3 Degrees of Juicy, Comparative Degree of Juicy, Superlative Degree of Juicy

Meaning of Juicy: (of food) full of juice; succulent.

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Juicy

The comparative degree of juicy is juicier, superlative degree of juicy is juiciest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Juicy juicier juiciest

Examples Using Positive Degree of Juicy:

  • The watermelon slice is so juicy and refreshing.
  • The steak is cooked perfectly and very juicy.
  • The oranges in this market are always juicy and sweet.
  • I love biting into a juicy ripe peach.
  • This burger is so juicy and flavorful.
  • The pineapple juice is cold and juicy on a hot day.
  • The strawberries are plump and juicy this season.
  • I can’t resist a juicy slice of watermelon on a hot day.
  • The grapes are incredibly juicy and burst in your mouth.
  • The chicken breast is tender and juicy when cooked properly.

Example Using Comparative Degree of Juicy:

  • This steak is juicier than the one I had last week.
  • The oranges from that orchard are juicier than the ones from here.
  • The peaches in the other basket look juicier than these.
  • Her homemade lemonade tastes juicier than the store-bought one.
  • The burger from the new restaurant is juicier than the old one.
  • The pineapple juice in the tall glass is juicier than the small one.
  • These strawberries are juicier than the ones we had yesterday.
  • The watermelon slices from the market are juicier than the ones at the store.
  • These grapes are juicier than the ones we had at the picnic.
  • The chicken drumsticks are juicier than the chicken breasts.

Example Using Superlative Degree of Juicy:

  • This steak is the juiciest one I’ve ever tasted.
  • The oranges from that orchard are the juiciest I’ve ever had.
  • The peaches in this basket are the juiciest of them all.
  • Her homemade lemonade is the juiciest I’ve ever tried.
  • The burger from that restaurant is the juiciest in town.
  • The pineapple juice in this glass is the juiciest I’ve ever had.
  • These strawberries are the juiciest I’ve had this season.
  • The watermelon slices from the market are the juiciest I’ve ever bought.
  • These grapes are the juiciest I’ve ever tasted.
  • The chicken thighs are the juiciest part of the chicken.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives