3 Degrees of Chewy, Comparative Degree of Chewy, Superlative Degree of Chewy

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Chewy

Comparative degree of chewy is chewier and Superlative degree of chewy is chewiest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for chewy.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Chewy chewier chewiest

Examples Using Positive Degree of chewy:

  • The steak was so chewy that I couldn’t eat it.
  • The cookies were soft and chewy in the middle.
  • The candy is delightfully chewy and fruity.
  • I prefer chewy chocolate chip cookies over crunchy ones.
  • The caramel was perfectly chewy and gooey.
  • The bagels from that bakery are always fresh and chewy.
  • The beef jerky was tough and chewy to eat.
  • The toffee had a nice chewy texture.
  • I enjoy the chewy texture of gummy bears.
  • The rice cakes were surprisingly chewy and flavorful.

Example Using Comparative Degree of chewy:

  • The steak was chewier than I anticipated.
  • These cookies are chewier than the ones I had yesterday.
  • The candy is even chewier when it’s warmed up.
  • This bread is chewier than the one I usually buy.
  • The caramel became chewier as it cooled down.
  • The bagels from that bakery are always chewier than others.
  • The beef jerky was chewier than expected.
  • The toffee had a slightly chewier consistency.
  • These gummy bears are chewier than the ones I had before.
  • The rice cakes turned out to be chewier than I thought.

Example Using Superlative Degree of chewy:

  • That steak was the chewiest I have ever had.
  • These cookies are the chewiest I’ve ever tasted.
  • The candy is the chewiest when it’s fresh.
  • This bread is the chewiest I’ve come across.
  • The caramel was the chewiest I’ve ever experienced.
  • The bagels from that bakery are always the chewiest.
  • The beef jerky was the chewiest I’ve tried.
  • The toffee had the chewiest texture I’ve encountered.
  • These gummy bears are the chewiest I’ve found so far.
  • The rice cakes turned out to be the chewiest I’ve ever had.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives