Present Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite Tense!

In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains (he, she, it, or a single name) then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in the case of negative or interrogative sentences.

What are the Helping Verbs of Present Indefinite Tense?

The helping verbs do and does.

Present Indefinite Tense

Helping Verbs

(Do, Does )

Form of Verb

(1 Form of a verb)

+       Affirmative Sentences


1 form of the verb





          Negative sentences


Do/does Not 1 form of the verb



Do Not Play


?       Interrogative Sentences


Subject 1 form of a verb Object



We Play Hockey


Present Indefinite tense Formation and Examples

Affirmative Sentences:

In the case of present indefinite tense when we are dealing with simple or affirmative sentences, after the subject first form of the verb is used. In the case of he, she, it, or any singular noun, there is the addition of s/es with the first form of the verb.

Formation :

Subject + First form of + verb


  • We play cricket.
  • He goes to school.
  • She takes tea.
  • I eat mangoes.
  • Ali goes to buy vegetables daily.
  • You learn your lesson.
  • Tahir works hard.
  • Usama goes to college.
  • Nasir takes a bath daily.

affirmative or simple sentences formation and examples

Negative sentences :

In negative sentences, ‘’ do’’ is used with.

  • First-person pronouns like for (I and we).
  • Second person pronoun ‘’you’’.
  • Third-person pronoun ‘’They’’.

And does is used with the third person singular pronoun.

i.e. for (he, she and it).

Formation :

Sub + do/does + not + 1st form + Object.


  • She does not take tea.
  • I do not go to Bazar.
  • Ayesha does not wash utensils.
  • We do not tease people.
  • They do not make fun of others.
  • You do not learn your lesson.
  • They do not play hockey.
  • Lee does not go to college.
  • Sana does not take a bath daily.

negative sentences formation and examples

Interrogative sentences :

When we deal with an interrogative sentence the helping verb is added at the start.

Or we can say the helping verbs (do/does) are added before the subject.

Formation :

Do/ does + subject + first form of verb + object + ?


Does he go to school?

Do they make fun of others?

interrogative sentences formation and examples

Present Indefinite Tense Examples

  • You always shop in that market.
  • We watch movies in this Cineplex.
  • We come for shopping in this market.
  • They love to play football.
  • They always play cricket in that field.
  • The poet writes romantic poems.
  • The lyricist writes realistic songs.
  • She prefers coffee to tea.
  • I write articles on different topics.
  • I sing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
  • I love to listen to melodious songs.
  • I love my parents and my elder brother.
  • I know how to protest against injustice.
  • I do not like to quarrel.
  • I am a peace-loving person.
  • He reads various kinds of books.
  • He loves to travel around the world.
  • He goes to the library every day.
  • Do you love to listen to realistic songs?
  • Do you like to watch cricket?

present indefinite tense examples

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