20+ Slang for Not Good Crossword (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Not Good Crossword Mean?

“Not good” in a crossword context likely refers to a clue indicating a negative outcome or unfavorable situation, often used to lead to a word that signifies a problem, difficulty, or lack of success within the puzzle’s solution. It implies an undesirable state or result within the crossword’s context.

Slang For Not Good Crossword

Slang Words for Not Good Crossword

Here is the list of slang words for Not Good Crossword with meanings:

  1. Busted – Broken beyond repair or use.
  2. Trash – Of very poor quality.
  3. Wack – Crazy or weird in a bad way.
  4. Flop – A complete and utter failure.
  5. Lame – Not cool or exciting.
  6. Sketch – Suspicious or untrustworthy.
  7. Ratchet – Low-quality or not refined.
  8. Dead – No excitement or life.
  9. Bogus – Not genuine or true.
  10. Crusty – Dirty, old, or of poor quality.
  11. Dud – Something ineffective or worthless.
  12. Jank – Bad quality or not working right.
  13. Meh – Indifference; neither good nor bad.
  14. Chintzy – Cheaply made or stingy.
  15. Naff – Lacking in style or good taste.
  16. Rubbish – Worthless or of low quality.
  17. Dismal – Depressingly dull or bleak.
  18. Grim – Uninviting or unpleasant.
  19. Manky – Dirty or in bad condition.
  20. Bootleg – Unauthorized or fake.

Use of Not Good Crossword Slang in Example Sentences

Below are example sentences using the slang term Not Good Crossword:

  1. The phone looks completely busted after dropping.
  2. That movie was absolute trash, don’t watch it.
  3. The idea he proposed was totally wack.
  4. Her new song was a total flop on the charts.
  5. Those old jokes are really lame now.
  6. Something about that deal feels sketch.
  7. That knockoff purse looks so ratchet.
  8. The party was dead by 10 pm.
  9. His claim about the event is bogus.
  10. Those shoes are getting a bit crusty.
  11. I bought a flashlight, but it’s a dud.
  12. The app keeps crashing, it’s so jank.
  13. The restaurant was just… meh.
  14. The prizes at the fair seem chintzy.
  15. That hat looks a bit naff on him.
  16. Your excuse for coming late is rubbish.
  17. The weather today is simply dismal.
  18. The prospects for the team look grim.
  19. Don’t wear that manky old shirt.
  20. He bought a bootleg version of the software.

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