Here is the list of the most common Negative Vocabulary Words with examples;
- Angry: She was angry after losing her keys.
- Bitter: He felt bitter about his missed opportunity.
- Cruel: The cruel joke upset everyone.
- Deceitful: The deceitful salesman misled his customers.
- Envious: She was envious of her friend’s new bike.
- Frustrating: It’s frustrating when the internet is slow.
- Greedy: The greedy cat ate all the treats.
- Harsh: His harsh words hurt her feelings.
- Ignorant: They were ignorant of the local customs.
- Jealous: He was jealous of his brother’s success.
- Lethargic: She felt lethargic after a long day.
- Malicious: The hacker’s intentions were malicious.
- Nasty: The food had a nasty taste.
- Obnoxious: His loud laughter was obnoxious.
- Pessimistic: She was pessimistic about her chances of winning.
- Quarrelsome: The quarrelsome siblings always argued.
- Rude: It’s rude to interrupt people.
- Selfish: Taking the biggest slice of cake was selfish.
- Terrible: The movie had terrible reviews.
- Unpleasant: He had an unpleasant encounter with a rude clerk.
Negative Words List
Here is the huge List of A to Z Negative Vocabulary Words with their meanings;
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
With A
Abhorrent | Awful | Agonizing |
Abrasive | Annoying | Alarming |
Abusive | Appalling | Antagonistic |
Absurd | Atrocious | Alienated |
Accusing | Arrogant | Ashamed |
Aggressive | Aloof | Apathetic |
Anguished | Adverse | Awkward |
Abandoned | Accursed | Anxious |
Acrimonious | Ailing | Averse |
Afflicted | Ambivalent | Audacious |
Bitter | Brutal | Belligerent |
Bothersome | Bad | Bleak |
Betrayed | Barbaric | Boastful |
Bashful | Boring | Burdensome |
Brooding | Baffled | Bewildered |
Belittling | Bigoted | Blatant |
Bloodthirsty | Bankrupt | Bland |
Biased | Blundering | Brittle |
Begrudging | Blasphemous | Bereaved |
Cruel | Crude | Cynical |
Cowardly | Corrupt | Clumsy |
Callous | Cold | Confused |
Condescending | Contemptuous | Chaotic |
Cautious | Combative | Complacent |
Careless | Critical | Convoluted |
Cryptic | Crass | Cumbersome |
Creepy | Calculating | Capricious |
Contradictory | Clueless | Closed-Minded |
Disgusting | Destructive | Deceitful |
Depressed | Disdainful | Demanding |
Dismissive | Disastrous | Disobedient |
Detached | Devious | Disheartening |
Dismal | Drab | Dull |
Dejected | Disinterested | Disrespectful |
Dishonest | Displeased | Dysfunctional |
Disparate | Downcast | Dogmatic |
Demeaning | Domineering | Disenchanted |
Evil | Egotistical | Envious |
Exasperating | Excessive | Embarrassing |
Elusive | Erratic | Eccentric |
Evasive | Excruciating | Exhausting |
Emotionless | Estranged | Entitled |
Enraged | Exploitative | Effete |
Embittered | Empty | Endangered |
Extreme | Erroneous | Expendable |
Exasperated | Exclusionary | Exasperate |
Frivolous | Frightening | Fraudulent |
Fickle | Feeble | Frustrating |
Fanatical | Futile | Fearsome |
False | Flawed | Foolish |
Fuming | Filthy | Frightened |
Forsaken | Frantic | Furtive |
Fatal | Feral | Facetious |
Fiendish | Fickle | Forgetful |
Foreboding | Frigid | Fastidious |
Gruesome | Grim | Grudging |
Greedy | Ghoulish | Glib |
Garrulous | Glum | Gloomy |
Grumpy | Ghastly | Grouchy |
Grating | Gross | Guilty |
Grimacing | Galling | Generic |
Grotesque | Gravelly | Gaunt |
Gaudy | Grizzled | Godforsaken |
Greasy | Grieving | Goading |
Horrible | Hateful | Harsh |
Hypocritical | Hysterical | Humiliating |
Harmful | Hostile | Haphazard |
