100 Negative Words That Start With S

Negative words starting with the letter ‘S’ can sharply convey displeasure, criticism, or pessimism. In this blog post, we will delve into such words, highlighting negative adjectives and terms. From ‘sinister’ to ‘sorrowful’, we’ll unravel their meanings and contexts.

Knowing these words enriches our language skills, allowing us to accurately describe undesirable feelings and situations. Let’s explore the depth and nuances of these impactful ‘S’ words together.

Negative Words That Start With S

Here is a list of negative words starting with the letter S:

  1. Sad: Feeling or showing sorrow
  2. Sadistic: Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain
  3. Sappy: Excessively sentimental
  4. Sarcastic: Marked by or given to using irony
  5. Sardonic: Grimly mocking or cynical
  6. Satirical: Using satire; mocking
  7. Savage: Fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
  8. Scandalous: Causing general public outrage
  9. Scapegoating: Blaming unfairly for problems
  10. Scarred: Marked with scars
  11. Scary: Causing fear
  12. Scathing: Severely critical
  13. Scheming: Making secret plans
  14. Scolding: Rebuke with angry words
  15. Scorn: Feel or express contempt
  16. Scorned: Treated with contempt
  17. Scornful: Full of scorn; contemptuous
  18. Scowl: Frown in an angry way
  19. Scurvy: Contemptible; despicable
  20. Searing: Extremely hot or intense
  21. Secluded: Not seen or visited by many people
  22. Self-absorbed: Preoccupied with oneself
  23. Self-centered: Thinking only of oneself
  24. Self-deprecating: Belittling or undervaluing oneself
  25. Selfish: Lacking consideration for others
  26. Senseless: Lacking common sense
  27. Sensitive: Easily damaged or hurt
  28. Sever: Cut off or divide
  29. Severe: Strict or harsh
  30. Shady: Of dubious honesty or legality
  31. Shallow: Lacking depth of intellect
  32. Shameful: Worthy of causing shame
  33. Shameless: Lacking shame; impudent
  34. Shifty: Appearing deceitful or evasive
  35. Shoddy: Badly made or done
  36. Shrewd: Having sharp powers of judgment
  37. Shriek: A high-pitched piercing cry
  38. Sickly: Often ill; in poor health
  39. Silly: Lacking common sense
  40. Sinister: Giving the impression of evil
  41. Skeletal: Very thin or emaciated
  42. Skeptical: Not easily convinced
  43. Slain: Killed violently
  44. Slapdash: Done too hurriedly and carelessly
  45. Sloppy: Careless and unsystematic
  46. Slothful: Lazy; not inclined to work
  47. Slow: Moving or operating at low speed
  48. Sluggish: Lacking energy or alertness
  49. Slumber: Sleep or rest
  50. Sly: Cunning and deceitful
  51. Smothering: Suppressing or stifling
  52. Sneaky: Doing things secretly
  53. Sneer: Mocking or scornful smile
  54. Sneering: Expressing contempt or scorn
  55. Sneeringly: With contempt or mockery
  56. Snobbish: Acting superior to others
  57. Sore: Physically painful or tender
  58. Sorrowful: Feeling or showing sadness
  59. Soulless: Lacking empathy or emotion
  60. Sour: Disagreeable or unpleasant
  61. Spiteful: Showing malice or ill will
  62. Spurious: Not genuine; false
  63. Squabble: A noisy argument about something petty
  64. Squalid: Extremely dirty and unpleasant
  65. Squalor: State of being extremely dirty
  66. Stagnant: Showing no activity; dull
  67. Stagnation: Lack of development or progress
  68. Stale: No longer fresh or pleasant
  69. Starving: Suffering severe hunger
  70. Stereotypical: Lacking originality; overgeneralized
  71. Sterile: Lacking in variety or interest
  72. Stern: Serious and unrelenting
  73. Stiff: Not easily bent or changed
  74. Stifled: Suppressed or restrained
  75. Stifling: Suffocating or oppressive
  76. Stilted: Awkwardly formal or unnatural
  77. Strained: Showing signs of stress or tension
  78. Strangled: Choked or suffocated
  79. Stranglehold: A position of complete control
  80. Stray: Move away aimlessly
  81. Stressed: Experiencing mental or emotional strain
  82. Strident: Loud and harsh
  83. Strife: Angry or bitter disagreement
  84. Struggling: Having difficulty coping
  85. Stubborn: Unwilling to change or give up
  86. Stubbornness: Refusal to change one’s views
  87. Stuck-up: Snobbish or arrogant
  88. Stuffy: Lacking fresh air; congested
  89. Stupefying: Making one unable to think clearly
  90. Stupid: Lacking intelligence or common sense
  91. Submissive: Meekly obedient or passive
  92. Suffering: Experiencing pain or distress
  93. Sulky: Morose or bad-tempered
  94. Sullen: Bad-tempered and sulky
  95. Superficial: Lacking depth or substance
  96. Superstitious: Having irrational beliefs
  97. Suppressed: Forcibly put an end to
  98. Suppressive: Tending to suppress
  99. Surly: Bad-tempered and unfriendly
  100. Suspicious: Having or showing distrust

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Negative Adjectives Starting With S

Adjectives are describing words used to describe a person, place, or thing.

Negative Words With S To Describe A Person

  • Self-centered: Focused excessively on oneself and one’s needs.
  • Sarcastic: Using irony to mock or belittle others.
  • Stubborn: Unwilling to change one’s opinions or attitudes.
  • Sneaky: Acting in a secretive and underhanded manner.
  • Superficial: Concerned only with surface appearances and not deeper qualities.
  • Suspicious: Distrustful and inclined to believe the worst about others.
  • Slothful: Lazy and unwilling to put in the effort.
  • Selfish: Concerned primarily with one’s own interests and desires.
  • Scornful: Expressing contempt and disdain towards others.
  • Solipsistic: Believing that only one’s own experiences and existence are real.

Negative Words With S To Describe A Place

  • Squalid: Dirty, rundown, and extremely unpleasant due to poor conditions.
  • Sinister: Giving an impression of evil, threat, or harm.
  • Sterile: Lacking life, vitality, or creativity, often in a clinical way.
  • Stifling: Oppressively hot or suffocating, causing discomfort.
  • Suffocating: Making it difficult to breathe and causing a feeling of constriction.
  • Sluggish: Slow-moving and lacking energy or responsiveness.
  • Stagnant: Unchanging and lacking progress, often leading to decay.
  • Sorrowful: Full of sadness and grief, evoking a sense of melancholy.
  • Secluded: Isolated and cut off from the outside world.
  • Sordid: Involving shameful or morally reprehensible actions or conditions.

Negative Words With S To Describe A Thing

  • Sinister: Suggesting evil, harm, or danger; ominous.
  • Stagnant: Not moving or developing, often leading to a lack of progress.
  • Squalid: Dirty, filthy, and showing signs of neglect or poverty.
  • Spiteful: Intending to hurt or annoy someone, often out of resentment.
  • Slovenly: Messy, untidy, and lacking care or neatness.
  • Stifling: Suffocating or oppressive, often relating to heat or control.
  • Sardonic: Mocking or cynical in a scornful and derisive manner.
  • Subpar: Below average or not up to a desired standard of quality.
  • Shambolic: Chaotic, disorganized, and lacking any sense of order.
  • Stereotypical: Conforming to a widely held, oversimplified, and often negative belief about a particular group or thing.

Negative Words That Start With s