180+ Verbs Starting with I (Complete List)

180 Verbs Starting with I! Isn’t it amazing how many verbs start with just one single letter? The English language is full of such peculiar curiosities, and ‘I’ is no different! There are a whopping 180 verbs starting with ‘I’ – imagine the possibilities for your writing. And you needn’t worry about not having the complete list just yet – if you’re looking for all those I-verbs to make your sentences shine, then this blog post has got you covered.

From “illuminate” to “interact“, we have all 180 I-verbs listed out in alphabetical order here, ensuring that finding what you need will be easier than ever! Keep reading to discover each of these incredible words beginning with ‘I’ and start spicing up your vocabulary today!

verbs starting with i

A verb is a word used to express an action or state of being. Verbs are the second most important part of speech after nouns. There are three types of verbs: Action Verbs, Linking Verbs, and Helping Verbs.

List of Verbs Starting with I

Verbs Starting with IC and ID

  • iconize
  • idealize
  • idolize
  • idle
  • identify
  • ice
  • ice-skate

Verbs Starting with IL

  • illumination
  • illegitimatize
  • ill-treat
  • illuminate
  • illegalize
  • illure
  • illuminator
  • illume
  • illaqueate
  • illighten
  • illuminize
  • illegitimate
  • illude
  • illumine
  • illuminati
  • illiberalize
  • illapse
  • illustrate
  • illtreat

Verbs Starting with IM

  • imbrute
  • imbibe
  • imbow
  • imbosom
  • imbowel
  • imbay
  • imblaze
  • imbody
  • imbreed
  • imborder
  • imbezzle
  • imbed
  • imbower
  • imbase
  • imbolden
  • imbark
  • imbalm
  • imbrown
  • imboil
  • imbastardize
  • imbathe
  • imbitter
  • imban
  • image
  • imbraid
  • imbox
  • imbound
  • imband
  • imbecile
  • imbrangle
  • imbarn
  • imblazon
  • imbosk
  • imboss
  • imbrue
  • imagine
  • imbank
  • imbecilitate
  • imbar
  • imbricate

Verbs Starting with IN

  • incloister
  • incarcerate
  • incise
  • inbind
  • inaugur
  • incask
  • in
  • inclip
  • inchamber
  • inchant
  • inbreed
  • incanton
  • inanimate
  • incense
  • inclasp
  • incinerate
  • incage
  • incase
  • incend
  • inable
  • inaugurate
  • inanitiate
  • incapsulate
  • inch
  • inchase
  • inarch
  • inchest
  • incite
  • incapacitate
  • incide
  • incarnadine
  • incline
  • inactuate
  • inaurate
  • incircle
  • inbarge
  • incarnate
  • incarn
  • inchoate
  • inbreathe

Verbs Starting with IO

  • iodize

Verbs Starting with IR

  • iron
  • iridize
  • irregulate
  • irradiate
  • irrigate
  • irritate
  • irrorate
  • irrugate
  • irk
  • irradicate
  • irreconcile

Verbs Starting with IS

  • island
  • isle
  • is
  • issue
  • isolate
  • islamize

Verbs Starting with IT

  • iterate
  • italianate
  • itinerate
  • italicize
  • italianize
  • itemize
  • itch
  • item

Different Types of Verbs Starting With I

Action Verbs Beginning With I

  • Inventoried
  • Investigated
  • Interpreted
  • Increased
  • Instituted
  • Interviewed
  • Implemented
  • Installed
  • Intervened
  • Invented
  • Itemized
  • Incorporated
  • Informed
  • Integrated
  • Inspected
  • Identified
  • Inspired
  • Imported
  • Improvised
  • Intensified
  • Improved
  • Influenced
  • Introduced
  • Innovated
  • Imagined
  • Illustrated
  • Instructed
  • Initiated

Regular Verbs That Start With I

  • Inject
  • Instruct
  • Increase
  • Include
  • Imagine
  • Injure
  • Influence
  • Invite
  • Intend
  • Invent
  • Itch
  • Interfere
  • Identify
  • Ignore
  • Improve
  • Interrupt
  • Inform
  • Introduce
  • Irritate
  • Interest
  • Impress

