanish Adjectives A-Z
Here is the a to z list of Spanish adjectives.
Spanish Adjectives | English Meaning |
Abundante | Abundant |
Aburrido | Bored |
Agradable | Pleasant |
Agresivo | Aggressive |
Alegre | Cheerful |
Alto | Tall |
Amable | Kind |
Amargo | Bitter |
Antiguo | Ancient |
Asqueroso | Disgusting |
Atrevido | Daring |
Bajo | Short |
Barato | Cheap |
Bueno | Good |
Cálido | Warm |
Caliente | Hot |
Cansado | Tired |
Caótico | Chaotic |
Cariñoso | Affectionate |
Caro | Expensive |
Cauteloso | Cautious |
Cautivo | Captivating |
Cobarde | Cowardly |
Cómodo | Comfortable |
Complicado | Complicated |
Comprensivo | Understanding |
Común | Common |
Contento | Content/Happy |
Correcto | Correct |
Cortés | Polite |
Corto | Short |
Cruel | Cruel |
Débil | Weak |
Delgado | Thin |
Delicioso | Delicious |
Desagradable | Unpleasant |
Desconocido | Unknown |
Descuidado | Careless |
Deshonesto | Dishonest |
Desleal | Disloyal |
Desorganizado | Disorganized |
Despreciable | Despicable |
Difícil | Difficult |
Divertido | Fun |
Dulce | Sweet |
Duro | Hard |
Egoísta | Selfish |
Elegante | Elegant |
Elegante | Stylish |
Encantador | Charming |
Energético | Energetic |
Enérgico | Energetic |
Enfermo | Sick |
Enojado | Angry |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Escaso | Scant |
Estable | Stable |
Estricto | Strict |
Estúpido | Stupid |
Exigente | Demanding |
Extraño | Strange |
Extrovertido | Outgoing |
Fácil | Easy |
Famoso | Famous |
Fascinante | Fascinating |
Feliz | Happy |
Feo | Ugly |
Fiel | Faithful |
Firme | Firm |
Flexible | Flexible |
Fresco | Fresh |
Frío | Cold |
Fuerte | Strong |
Generoso | Generous |
Glorioso | Glorious |
Gordo | Fat |
Gracioso | Funny |
Grande | Big |
Grosero | Rude |
Guapo | Handsome |
Hábil | Skillful |
Hermoso | Beautiful |
Honesto | Honest |
Horrible | Horrible |
Hostil | Hostile |
Humilde | Humble |
Impaciente | Impatient |
Incómodo | Uncomfortable |
Incorrecto | Incorrect |
Indiferente | Indifferent |
Inestable | Unstable |
Infiel | Unfaithful |
Inquieto | Restless |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Inteligente | Smart |
Intenso | Intense |
Interesante | Interesting |
Introvertido | Introverted |
Inútil | Useless |
Joven | Young |
Largo | Long |
Leal | Loyal |
Lento | Slow |
Ligero | Light |
Limpio | Clean |
Limpio | Spotless |
Listo | Clever |
Luminoso | Bright |
Luminoso | Luminous |
Malo | Bad |
Maravilloso | Wonderful |
Moderno | Modern |
Nervioso | Nervous |
Nuevo | New |
Organizado | Organized |
Orgulloso | Proud |
Oscuro | Dark |
Oscuro | Dim |
Paciente | Patient |
Pacífico | Peaceful |
Pequeño | Small |
Pesado | Heavy |
Pobre | Poor |
Predecible | Predictable |
Profano | Profane |
Rápido | Fast |
Rápido | Quick |
Raro | Rare |
Repugnante | Repugnant |
Rico | Rich/Tasty |
Ruidoso | Noisy |
Sagrado | Sacred |
Sano | Healthy |
Sencillo | Simple |
Serio | Serious |
Silencioso | Silent |
Sorprendente | Surprising |
Suave | Gentle |
Suave | Soft |
Sucio | Dirty |
Sucio | Filthy |
Sutil | Subtle |
Tímido | Shy |
Tímido | Timid |
Tonto | Foolish |
Tonto | Silly |
Tormentoso | Stormy |
Torpe | Awkward |
Torpe | Clumsy |
Tranquilo | Calm |
Tranquilo | Peaceful |
Triste | Gloomy |
Triste | Sad |
Útil | Useful |
Valiente | Brave |
Valiente | Courageous |
Valioso | Valuable |
Vergonzoso | Shameful |
Viejo | Old |
Spanish Adjectives To Describe a Person
One area where Spanish truly shines is in its descriptive adjectives, particularly when it comes to describing people. Whether you want to compliment someone’s appearance or personality traits, or simply express your opinion about a person, Spanish offers an extensive array of adjectives that beautifully capture the essence of individuals.
Here are some Spanish adjectives to describe a person:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Feliz | Happy |
Triste | Sad |
Amable | Kind |
Generoso | Generous |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Creativo | Creative |
Valiente | Brave |
Paciente | Patient |
Honesto | Honest |
Simpático | Friendly |
Tímido | Shy |
Egoísta | Selfish |
Ambicioso | Ambitious |
Sincero | Sincere |
Responsable | Responsible |
Extrovertido | Extroverted |
Introvertido | Introverted |
Gracioso | Funny |
Orgulloso | Proud |
Humilde | Humble |
Spanish Adjectives To Describe A Person Personality
Here are some Spanish adjectives to describe a person’s personality:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Agradable | Pleasant |
Amigable | Friendly |
Cariñoso/a | Affectionate |
Comprensivo/a | Understanding |
Confiable | Trustworthy |
Decidido/a | Determined |
Empático/a | Empathetic |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Generoso/a | Generous |
Honesto/a | Honest |
Humilde | Humble |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Leal | Loyal |
Paciente | Patient |
Optimista | Optimistic |
Respetuoso/a | Respectful |
Sincero/a | Sincere |
Solidario/a | Supportive |
Trabajador/a | Hardworking |
Valiente | Brave |
Adjectives In Spanish To Describe Yourself
When describing yourself, you should use the appropriate form of the adjective that matches your gender and number.
Here are some Spanish adjectives you can use to describe yourself:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Alegre | Happy, joyful |
Amigable | Friendly |
Cariñoso/a | Affectionate |
Decidido/a | Decisive |
Empático/a | Empathetic |
Extrovertido/a | Extroverted |
Generoso/a | Generous |
Honesto/a | Honest |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Paciente | Patient |
Responsable | Responsible |
Sincero/a | Sincere |
Solidario/a | Supportive |
Tranquilo/a | Calm |
Trabajador/a | Hardworking |
Personality Traits In Spanish Examples
Here are some examples of personality traits in Spanish:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Ambicioso/a | Ambitious |
Carismático/a | Charismatic |
Compasivo/a | Compassionate |
Creativo/a | Creative |
Egoísta | Selfish |
Emprendedor/a | Entrepreneurial |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Fiel | Loyal |
Flexible | Flexible |
Gracioso/a | Funny |
Humilde | Humble |
Impulsivo/a | Impulsive |
Introvertido/a | Introverted |
Optimista | Optimistic |
Paciente | Patient |
Perseverante | Persistent |
Reservado/a | Reserved |
Sensible | Sensitive |
Sincero/a | Sincere |
Tolerante | Tolerant |
List of Positive Spanish Adjectives
These adjectives can be used to describe people, experiences, places, and things in a positive and complimentary manner. Remember that adjectives in Spanish may change their form depending on the gender and number of the noun they modify.
