Past Perfect Tense | Download complete PDF

Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense describes an action or a work that is completed in the past.  The third form of a verb is used. “had” is used as helping verbs with both the singular and plural nouns and pronouns.

Affirmative sentences 

Firstly 3rd form of a verb is used.

Secondly “had” is used as a helping verb. With all types of nouns and pronouns.

Formation :

Sub + helping verb ( had) + 3rd form of verb  + object.


  • He had already done his work.
  • I had taken a bath.
  • She had gone to sleep.
  • They had reached there.
  • The boy had stolen my money.
  • You had rung the bell.
  • Sun had set.
  • We had heard this news.
  • Ali had bought the book.
  • The gardener had watered the plants.

past perfect tense affirmative

Negative sentences

When we have to make negative sentences, we use not after helping verb.

Formation :

Sub + helping verb ( had) +   not   + 3rd form of verb + object.


  • He had not already done his work.
  • I had not taken a bath.
  • She had not gone to sleep.
  • They had not reached there.
  • The boy had not stolen my money.
  • You had not rung the bell.
  • Sun had not set.
  • We had not heard this news.
  • Ali had not bought the book.
  • The gardener had not watered the plants.

past perfect tense negative

Interrogative sentences

In the case of interrogative sentences, the helping verb (had) is placed at the start of the sentence. And a question mark is added at the end.

Formation :

Helping verb ( had ) + Subject + 3rd form of verb + object + ?


  • had he already done his work?
  • had I taken a bath?
  • had she gone to sleep?
  • had they reached there?
  • had a boy stolen my money?
  • had you rung the bell?
  • had Sunset?
  • had we heard this news?
  • had Ali bought the book?
  • had the gardener watered the plants?

past perfect tense interrogative


Helping Verbs

(had )

Form of Verb

(the third form of a verb is used)

+       Affirmative Sentences

Sub   +   ( had)   +   3rd form of verb    +   object

He           +          had    +     taken     +     bath

–          Negative sentences

Sub   +   ( had) + not   +   3rd  form of verb  +   object

He    +  had        + not          +     taken   +        bath

?       Interrogative Sentences

( had)      +   sub   +   3rd form of verb   +   object  + ?

had           +          he    +     taken    +     bath      + ?


Past Perfect Tense Examples pdf

  • You had shopped in that market before you came home.
  • We had watched a movie in that Cineplex before he came.
  • We had taken an ice-cream before we left the ice-cream parlor.
  • We had shopped in that shop before we came home.
  • They had played hockey in that field before it started to rain.
  • They had played football in that field before it started to rain.
  • The poet had written a romantic poem before he came to the program.
  • The lyricist had come to the program before the minister came.
  • She had gone to the coffee shop before she came home.
  • I helped him to do the task after I had finished my work.
  • I had written articles on various topics before he came.
  • I had practiced the songs before the program started.
  • I had not watched the cricket match on television before you came.
  • I had listened to melodious songs before I started the work.
  • I came here after you had left.
  • He had traveled around the world before he came to Bangladesh.
  • He had studied in the library before he came to the class.
  • He had read different kinds of books before you came.
  • He had not practiced the song before he sang it in the program.
  • Had you come to the program before I came?

English tenses PDF

Past Perfect Tense

Present Indefinite Tense

Present continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Indefinite Tense
Past continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Indefinite Tense
Future continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense