30+ Slang for Outfit (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Outfit Mean?

An outfit refers to a set of clothes or equipment used for a particular purpose or occasion.

Slang For Outfit

Slang Words for Outfit

Here is the list of slang words for Outfit with meanings:

  1. Threads – The clothes someone is wearing.
  2. Digs – Clothing or attire.
  3. Garb – A specific style or type of clothing.
  4. Gear – Outfit or equipment for a task.
  5. Getup – A person’s entire look or style.
  6. Drags – Attire or clothing.
  7. Rig – A person’s particular outfit or attire.
  8. Fit – Outfit or ensemble.
  9. Lewk – A distinctive and stylish appearance.
  10. Decked – Dressed up or wearing something.
  11. Drip – Impressive, stylish clothing.
  12. Swag – Stylish appearance or manner.
  13. Ensemble – A coordinated outfit or look.
  14. Number – A particular piece of clothing.
  15. Duds – Clothes, especially fancy ones.
  16. Togs – Casual clothing.
  17. Attire – Clothing or garments.
  18. Kit – A set of clothes for a specific event.
  19. Raiment – Clothing or garments.
  20. Wardrobe – Collection of clothes.
  21. Dress – An outfit or attire in general.
  22. Vestments – Clothing, especially of a formal nature.
  23. Habits – Regular attire or dress.
  24. Apparel – Clothing of any kind.
  25. Costume – An outfit worn to create a particular appearance.
  26. Garment – An item of clothing.
  27. Robes – Long flowing clothes.
  28. Uniform – Standard clothing for a particular group.
  29. Regalia – The emblems or insignia of royalty or any clothing.
  30. Clobber – British slang for clothes or personal belongings.

Use of Outfit Slang in Example Sentences

Below are example sentences using the slang term Outfit:

  1. Check out those fresh threads he’s rocking.
  2. I love the digs she’s wearing today.
  3. His garb really stands out in the crowd.
  4. I need new gear for my upcoming trip.
  5. That’s a unique getup for a party!
  6. I’ve never seen her in those drags before.
  7. What a cool rig you’ve put together!
  8. Your fit for the event was spot on.
  9. She always brings a new lewk to the party.
  10. He’s all decked out for the premiere.
  11. His new shoes added extra drip to his outfit.
  12. No one can deny his swag today.
  13. What a lovely ensemble for the evening!
  14. That red number suits you perfectly.
  15. He wore his best duds for the date.
  16. Those beach togs are really cool.
  17. The wedding attire was absolutely stunning.
  18. His cricket kit is brand new.
  19. Traditional raiment can be so elegant.
  20. She revamped her entire wardrobe last month.
  21. Her dress sense is impeccable.
  22. The priest’s vestments were ornate.
  23. Nuns are often recognized by their habits.
  24. The store sells sports apparel.
  25. The superhero costume was handmade.
  26. Every garment in that store is handcrafted.
  27. The king wore his finest robes.
  28. Their uniform distinguishes them from others.
  29. Royal regalia is always a sight to behold.
  30. I love that piece of clobber you’re wearing.

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