Here is a list of positive Spanish adjectives:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Agradable | Pleasant |
Amable | Kind |
Amoroso/a | Loving |
Apasionado/a | Passionate |
Asombroso/a | Amazing |
Brillante | Brilliant |
Cariñoso/a | Affectionate |
Encantador/a | Charming |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Espléndido/a | Splendid |
Fantástico/a | Fantastic |
Feliz | Happy |
Generoso/a | Generous |
Gracioso/a | Funny |
Hermoso/a | Beautiful |
Honesto/a | Honest |
Increíble | Incredible |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Juicioso/a | Wise |
Leal | Loyal |
Maravilloso/a | Marvellous |
Optimista | Optimistic |
Paciente | Patient |
Sabio/a | Knowledgeable, wise |
Sincero/a | Sincere |
Valiente | Brave |
Virtuoso/a | Virtuous, skilful |
List of Negative Spanish Adjectives
These adjectives are used to describe negative traits or behaviors in people or situations. Just like positive adjectives, they may change their form based on the gender and number of the noun they modify.
Here is a list of negative Spanish adjectives:
Spanish Adjective | English Meaning |
Agresivo/a | Aggressive |
Amargado/a | Bitter |
Arrogante | Arrogant |
Celoso/a | Jealous |
Chismoso/a | Gossipy |
Cruel | Cruel |
Deshonesto/a | Dishonest |
Egoísta | Selfish |
Grosero/a | Rude |
Impaciente | Impatient |
Indeciso/a | Indecisive |
Inseguro/a | Insecure |
Irresponsable | Irresponsible |
Malicioso/a | Malicious |
Mentiroso/a | Liar |
Negativo/a | Negative |
Orgulloso/a | Proud (in a negative, arrogant sense) |
Pesimista | Pessimistic |
Prepotente | Arrogant, overbearing |
Tacaño/a | Stingy |
List of Spanish Adjectives Divided by Type
Possessive Spanish Adjectives:
These adjectives indicate possession and are used to show ownership or relationship between a person and something that belongs to them.
Here is the list of possessive Spanish adjectives.
- Mi/mis – My
- Nuestro/a/os/as – Our
- Su/sus – His, her, your (singular, formal), their, your (plural)
- Su/sus – Your (plural, formal), their (used in some regions)
- Tu/tus – Your (singular, informal)
- Vuestro/a/os/as – Your (plural, informal) (used mainly in Spain)
Descriptive Spanish Adjectives:
These adjectives describe the characteristics or qualities of a noun, providing more information about it.
Here is the list of descriptive Spanish adjectives.
- Alegre – Happy
- Alto/a – Tall
- Amable – Kind
- Delgado/a – Slim, thin
- Divertido/a – Fun
- Guapo/a – Handsome, beautiful
- Inteligente – Intelligent
- Interesante – Interesting
- Paciente – Patient
- Trabajador/a – Hardworking
Physical Spanish Adjectives:
These adjectives describe the physical attributes, appearance, or size of a noun.
Here is the list of physical Spanish adjectives.
- Alto/a – Tall
- Ancho/a – Wide
- Bajo/a – Short
- Corto/a – Short (length)
- Débil – Weak
- Estrecho/a – Narrow
- Fuerte – Strong
- Grande – Big
- Largo/a – Long
- Pequeño/a – Small
Demonstrative Spanish Adjectives:
These adjectives point out or identify specific nouns, indicating proximity or distance from the speaker.
Here is the list of demonstrative Spanish adjectives.
