20+ Animals That Start With V | Animal Names That Starts with V

Animal Names That Starts with V

animal names that start with v

Animals are a type of living organism. Some animals are domesticated, while others live in the wild. All animals can move around and interact with their environment. They eat food to survive and grow.

Animal names in English and Pictures!

Animals That Start With V

  1. Volcano Snail
  2. Viperfish
  3. Vinegaroon
  4. Vulture
  5. Vegavis
  6. Venus Flytrap
  7. Volpino Italiano
  8. Vicuña
  9. Vine Snake
  10. Viper
  11. Vervet Monkey
  12. Viper Boa
  13. Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko
  14. Viper Shark (dogfish)
  15. Vampire Bat
  16. Velociraptor
  17. Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee
  18. Valley Bulldog
  19. Vampire Squid
  20. Vizsla
  21. Vole
  22. Vaquita
  23. Vampire Crab
  24. Vermilion Flycatcher

Extinct Animals Starting With V

  1. Vaquita Porpoise
  2. Velociraptor
  3. Verhoeven’s Giant Pouched Rat
  4. Vespersaurus Paranaensis
  5. Vincetoxicum hirundinaria
  6. Virgin Islands Giant Rice Rat
  7. Viscacha Megalomys
  8. Vitalius dubladoi
  9. Volutodon diplomylos
  10. Voltzia heterophylla
  11. Vulcanops jennyworthyae
  12. Vulpes mathisoni
  13. Vulpes praeglacialis
  14. Vultur gryphus
  15. Vulturine Guinea Fowl
  16. Vombatopsis osborni
  17. Vombatus hacketti
  18. Vombatus ursinus
  19. Vulpes riffautae
  20. Vultures of the Caribbean
  21. Verrucadapis dentatus
  22. Vespertilio inexpectatus
  23. Vesperodon parvus
  24. Vintana sertichi
  25. Volaticotherium antiquus
  26. Volcano rabbit
  27. Vortex moss
  28. Vombatus tropicalis
  29. Vonones ornate

Sea/Ocean Animals Starting with V

  1. Vaquita (porpoise found in the Gulf of California)
  2. Vampire Squid (a deep-sea cephalopod found worldwide)
  3. Velvet Belly Lanternshark (shark found in the eastern Pacific Ocean)
  4. Venus Flytrap Anemone (anemone found in the Arctic Ocean)
  5. Viperfish (deep-sea fish found worldwide)
  6. Viper shrimp (shrimp found in the western Atlantic Ocean)
  7. Vlaming’s Unicornfish (fish found in the western Pacific Ocean)
  8. Velella (hydrozoan found in all the world’s oceans)
  9. Velvet Crab (crab found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean)
  10. Volutid Snail (marine snail found worldwide)
  11. Viper Blenny (fish found in the western Atlantic Ocean)
  12. Verongiid Sponge (sponge found in tropical waters worldwide)
  13. Vaquita Clam (clam found in the eastern Pacific Ocean)
  14. Varnish Clam (clam found in the eastern Pacific Ocean)
  15. Viper Dogfish (shark found in the western Atlantic Ocean)
  16. Vanikoro Sweeper (fish found in the western Pacific Ocean)
  17. Venus Comb Murex (sea snail found in the western Pacific Ocean)
  18. Venus Clam (clam found in the eastern Pacific Ocean)
  19. Varnished Periwinkle (sea snail found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean)
  20. Viper Goby (fish found in the eastern Pacific Ocean)

Farm/Domestic Animals That Start with Letter V

  1. Vicuna
  2. Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig
  3. Viper
  4. Vizsla
  5. Vole

Wild Animals that Begin with V

  1. Viper
  2. Vicuna
  3. Vaquita
  4. Vulture
  5. Vampire bat
  6. Velvet worm
  7. Vine snake

Animals that Start with V – List With Pictures and Facts

Variegated Squirrel

Variegated Squirrel

 Has a fluffy, bushy tail that’s longer than its body.



 Have a lifespan of only a few months.



 The world’s smallest and most endangered porpoise.

Visayan Spotted Deer

Visayan Spotted Deer

 Can “bark” like a dog when alarmed.

Vampire Squid

Vampire Squid

 Has red eyes and a cloak-like webbing.

Virginia Opossum

Virginia Opossum

 North America’s only marsupial.

Velvet Asity

Velvet Asity

 Males have bright blue feathers and dance to attract mates.



 Has long, needle-like teeth that can pierce its prey.

Volcano Rabbit

Volcano Rabbit

 Lives only in the high mountain areas of Mexico.

Visayan Warty Pig

Visayan Warty Pig

 Has two pairs of warts on its face.

Verreaux’s Sifaka

Verreauxs Sifaka

 A type of lemur known for its dancing.

Vancouver Island Marmot

Vancouver Island Marmot

 Can hibernate for up to 7 months a year.

Vampire Bat

Vampire Bat

 Feeds on the blood of other animals.

Vlei Rat

Vlei Rat

 Can store seeds in underground burrows.



 A bird species found only in Madagascar.



 Has retractable fangs that it uses to inject venom.



 A South American camelid known for its soft wool.

Vervet Monkey

Vervet Monkey

 Can imitate human speech.



 A small bird is known for its beautiful song.

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Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 06:30 am