Haughty | Heartless | Heavy |
Hesitant | Hindering | Hollow |
Harrowing | Hazardous | Homely |
Heinous | Haggard | Hectic |
Hoarse | Hard | Hideous |
Hypercritical | Histrionic | Harried |
Insidious | Irritating | Ignorant |
Invasive | Irate | Incompetent |
Impulsive | Insecure | Impatient |
Icy | Insignificant | Incoherent |
Irresponsible | Immoral | Indecisive |
Insincere | Inadequate | Infuriating |
Intolerant | Impractical | Inflexible |
Inattentive | Inconsistent | Insensitive |
Inept | Intrusive | Inflammatory |
Jealous | Jaded | Judgmental |
Jittery | Jarring | Joyless |
Juvenile | Jumbled | Jeering |
Jinxed | Jovial | Jeopardous |
Joykiller | Jarring | Jumpy |
Jarring | Jesting | Jagged |
Jingoistic | Jilted | Jaded |
Jittery | Junky | Justifiable |
Knotty | Knavish | Kooky |
Kaleidoscopic | Keen | Knifelike |
Klutzy | Kickable | Knavish |
Lazy | Loathsome | Lethargic |
Lamentable | Ludicrous | Lackluster |
Lying | Languid | Licentious |
Lewd | Lofty | Lurid |
Litigious | Lopsided | Lascivious |
Limiting | Lackadaisical | Lame |
Loitering | Laborious | Listless |
Lurking | Lukewarm | Lugubrious |
Loutish | Loveless | Labyrinthine |
Malicious | Miserable | Manipulative |
Mean | Moody | Morose |
Melancholic | Muddled | Mischievous |
Malevolent | Menacing | Malignant |
Mirthless | Mawkish | Misguided |
Meddlesome | Monotonous | Miserly |
Maladjusted | Malign | Mistrustful |
Mundane | Murky | Malignant |
Mopey | Malodorous | Macabre |
Muddled | Meager | Misanthropic |
Nasty | Negligent | Nefarious |
Noxious | Neurotic | Nauseating |
Neglectful | Nihilistic | Narcissistic |
Nonchalant | Nonsensical | Noisy |
Nauseous | Naive | Narrow |
Niggling | Nagging | Noncommittal |
Nitpicking | Nervous | Neglected |
Numb | Nebulous | Nasty |
Narrow-minded | Notorious | Nonplussed |
Obnoxious | Oppressive | Overbearing |
Odious | Outrageous | Obstructive |
Overwhelmed | Overzealous | Ornery |
Offputting | Obsolete | Ominous |
Overcritical | Outlandish | Onerous |
Officious | Outmoded | Obdurate |
Overwrought | Overconfident | Obtrusive |
Outraged | Offensive | Overdone |
Outspoken | Oversimplified | Overreactive |
Pessimistic | Pretentious | Problematic |
Petty | Painful | Paranoid |
Pernicious | Pathetic | Patronizing |
Provocative | Prickly | Plodding |
Pedantic | Pompous | Paltry |
Perplexing | Prejudiced | Pensive |
Pesky | Pugnacious | Puzzling |
Pitiless | Pessimistic | Picky |
Procrastinating | Predatory | Plaguey |
Pouty | Placid | Panicky |
Quarrelsome | Quixotic | Queasy |
Questionable | Querulous | Quackish |
Quick-tempered | Quarrelsome | Quizzical |
Rude | Ruthless | Repulsive |
Reckless | Resentful | Rancorous |
Ridiculous | Rabid | Relentless |
Remorseless | Rigid | Restless |
Repellent | Rash | Retaliatory |
Regretful | Reprehensible | Rowdy |
Rancid | Reactionary | Repetitive |
Repellant | Revolting | Reticent |
Risky | Rambunctious | Rigorous |
Sadistic | Sarcastic | Shallow |
Sneaky | Sullen | Stubborn |
Sinister | Scandalous | Sloppy |
Spiteful | Suspicious | Superficial |
Sly | Severe | Scornful |
Stagnant | Shady | Scheming |
Scathing | Selfish | Stifling |
Stereotypical | Sad | Strident |
Shrewd | Scary | Surly |
Terrible | Toxic | Treacherous |
Tiresome | Tactless | Trivial |
Thorny | Thwarting | Temperamental |
Truculent | Troublesome | Tedious |
Tyrannical | Tumultuous | Tangential |
Tense | Tepid | Tumultuous |
Tortuous | Turgid | Tempestuous |
Tarnished | Transgressive | Tricky |
Tasteless | Turbulent | Timid |
