140 Verbs Starting With U (Complete List)

140 Verbs Starting With U! Verbs are the foundation of any language, and it’s important to know as many different verbs as possible in order to communicate effectively. If you’re looking for some new options starting with the letter U, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll be giving a complete list of 140 verbs beginning with U– from ubiquitous acts like “using” or “understanding” to more obscure activities like “urinating.” verbs starting with u

List of Verbs Starting with U

Verbs Starting with UG

  • ugly
  • uglify

Verbs Starting with UL

  • ultimate
  • ululate
  • ulcerate
  • ulcer

Verbs Starting with UM

  • umbrate
  • umbecast
  • umpire
  • umber

Verbs Starting with UN

  • unbefool
  • unbark
  • unanchor
  • unbay
  • unbecome
  • unbone
  • unarm
  • unapparel
  • unbank
  • unappropriate
  • unbend
  • unbeget
  • unbeat
  • unblindfold
  • unbless
  • unbewitch
  • unauthorize
  • unballast
  • unbody
  • unbolt
  • unbarricade
  • unbelt
  • unbias
  • unbespeak
  • unattire
  • unbeseem
  • unbar
  • unbear
  • unbeguile
  • unbed
  • unbarrel
  • unbind
  • unbag
  • unactive
  • unbenumb
  • unblind
  • unbethink
  • unbishop
  • unbit
  • unbe

Verbs Starting with UP

  • upheave
  • upbind
  • upend
  • uppluck
  • uplift
  • upcurl
  • uphoard
  • upfill
  • upbraid
  • upbreed
  • upraise
  • upgrow
  • uplay
  • upclimb
  • upbear
  • upbar
  • uphold
  • upflow
  • uplock
  • uplead
  • upcheer
  • uphang
  • uplean
  • upcast
  • upblow
  • upgaze
  • upgather
  • uphilt
  • updraw
  • upholster
  • uplook
  • upgive
  • upbreak
  • upcoil
  • updive
  • uphasp
  • uppile
  • up
  • upgush
  • upprop

Verbs Starting with UR

  • urinate
  • urbanize
  • urge
  • ure
  • urn
  • urticate
  • urine

Verbs Starting with US

  • usance
  • usurp
  • usury
  • usher
  • use
  • usure

Verbs Starting with UT

  • utter
  • utensil
  • utilize
  • utile

Different Types of Verbs Starting With U

Action Verbs Beginning With U

  • Utilized
  • Undertook
  • Updated
  • Upgraded
  • United
  • Unified
  • Used

Regular Verbs That Start With U

  • Understand
  • Use
  • Upset
  • Undo

Irregular Verbs That Start With U

  • Undershoot
  • Underspend
  • Unspeak
  • Unspin
  • Understand
  • Undo
  • Underdo
  • Undersell
  • Underwrite
  • Unknit
  • Undercut
  • Unclothe
  • Uppercut
  • Undershoot
  • Upset
  • Undo
  • Unbuild
  • Undergo
  • Undertake
  • Unhold
  • Understand
  • Uphold

Phrasal Verbs Starting With U

  • Use up
  • Used to
  • Usher in

Positive Words That Start U

  • Upstand
  • Unite
  • Upbear
  • Unanchor
  • Uplift
  • Unbenumb
  • Upgrade
  • Underbear
  • Utilize
  • Undertake
  • Understand
  • Underfong
  • Unbias
  • Unconfound
  • Up
  • Uphold
  • Upcheer
  • Unfetter
  • Use
  • Utile
  • Uncover
  • Unburden

Verbs That Start With U and Their Meaning

  • Unburden: relieve of burden.
  • Unclasp: undo a clasp or hold
  • Uncover: reveal or expose
  • Underestimate: underestimate the value, cost or size of something
  • Undergo: experience or endure
  • Underscore: emphasize or underline
  • Understand: comprehend meaning
  • Understandably: able to be understood
  • Undertake: take on responsibility
  • Unfasten: undo or unclip
  • Unfold: open out
  • Unhook: release from a hook
  • Unite: bring together or combine
  • Unknot: untie a knot
  • Unload: remove a load from
  • Unlock: open a lock
  • Unmask: reveal true identity
  • Unmoor: detach from mooring or anchorage
  • Unpack: remove items from a container
  • Unplug: disconnect from a power source
  • Unravel: undo or untangle
  • Unroll: unwind or unfurl
  • Unruffle: smooth out or calm down
  • Unscramble: make sense of jumbled words
  • Unseat: remove from position
  • Unsettle: disturb or agitate
  • Unveil: reveal or disclose
  • Unwind: relax or unwind.
  • Unzip: open a zipper
  • Update: bring up-to-date
  • Upgrade: improve or enhance
  • Uphold: support or maintain
  • Upset: disturb emotionally
  • Urbanize: make or become urban
  • Urge: strongly recommend
  • Use: put into service
  • Utilize: make use of


Popular U-Verbs in Example Sentences

Use: She used a pencil to write her notes.

Understand: He understood the importance of education in his life.

Update: She updated her computer software to the latest version.

Unite: He united his team to work towards a common goal.

Useless: She realized that the broken vase was useless and threw it away.

Unlock: He unlocked the door with his keys.

Undertake: She undertook the responsibility of organizing the charity event.

Urge: He urged his friend to quit smoking for the sake of his health.

Upload: She uploaded the video of her vacation on social media.

Upset: He was upset about the news of his grandmother’s illness.

Verbs With Letter U and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
use used used
utter uttered uttered
upset upset upset
urge urged urged
uproot uprooted uprooted
undo undid undone
understand understood understood

Positive Verbs That Start With U

  • Upbear
  • Unbenumb
  • Underfong
  • Upstand
  • Utile
  • Uplift
  • Utilize
  • Unconfound
  • Undertake
  • Up
  • Upcheer
  • Upgrade
  • Unanchor
  • Uncover
  • Unfetter
  • Unite
  • Underbear
  • Unburden
  • Unbias
  • Understand
  • Uphold
  • Use

Verbs that begin with U – Flashcards

irregular verbs starting with u verbs starting with u action verbs starting with u regular verbs starting with u phrasal verbs starting with u

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