30+ Slang for Sure (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Sure Mean?

“Sure” is an affirmative response indicating agreement or consent. It often means “yes” or “of course” in various contexts.

Slang For Sure

Slang Words for Sure

Here is the list of slang words for Sure with meanings:

  1. Bet – Agreement; taking you up on it.
  2. Aight – Shortened “all right”; okay.
  3. Yep – Informal way to say yes.
  4. Yup – Another informal yes.
  5. Fosho – “For sure”; definitely.
  6. Word – Acknowledgment or agreement.
  7. True – Acknowledgment; I agree.
  8. Yea – Informal yes; agreement.
  9. Lit – Great; that’s awesome.
  10. Dope – Cool; I agree.
  11. Solid – Agreed; reliable.
  12. Down – I’m in; I agree.
  13. K – Okay; acknowledgment.
  14. Cool – Okay; I understand.
  15. Righto – Okay; understood.
  16. Legit – Honestly; for real.
  17. Totally – Completely agree.
  18. Deffo – Definitely; for sure.
  19. Tru – Short for “true”; agree.
  20. Indeed – Certainly; I agree.
  21. Uh-huh – Yes; acknowledgment.
  22. Rog – Short for “roger”; understood.
  23. Absotively – Absolutely; definitely yes.
  24. Onnit – On it; understood.
  25. Fair – Fair enough; I agree.
  26. Gotchu – Got you; understand.
  27. Indubitably – Certainly; without doubt.
  28. Gucci – Good; okay.
  29. Facts – That’s true; I agree.
  30. Deadass – Seriously; for real.

Use of Sure Slang in Example Sentences

Below are example sentences using slang term of Sure:

  1. That’s the plan? Bet, let’s do it.
  2. Everything good with you? Aight, just checking.
  3. Is that your final answer? Yep, it is.
  4. Did you finish your homework? Yup.
  5. You’re coming to the party? Fosho.
  6. She said that? Word, I’m shocked.
  7. That seems logical. True.
  8. Can you help with this? Yea, sure can.
  9. This party is lit!
  10. Your new shoes are dope.
  11. Your idea sounds solid.
  12. You want to go skating? I’m down.
  13. I’ve sent the details. K, thanks.
  14. I’ll meet you at 5. Cool, see you.
  15. Want tea instead of coffee? Righto.
  16. That’s the actual price? Legit?
  17. You think it’s a good plan? Totally.
  18. Are you coming tomorrow? Deffo.
  19. That’s your new car? Tru.
  20. You really think so? Indeed.
  21. You heard the news? Uh-huh, shocking.
  22. Got the message? Rog, loud and clear.
  23. You really believe that? Absotively!
  24. Need this done ASAP. I’m onnit.
  25. That’s your point? Seems fair.
  26. I’ve got your ticket. Gotchu, thanks!
  27. You’re certain of this? Indubitably.
  28. Everything’s alright? Yeah, all Gucci.
  29. He’s the best player? Facts.
  30. You’re not joking? Deadass, I’m serious.

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