Honorarium Plural, What is the plural of Honorarium?

Meaning; a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge.

Plural of Honorarium

Singular Plural
Honorarium Honorariums

Honorarium as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. She received an honorarium for her guest lecture.
  2. The speaker was offered a generous honorarium.
  3. The artist’s honorarium was a token of appreciation.
  4. He was paid a substantial honorarium for his work.
  5. The professor declined the small honorarium.
  6. The guest speaker requested a reasonable honorarium.
  7. The writer’s honorarium covered the travel expenses.
  8. She was surprised by the size of the honorarium.
  9. The company offered an attractive honorarium for the project.
  10. The recipient of the honorarium was announced at the ceremony.

Honorarium as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. They received hefty honorariums for their contributions.
  2. The organization granted honorariums to the volunteers.
  3. Several honorariums were awarded to deserving candidates.
  4. The conference organizers distributed honorariums to the speakers.
  5. The company allocated funds for the honorariums.
  6. The musicians were pleased with their honorariums.
  7. They collected the honorariums after the event.
  8. The committee decided on the amount of the honorariums.
  9. The recipients were grateful for the generous honorariums.
  10. The organization presented the honorariums at the gala.

Singular Possessive of Honorarium

The singular possessive form of “Honorarium” is “Honorarium’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Honorarium:

  1. The speaker received Honorarium’s payment after the event.
  2. The organization acknowledged Honorarium’s contribution.
  3. I appreciated Honorarium’s gesture of gratitude.
  4. The committee presented Honorarium’s certificate of appreciation.
  5. Honorarium’s value was determined based on the service.
  6. The artist donated Honorarium’s earnings to charity.
  7. I inquired about Honorarium’s tax implications.
  8. The professor’s lecture was worth Honorarium’s fee.
  9. Honorarium’s purpose was to recognize expertise.
  10. The contract specified Honorarium’s terms and conditions.

Plural Possessive of Honorarium

The plural possessive form of “Honorarium” is “Honoraria’s”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Honorarium:

  1. The conference organizers prepared the Honoraria’s envelopes.
  2. The committee members received the Honoraria’s checks.
  3. The recipients expressed gratitude for the Honoraria’s recognition.
  4. I attended the ceremony for the Honoraria’s recipients.
  5. The foundation awarded the Honoraria’s to deserving individuals.
  6. The scholars were invited to a dinner in honor of their Honoraria’s.
  7. The organization allocated funds for the Honoraria’s distribution.
  8. I read the bios of the Honoraria’s recipients in the program.
  9. The event highlighted the achievements of the Honoraria’s awardees.
  10. The donors contributed to the fund for future Honoraria’s.

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Last updated on June 10th, 2023 at 08:31 pm