Collateral Plural, What is the Plural of Collateral?

Meaning: something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.


Singular Plural
Collateral Collaterals

Synonyms of COLLATERAL

  • assurance
  • bond
  • endorsement
  • guarantee
  • pledge
  • promise
  • security

Collateral as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The bank required the borrower to provide collateral for the loan.
  2. The pawnshop accepted valuable items as collateral for a loan.
  3. The company used its property as collateral to secure financing.
  4. The lender evaluated the value of the collateral before approving the loan.
  5. The businessman pledged his assets as collateral to secure the investment.
  6. The borrower risked losing the collateral if they failed to repay the loan.
  7. The contract stipulated that the buyer would provide collateral as a guarantee.
  8. The entrepreneur used the patent as collateral to attract investors.
  9. The bank seized the collateral when the borrower defaulted on the loan.
  10. The mortgage lender required the house to be used as collateral.

Collateral as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The bank accepted various types of assets as collaterals.
  2. The loan agreement listed the acceptable forms of collateral.
  3. The borrower presented multiple valuable collaterals to secure the loan.
  4. The lender evaluated the market value of the offered collaterals.
  5. The company pledged its inventory and equipment as collaterals.
  6. The legal contract protected both parties in case of default on the collaterals.
  7. The borrower carefully assessed the risk of losing the offered collaterals.
  8. The bank seized the collaterals after the borrower failed to meet the repayment terms.
  9. The financial institution required additional collaterals to lower the loan interest rate.
  10. The borrower had to provide multiple collaterals to secure the large loan amount.

Singular Possessive of Collateral

The singular possessive form of “Collateral” is “Collateral’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Collateral:

  1. The value of the collateral’s assets secured the loan.
  2. I examined the condition of the collateral’s property.
  3. The loss of the collateral’s value affected the investment.
  4. I assessed the risk associated with the collateral’s ownership.
  5. The agreement specified the terms of the collateral’s use.
  6. I negotiated the terms of the collateral’s agreement.
  7. The documentation proved the ownership of the collateral’s title.
  8. I verified the authenticity of the collateral’s documents.
  9. The appraisal determined the worth of the collateral’s items.
  10. I protected the interests of the lender through the collateral’s valuation.

Plural Possessive of Collateral

The plural possessive form of “Collateral” is “Collaterals'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Collateral:

  1. The values of the collaterals’ assets secured the loan.
  2. I examined the conditions of the collaterals’ properties.
  3. The loss of the collaterals’ values affected the investment.
  4. I assessed the risks associated with the collaterals’ ownership.
  5. The agreements specified the terms of the collaterals’ use.
  6. I negotiated the terms of the collaterals’ agreements.
  7. The documentation proved the ownership of the collaterals’ titles.
  8. I verified the authenticity of the collaterals’ documents.
  9. The appraisals determined the worth of the collaterals’ items.
  10. I protected the interests of the lender through the collaterals’ valuations.

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Last updated on June 8th, 2023 at 07:57 pm