Unpleasant | Unruly | Unforgiving |
Unreliable | Unyielding | Unkempt |
Uncooperative | Unfortunate | Unwieldy |
Unjust | Unnerving | Unfit |
Unhealthy | Unstable | Ungrateful |
Unwarranted | Unattractive | Uninterested |
Unpredictable | Unsightly | Unpolished |
Unkind | Unwelcome | Unfounded |
Unfocused | Unethical | Unflattering |
Vindictive | Vicious | Vulgar |
Vacuous | Vapid | Venomous |
Vengeful | Violent | Vitriolic |
Vanishing | Vague | Vulnerable |
Veiled | Vituperative | Verbose |
Vexing | Vacillating | Void |
Vengeful | Vain | Vexatious |
Volatile | Vehement | Vain |
Voracious | Vapid | Vengeful |
Wicked | Wrathful | Weary |
Wary | Woeful | Worthless |
Whimsical | Withering | Wasteful |
Weak | Wretched | Whining |
Weaselly | Warped | Willful |
Wayward | Wearisome | Wily |
Whining | Whiny | Wavering |
Wistful | Wandering | Worrying |
Withdrawn | Woebegone | Weak-willed |
Yawning | Yelling | Yucky |
Yapping | Yearning | Yobbish |
Zealous | Zany | Zero |
Negative Vocabulary Words for Old
- Antiquated
- Decrepit
- Outdated
- Obsolete
- Fossilized
- Senile
- Aged
- Ancient
- Dilapidated
- Elderly
- Frail
- Geriatric
- Hoary
- Infirm
- Outworn
- Over-the-hill
- Passé
- Primal
- Rusty
- Stale
- Tired
- Unfashionable
- Venerable
- Worn
- Weathered
- Yesteryear
- Faded
- Grizzled
- Outmoded
- Archaic
Negative Vocabulary Words for Smart
- Know-it-all
- Pedantic
- Pretentious
- Smug
- Superior
- Slick
- Sly
- Cunning
- Crafty
- Calculating
- Scheming
- Deceptive
- Insidious
- Overconfident
- Sophisticated
- Pompous
- Conceited
- Snobbish
- Elitist
- Ostentatious
- Arrogant
- Overbearing
- Patronizing
- Dogmatic
- Egotistical
- Snooty
- Opinionated
- Overzealous
- Manipulative
- Shrewd
Negative Vocabulary Words for Tone
- Abrasive
- Biting
- Cynical
- Derisive
- Exasperated
- Flippant
- Galling
- Harsh
- Ironic
- Jeering
- Kidding
- Lacerating
- Mocking
- Nasty
- Oppressive
- Piercing
- Querulous
- Rancorous
- Sarcastic
- Taunting
- Unkind
- Vindictive
- Withering
- X-rated
- Yelling
- Zealous
- Acerbic
- Blunt
- Cutting
- Dismissive
Negative Vocabulary Words for Mood
- Anxious
- Brooding
- Cranky
- Depressed
- Embittered
- Frustrated
- Gloomy
- Hopeless
- Irritated
- Jittery
- Knavish
- Lousy
- Morose
- Nervous
- Overwhelmed
- Pessimistic
- Quarrelsome
- Restless
- Sulky
- Tense
- Uneasy
- Vexed
- Worried
- Xasperated
- Yawning
- Zapped
- Disgruntled
- Eerie
- Furious
- Grumpy
Negative Words to Describe Someone
- Arrogant
- Boastful
- Complacent
- Dishonest
- Egocentric
- Flaky
- Grumpy
- Hypocritical
- Impulsive
- Jealous
- Know-it-all
- Lazy
- Manipulative
- Nasty
- Overbearing
- Pompous
- Quarrelsome
- Rude
- Selfish
- Temperamental
- Unreliable
- Vain
- Wasteful
- Xenophobic
- Yelling
- Zealous
- Deceitful
- Entitled
- Gossipy
- Haughty
Negative Words to Describe a Woman
- Nagging
- Bossy
- Clingy
- Demanding
- Emotional
- Frivolous
- Gossipy
- Hysterical
- Irrational
- Jealous
- Kooky
- Loud
- Moody
- Needy
- Overemotional
- Prissy
- Quarrelsome
- Shrill
- Temperamental
- Unreasonable
- Vapid
- Whiny
- Xenophobic
- Yappy
- Zealous
- Aloof
- Bitchy
- Catty
- Domineering
- Evasive
Powerful Negative Words
- Atrocious
- Brutal
- Catastrophic
- Deplorable
- Evil
- Foul
- Ghastly
- Horrendous
- Iniquitous
- Jarring
- Killer
- Loathsome
- Monstrous
- Nefarious
- Ominous
- Pernicious
- Repugnant
- Sinister
- Terrifying
- Unforgivable
- Vile
- Wicked
- Xenophobic
- Yucky
- Zealous
- Abominable
- Barbaric
- Corrupt
- Disastrous
- Excruciating