100+ Negative Words That Start With R

Negative words that begin with the letter ‘R’ are intriguing and diverse, each carrying a unique tone and implication. In today’s blog post, we will dive into these words, especially focusing on bad words and negative adjectives that start with ‘R’.

From ‘ruthless’ to ‘repulsive’, we’ll explore their meanings and how they’re used in language. By understanding these words, we can better articulate our thoughts and feelings, especially in complex or difficult scenarios. Let’s unravel the depth and impact of these negative ‘R’ words together.

Negative Words That Start With R

Here is a list of negative words starting with the letter R:

  1. Rabid: Extremely zealous or fanatical
  2. Racy: Slightly indecent or risqué
  3. Rageful: Full of or characterized by rage
  4. Raging: Showing violent uncontrollable anger
  5. Rambling: Lengthy and confused or inconsequential
  6. Rambunctious: Uncontrollably exuberant or boisterous
  7. Rampant: Spreading unchecked or flourishing
  8. Rancid: Smelling or tasting unpleasant due to staleness
  9. Rancor: Bitterness or resentfulness
  10. Rancorous: Characterized by bitterness or resentment
  11. Rankling: Causing annoyance or resentment
  12. Rash: Displaying a lack of careful consideration
  13. Rashness: The quality of being rash
  14. Rattle: Cause to feel nervous, worried, or irritated
  15. Raunchy: Earthy, vulgar, and often sexually explicit
  16. Ravage: Cause severe and extensive damage
  17. Ravaging: Severely damaging or destructive
  18. Ravenous: Extremely hungry
  19. Reactionary: Opposing political or social progress
  20. Rebuff: Reject someone or something in an abrupt manner
  21. Recalcitrant: Resistant to authority or control
  22. Reckless: Careless or unthinking; heedless of danger
  23. Recklessness: Lack of regard for danger or consequences
  24. Reckoning: A calculation or judgment
  25. Reclusive: Avoiding the company of others
  26. Recriminatory: Involving mutual accusations
  27. Redundancy: Being no longer needed or useful
  28. Redundant: Not or no longer needed or useful
  29. Regretful: Feeling or expressing regret
  30. Rejected: Dismissed as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty
  31. Relapse: Return to a former less desirable state
  32. Relentless: Unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh
  33. Relentlessness: The quality of being relentless
  34. Relinquish: Voluntarily cease to claim or keep
  35. Reluctant: Unwilling and hesitant
  36. Remorseless: Without regret or guilt
  37. Rendered: Caused to become or to be
  38. Repellant: Causing disgust or aversion
  39. Repellent: Arousing intense distaste or disgust
  40. Repelling: Driving or forcing back
  41. Repetitive: Involving repetition or redundancy
  42. Repining: Expressing discontent or unhappiness
  43. Reprehensible: Deserving censure or condemnation
  44. Repress: Subdue by force
  45. Reprimanding: Scolding or rebuking
  46. Reprisal: An act of retaliation
  47. Reprisals: Acts of retaliation or revenge
  48. Reproach: Express disapproval or disappointment
  49. Reprobate: Morally unprincipled person
  50. Reprobation: Expression of disapproval or condemnation
  51. Reproving: Criticize or correct gently
  52. Repudiate: Refuse to accept; reject
  53. Repudiation: Rejection of a proposal or idea
  54. Repugnant: Extremely distasteful; unacceptable
  55. Repulsive: Arousing intense distaste or disgust
  56. Rescind: Revoke, cancel, or repeal
  57. Resentful: Feeling or expressing bitterness
  58. Resentment: Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly
  59. Resigned: Accepting something undesirable
  60. Resistant: Opposing something; not susceptible
  61. Restive: Unable to keep still or silent
  62. Restless: Unable to rest or relax
  63. Retaliate: Make an attack in return
  64. Retaliatory: Characterized by a desire for revenge
  65. Reticent: Not revealing one’s thoughts readily
  66. Retribution: Punishment inflicted as vengeance
  67. Reviling: Criticize in an abusive manner
  68. Revolting: Causing intense disgust
  69. Revulsion: A sense of disgust and loathing
  70. Revulsive: Causing strong disgust or distaste
  71. Rhetoric: Persuasive speaking or writing
  72. Ridicule: Mocking and contemptuous language
  73. Ridiculous: Deserving or inviting derision
  74. Rigged: Manipulated or controlled unfairly
  75. Rigid: Unable to bend or adapt
  76. Rigor: Harshness or severity
  77. Rigorous: Extremely thorough and careful
  78. Risible: Provoking laughter; ridiculous
  79. Risky: Full of the possibility of danger
  80. Rivalrous: Involving competition or rivalry
  81. Robbery: Taking property unlawfully by force
  82. Rot: Decompose or decay
  83. Rotten: Decayed or spoiled
  84. Rotting: Process of decaying
  85. Rotund: Round or spherical in shape
  86. Rowdy: Noisy and disorderly
  87. Rubbish: Waste material; worthless
  88. Rudderless: Lacking a clear direction
  89. Rude: Offensively impolite or ill-mannered
  90. Rueful: Expressing sorrow or regret
  91. Ruffled: Disordered or disarranged
  92. Ruination: The action of ruining
  93. Ruined: Reduced to a state of decay
  94. Ruinous: Causing great damage
  95. Rundown: In a very poor condition
  96. Rustic: Characteristic of rural life
  97. Rusting: Corroding of iron or steel
  98. Rusty: Affected by rust
  99. Ruthless: Showing no pity or compassion
  100. Ruthlessness: Having no pity or compassion

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Negative Adjectives Starting With R

Adjectives are describing words used to describe a person, place, or thing.

Negative Words With R To Describe A Person

  • Rude: Displaying impolite and disrespectful behavior.
  • Reckless: Acting without consideration for the consequences.
  • Resentful: Feeling bitterness and anger towards others.
  • Repugnant: Extremely distasteful and offensive in nature.
  • Rigid: Unwilling to adapt or change; inflexible.
  • Repulsive: Causing strong disgust and aversion.
  • Relentless: Persisting without stopping, often in a harsh manner.
  • Rash: Acting without careful thought or consideration.
  • Reproachful: Expressing disapproval or disappointment.
  • Reclusive: Preferring isolation and avoiding social interaction.

Negative Words With R To Describe A Place

  • Rundown: Dilapidated and in a state of disrepair.
  • Rancid: Having a sour or unpleasant smell and taste, often due to decay.
  • Repressive: Exerting strict control and limiting freedoms, stifling.
  • Ruinous: Causing destruction or irreparable damage.
  • Repulsive: Disgusting and causing intense aversion or dislike.
  • Rigorous: Excessively demanding and harsh, potentially causing strain.
  • Riotous: Disorderly and characterized by unruly behavior or tumult.
  • Reckless: Acting without caution, disregarding potential consequences.
  • Repugnant: Extremely offensive and causing strong feelings of disgust.
  • Remote: Isolated and far removed from civilization or urban areas.

Negative Words With R To Describe A Thing

  • Repugnant: Extremely distasteful, offensive, or repulsive.
  • Reprehensible: Worthy of blame or criticism; deserving censure.
  • Rancid: Having a bad taste or smell due to spoilage or decay.
  • Reckless: Acting without thinking or considering the consequences, often leading to harm.
  • Relentless: Unyielding and harsh in a persistent or unceasing manner.
  • Ridiculous: Laughably absurd or deserving mockery due to being foolish or unreasonable.
  • Rigid: Stiff, inflexible, or unwilling to change or adapt.
  • Rampant: Spreading uncontrollably or widely, often causing harm.
  • Riotous: Disorderly, chaotic, or characterized by unruly behavior.
  • Repressive: Exerting control or suppression, often related to restricting freedoms or expression.

Negative Words That Start With r