100 Funny Words That Start With O (With Meanings)

Embark on a linguistic adventure with our list of “Funny Words that Start with O.” These quirky and amusing words not only add a dash of humor to your vocabulary but also enrich your language skills.

Get ready to giggle and learn as we explore the whimsical side of the letter ‘O’.

Funny Words that Start with O

Here is the list of the most important Funny words that begin with the letter ‘O’ and their meanings;

  1. Obambulate: To walk about aimlessly.
  2. Obelus: A symbol (÷) used in ancient manuscripts.
  3. Obfuscate: To deliberately make something confusing.
  4. Objurgate: To scold or rebuke sharply.
  5. Obnubilate: To darken or obscure.
  6. Obstreperous: Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
  7. Octothorpe: The symbol ‘#’; commonly known as a hashtag.
  8. Odontalgia: Toothache.
  9. Oenomel: A mixture of wine and honey.
  10. Oenophile: A lover or connoisseur of wine.
  11. Ogdoad: A group or set of eight.
  12. Oligarchy: A government run by a few people.
  13. Oligopoly: A market dominated by a few firms.
  14. Oligopsony: A market with few buyers.
  15. Ombrophilous: Thriving in rainy conditions.
  16. Omphacine: Pertaining to unripe grapes.
  17. Omphalos: A central point or hub.
  18. Omphaloskepsis: Contemplating one’s navel.
  19. Omphalotomy: The act of cutting an umbilical cord.
  20. Onerous: Burdensome or difficult to endure.
  21. Onomatomania: An obsession with particular words.
  22. Oocephalus: Having an egg-shaped head.
  23. Oology: The study of eggs, especially bird eggs.
  24. Operose: Involving or displaying much effort.
  25. Ophiuchus: A constellation near the celestial equator.
  26. Opisthography: Writing on the back of something.
  27. Opuscule: A small or minor literary or musical work.
  28. Orangery: A place where oranges are grown.
  29. Orenda: A mystical force present in all people.
  30. Oriflamme: A symbol inspiring devotion or courage.
  31. Ornery: Stubborn and difficult to deal with.
  32. Ornithology: The study of birds.
  33. Ornithopter: A machine designed to achieve flight by flapping wings.
  34. Orotund: Full, round, and imposing (of voice).
  35. Orrery: A mechanical model of the solar system.
  36. Ort: A scrap or morsel of food.
  37. Oscillograph: An instrument for recording oscillations.
  38. Oscitancy: The state of being drowsy or inattentive.
  39. Oscitant: Yawning due to drowsiness or boredom.
  40. Osculate: To kiss (formal or humorous).
  41. Outrecuidance: Excessive pride or self-confidence.
  42. Outwith: Outside of; beyond.
  43. Overmorrow: The day after tomorrow.
  44. Oxter: An old word for ‘armpit’.
  45. Oxter: Armpit; a humorous term.
  46. Oxymoron: A phrase combining contradictory terms.

Silly Words Starting With O:

  1. Oompah
  2. Oodles
  3. Oogly
  4. Oomph
  5. Oopsy
  6. Ootid
  7. Ooze
  8. Opus
  9. Orf
  10. Orlon
  11. Ornery
  12. Osculate
  13. Osmosis
  14. Outfox
  15. Overjoyed
  16. Oxter
  17. Oxytocin
  18. Ozokerite
  19. Ozone
  20. Oligopoly
  21. Ombrophilous
  22. Onomatopoeia
  23. Orotund
  24. Outlandish
  25. Overweening
  26. Oxymoron
  27. Oafish
  28. Oblong
  29. Obsequious
  30. Octogenarian

Funny Words Starting with ‘O’ for Kids:

  1. Obfuscate
  2. Obliterate
  3. Obscure
  4. Obtuse
  5. Occiput
  6. Ocelot
  7. Octopus
  8. Odoriferous
  9. Offal
  10. Offbeat
  11. Oggle
  12. Ohm
  13. Oink
  14. Oleaginous
  15. Olfactory
  16. Oligarch
  17. Omelet
  18. Omnibus
  19. Onslaught
  20. Oodle
  21. Oogonium
  22. Ooze
  23. Opulent
  24. Orangutan
  25. Orbit
  26. Orca
  27. Orgulous
  28. Orphan
  29. Oscillate
  30. Outrageous

Funny Words Starting with ‘O’ to Describe Someone:

  1. Obtuse
  2. Oddball
  3. Officious
  4. Ogle
  5. Oily
  6. Old-fashioned
  7. Omnipotent
  8. Onus
  9. Opalescent
  10. Open-hearted
  11. Operose
  12. Opinionated
  13. Opportunist
  14. Optimistic
  15. Oracular
  16. Ornate
  17. Ostentatious
  18. Outgoing
  19. Outrageous
  20. Outspoken
  21. Overbearing
  22. Overconfident
  23. Overzealous
  24. Ovoid
  25. Owlish
  26. Ox-like
  27. Oxymoronic
  28. Oysterish
  29. Ozoniferous
  30. Outré

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Funny Words That Start With O