Animal Names That Starts with U
Animals are a type of living organism. Some animals are domesticated, while others live in the wild. All animals can move around and interact with their environment. They eat food to survive and grow.
Animal names in English and Pictures!
Animals That Start With U
- Upland Sandpiper
- Uakari
- Urutu Snake
- Ural owl
- Underwing Moth
- Umbrellabird
- Uguisu
- Utonagan
- Urechis unicinctus (Penis Fish)
- Uintatherium
- Uromastyx (Spiny-Tailed Lizard)
- Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth)
- Uaru Cichlid
- Urial
- Uinta Ground Squirrel
Extinct Animals Starting With U
- Ula-‘ai-hawane
- Utah Raptor (Utahraptor ostrommaysi)
- Upupodon (Upupodon aviceps)
- Ursus spelaeus (Cave Bear)
- Utahraptor spielbergi
- Uintatherium (Uintatherium anceps)
- Umiat wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus)
- Unaysaurus (Unaysaurus tolentinoi)
- Unicorn Whale (Monodon sp.)
- Ur (Ur lion)
- Ursus minimus (Dwarf Cave Bear)
Sea/Ocean Animals Starting with U
- Urchin
- Uakari
- Umbrellabird
- Unicornfish
- Urial
- Uguisu
- Uakari monkey
- Utricularia
- Ulva sea lettuce
- Uria guillemot
- Uca fiddler crab
- Ussuri brown bear
- Ulae
- Unio mussel
- Unidens jellyfish
- Upogebia sand shrimp
- Uranoscopidae stargazer fish
- Urocyon fox
- Uca annulipes mud crab
- Urobatis bat ray
Wild Animals that Begin with U
- Umbrellabird
- Uakari
- Uguisu
- Urial
- Unicorn (mythical)
- Urutu
- Uromastyx
- Utonagan (domesticated)
Animals that Start with U – List With Pictures and Facts
Can change color depending on mood and temperature.
Has a bare, bright red face.
Have five teeth and can regenerate lost spines.
Ulysses Butterfly
Has iridescent blue wings.
Can use a foul-smelling liquid to deter predators.
A type of magpie found in South America.
Uinta Chipmunk
Hibernate for up to eight months a year.
Another name for Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth.
Umbrella Bird
Has a large, umbrella-like crest on its head.
Uganda Kob
The males have curved horns and lek mating behavior.
Uinta Ground Squirrel
Hibernates for up to nine months a year.
A Japanese bush warbler is known for its beautiful song.
Has a long horn-like protrusion on its forehead.
A wild sheep found in Central Asia.
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