3 Degrees of Green, Comparative Degree of Green, Superlative Degree of Green

Meaning of Green: color name, color of leaves

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Green

Comparative degree of green is greener, superlative degree of green is greenest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for green.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Green greener greenest

Examples Using Positive Degree of Green:

  • The green grass is soft and lush.
  • Her eyes sparkled with a green brilliance.
  • The fresh leaves on the tree were green.
  • I love the vibrant color of green apples.
  • The soccer field was covered in green turf.
  • The forest was filled with tall, green trees.
  • He wore a bright, green shirt for St. Patrick’s Day.
  • The garden was full of blooming green plants.
  • The tennis court had a smooth, green surface.
  • The light reflected off the shimmering, green lake.

Examples Using Comparative Degree of Green:

  • The grass in the park is greener than in my yard.
  • Her eyes are greener than emeralds in the sunlight.
  • The new leaves on the tree are greener than before.
  • This lime is greener than the previous one I had.
  • The soccer field in the neighboring town is greener.
  • The forest in the national park is even greener.
  • His shirt is greener than any other in the room.
  • The garden next door has greener plants than ours.
  • The tennis court down the street has a greener surface.
  • The lake in the mountains is greener than any other.

Examples Using Superlative Degree of Green:

  • The grass in the park is the greenest I’ve ever seen.
  • Her eyes are the greenest I’ve ever encountered.
  • The new leaves on the tree are the greenest this year.
  • This lime is the greenest one in the entire batch.
  • The soccer field in the city is the greenest around.
  • The forest in the national park is the greenest ever.
  • His shirt is the greenest of all the shirts in the store.
  • The garden down the street has the greenest plants.
  • The tennis court in the country club has the greenest surface.
  • The lake in the valley is the greenest of all the lakes.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives