40+ Body Parts That Start With J

Body Parts Starting With J! You know that there are countless inner and outer, tiny and large body parts in a human body. Here you will learn all the body parts that start with letter J. Each one has a specific function that helps us to live and thrive.

Body Parts That Start With J

  1. Jaw
  2. Joint
  3. Jugular vein
  4. Jowl
  5. Jumper’s knee
  6. Jawline
  7. Jutted chin
  8. Jockstrap
  9. Juxtacrine signaling
  10. Jejunum
  11. Jugulum
  12. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  13. Jacobson’s organ
  14. Juxtaposition
  15. Jugum
  16. Judgement
  17. Jackknife
  18. Jugate
  19. Jutting rib
  20. Juxtarenal
  21. Juxtapupillary
  22. Jugulation
  23. Jow
  24. Jutting breast
  25. Joint capsule
  26. Juxtacortical
  27. Juglandin
  28. Jackboot
  29. Jugulate
  30. Jupati
  31. Jugulum test
  32. Jellyfish tentacle
  33. Juxtaphrenic
  34. Jumper’s bump
  35. Judas
  36. Jumper’s rubella
  37. Juga
  38. Joint cavity
  39. Juxtacerebral
  40. Juxtapositional
  41. Juglandaceous
  42. Juxtaspinal
  43. Jointed appendage
  44. Jack-in-the-pulpit
  45. Jugo
  46. Jointed arm
  47. Juxtaposed
  48. Jug
  49. Junctional rhythm
  50. Juglar veins

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Most Common Body Parts Starting With J and Their Definition

Here are common body parts that start with the letter “J” and their definitions:

  1. Jaw – Bone structure for the mouth, supports teeth.
  2. Joint – Connection between two bones, allows movement.
  3. Jejunum – Part of the small intestine, absorbs nutrients.
  4. Jugular – Major vein, that transports blood from the head.

Body Parts With J – Infographics

body parts starting with j