Irregular Verbs That Start With I

  • Interlay
  • Interbreed
  • Interwind
  • Input

Phrasal Verbs Starting With I

  • Iron out

Verbs That Start With I and Their Meaning

  • Identify: recognize, name
  • Ignite: light, start fire
  • Illuminate: light up, clarify
  • Immerse: submerge, involve deeply
  • Impart: share, communicate
  • Imprison: incarcerate, confine
  • Impute: attribute, ascribe
  • Incarcerate: imprison, confine
  • Incite: provoke, stimulate
  • Incline: lean, slope
  • Increase: grow, expand
  • Indicate: show, point out
  • Inflame: provoke, irritate
  • Inflict: impose, cause harm
  • Infuse: imbue, inject
  • Ingest: consume, swallow
  • Inhabit: occupy, reside
  • Inhibit: restrict, restrain
  • Inquire: ask, investigate
  • Insinuate: suggest, imply
  • Inspect: examine, scrutinize
  • Inspire: motivate, encourage
  • Instruct: teach, guide
  • Intensify: increase, strengthen
  • Interpret: explain, translate
  • Interrogate: question, cross-examine
  • Introduce: present, initiate
  • Invent: create, devise
  • Invest: allocate, devote
  • Invite: ask, welcome

Popular I-Verbs in Example Sentences

Imagine: She imagined herself on a beach while meditating.

Involve: He involved himself in the community by volunteering.

Insist: She insisted on paying for the meal even though it was his treat.

Identify: He identified the bird by its unique call.

Introduce: She introduced her new boyfriend to her family.

Ignore: He ignored the phone call because he was busy.

Invest: She invested in stocks to grow her wealth.

Instruct: He instructed his assistant on how to complete the task.

Inform: She informed her boss of the project’s progress.

Inspire: He inspired his followers with his motivational speeches.

Verbs With Letter I and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
immure immured immured
inquire inquired inquired
indulge indulged indulged
infringe infringed infringed
import imported imported
implore implored implored
infuse infused infused
invite invited invited
inhabit inhabited inhabited
indent indented indented
illustrate illustrated illustrated
implant implanted implanted
inform informed informed
inherit inherited inherited
impel impelled impelled
imperil imperilled imperilled
inhale inhaled inhaled
ignite ignited ignited
insult insulted insulted
inculcate inculcated inculcated
inflect inflected inflected
innovate innovated innovated
impede impeded impeded
insure insured insured
inaugurate inaugurated inaugurated
impinge impinged impinged
incise incised incised
ill-treat ill-treated ill-treated
increase increased increased
imbibe imbibed imbibed
immolate immolated immolated
identify identified identified
inspire inspired inspired
ingest ingested ingested
imprint imprinted imprinted
impair impaired impaired
impart imparted imparted
implicate implicated implicated
injure injured injured
improve improved improved
implode imploded imploded
initiate initiated initiated
infect infected infected
idolize idolized idolized
install installed installed
integrate integrated integrated
inject injected injected
introduce introduced introduced
include included included
induce induced induced
impose imposed imposed
idealize idealized idealized
inspect inspected inspected
input input input
insert inserted inserted
illuminate illuminated illuminated
inflame inflamed inflamed
impress impressed impressed
imitate imitated imitated
inscribe inscribed inscribed
imprison imprisoned imprisoned
inflate inflated inflated
immerse immersed immersed
illumine illumined illumined
ignore ignored ignored
imply implied implied
indicate indicated indicated
invent invented invented
infest infested infested
imagine imagined imagined
impeach impeached impeached
impend impended impended
inlay inlaid inlaid

Positive Verbs That Start With I

  • Involve
  • Input
  • Illuminate
  • Improve
  • Improvise
  • Interface
  • Increase
  • Introduce
  • Impress
  • Individualize
  • Index
  • Instruct
  • Import
  • Initiate
  • Insure
  • Interview
  • Inventory
  • Invite
  • Install
  • Incorporate
  • Influence
  • Inebriate
  • Illustrate
  • Institute
  • Integrate
  • Infant
  • Interact
  • Identify
  • Inspirit
  • Innovate
  • Inspire
  • Intertwine
  • Impart
  • Investigate
  • Inspect
  • Implement
  • Invigorate
  • Intimate
  • Interpret
  • Interest
  • Immerse
  • Invent
  • Inform

Verbs that begin with I – Flashcards

irregular verbs starting with i action verbs starting with i verbs starting with i regular verbs starting with i

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