50+ Body Parts That Start With I

Body Parts Starting With I! You know that there are countless inner and outer, tiny and large body parts in a human body. Here you will learn all the body parts that start with the letter I. Each one has a specific function that helps us to live and thrive.

Body Parts That Start With I

  1. Ilium
  2. Ileum
  3. Incisors
  4. Inferior Vena Cava
  5. Inguinal Ligament
  6. Ischium
  7. Iliac Crest
  8. Inner Ear
  9. Intercostal Muscles
  10. Intervertebral Discs
  11. Iris
  12. Infundibulum
  13. Incus
  14. Inferior Alveolar Nerve
  15. Inguinal Canal
  16. Iliac Artery
  17. Iliac Vein
  18. Incisor Teeth
  19. Infraorbital Foramen
  20. Inner Canthus
  21. Interatrial Septum
  22. Interstitial Fluid
  23. Intestines
  24. Interstitial Cells
  25. Inferior Colliculus
  26. Infrahyoid Muscles
  27. Interventricular Septum
  28. Islet Cells
  29. Intervertebral Foramina
  30. Intestinal Villi
  31. Inner Nuclear Layer (of retina)
  32. Incudomalleolar Joint
  33. Inferior Mesenteric Artery
  34. Inferior Nasal Concha
  35. Interosseous Membrane
  36. Interventricular Sulcus
  37. Internal Jugular Vein
  38. Infundibular Stalk
  39. Intercalated Discs
  40. Infraclavicular Fossa
  41. Intercarpal Joints
  42. Interneurons
  43. Iliacus Muscle
  44. Ischial Tuberosity
  45. Incudostapedial Joint
  46. Interatrial Fossa
  47. Iliotibial Tract
  48. Ischiocavernosus Muscle
  49. Iliohypogastric Nerve
  50. Iliohypogastric Ligament

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Body Parts With I – Infographics

body parts starting with i