- Aquel/aquella – That (masculine/feminine singular, referring to something distant from both speaker and listener)
- Aquellos/aquellas – Those (masculine/feminine plural, referring to something distant from both speaker and listener)
- Ese/esa – That (masculine/feminine singular, referring to something closer to the listener)
- Esos/esas – Those (masculine/feminine plural, referring to something closer to the listener)
- Este/esta – This (masculine/feminine singular)
- Estos/estas – These (masculine/feminine plural)
Other Spanish Adjectives
Emotions and Feelings:
- Aburrido/a – Bored
- Asustado/a – Scared
- Emocionado/a – Excited
- Enfadado/a – Angry
- Feliz – Happy
- Nervioso/a – Nervous
- Preocupado/a – Worried
- Relajado/a – Relaxed
- Sorprendido/a – Surprised
- Triste – Sad
Physical Descriptions:
- Alto/a – Tall
- Bajo/a – Short
- Débil – Weak
- Delgado/a – Slim, thin
- Feo/a – Ugly
- Fuerte – Strong
- Gordo/a – Fat
- Guapo/a – Handsome/beautiful
- Joven – Young
- Viejo/a – Old
- Amarillo/a – Yellow
- Azul – Blue
- Blanco/a – White
- Marrón – Brown
- Morado/a – Purple
- Naranja – Orange
- Negro/a – Black
- Rojo/a – Red
- Rosa – Pink
- Verde – Green
Size and Quantity:
- Ancho/a – Wide
- Corto/a – Short
- Estrecho/a – Narrow
- Grande – Big
- Largo/a – Long
- Mucho/a – Much, many
- Pequeño/a – Small
- Poco/a – Little, few
- Suficiente – Enough
- Suficiente – Enough
- Alemán/a – German
- Brasileño/a – Brazilian
- Chino/a – Chinese
- Español/a – Spanish
- Francés/a – French
- Inglés/a – English
- Italiano/a – Italian
- Japonés/a – Japanese
- Mexicano/a – Mexican
- Ruso/a – Russian
- Budista – Buddhist
- Católico/a – Catholic
- Cristiano/a – Christian
- Hindú – Hindu
- Judío/Judía – Jewish
- Mormón/Mormona – Mormon
- Musulmán/Musulmana – Muslim
- Ortodoxo/a – Orthodox
- Sikh – Sikh
- Taoísta – Taoist
- Caluroso/a – Hot
- Frío/a – Cold
- Húmedo/a – Humid
- Lluvioso/a – Rainy
- Neblinoso/a – Foggy
- Nublado/a – Cloudy
- Seco/a – Dry
- Soleado/a – Sunny
- Tormentoso/a – Stormy
- Ventoso/a – Windy
- Alegre – Cheerful
- Animado/a – Lively
- Electrizante – Electrifying
- Emocionante – Exciting
- Enérgico/a – Energetic
- Inspirador/a – Inspirational
- Melancólico/a – Melancholic
- Relajante – Relaxing
- Romántico/a – Romantic
- Tranquilo/a – Calm
- Antiguo/a – Ancient
- Barroco/a – Baroque
- Clásico/a – Classical
- Contemporáneo/a – Contemporary
- Futurista – Futuristic
- Gótico/a – Gothic
- Minimalista – Minimalist
- Moderno/a – Modern
- Renacentista – Renaissance
- Tradicional – Traditional
- Abundante – Abundant
- Barato/a – Cheap
- Caro/a – Expensive
- Clásico/a – Classic
- Colorido/a – Colorful
- Conveniente – Convenient
- Elegante – Elegant
- Exclusivo/a – Exclusive
- Moderno/a – Modern
- Único/a – Unique
- Amargo/a – Bitter
- Delicioso/a – Delicious
- Dulce – Sweet
- Exquisito/a – Exquisite
- Fresco/a – Fresh
- Picante – Spicy
- Sabroso/a – Tasty
- Salado/a – Salty
- Sano/a – Healthy
- Tradicional – Traditional
- Alegre – Joyful
- Cariñoso/a – Affectionate
- Comprensivo/a – Understanding
- Generoso/a – Generous
- Leal – Loyal
- Protector/a – Protective
- Respetuoso/a – Respectful
- Solidario/a – Supportive
- Tradicional – Traditional
- Unido/a – Close-knit
- Aventurero/a – Adventurous
- Cultural – Cultural
- Emocionante – Exciting
- Exótico/a – Exotic
- Fascinante – Fascinating
- Hermoso/a – Beautiful
- Increíble – Incredible
- Inolvidable – Unforgettable
- Maravilloso/a – Wonderful
- Relajante – Relaxing