Medical Terms That Start With P -(Medical Words Mastery)

The world of medicine is vast and replete with technical jargon, many of which are unfamiliar to the average person. The letter “P” alone introduces a plethora of terms that relate to various diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Whether you are a medical student, a professional in the healthcare field, or simply someone curious about medical terminology, this list is designed to increase your familiarity with medical terms associated with the letter “P”.

Medical Terms That Start With P

Here is the list of the most popular words that start with P:

  1. Pancreatitis
  2. Palpitation
  3. Paralysis
  4. Pediculosis
  5. Pericardium
  6. Pharyngitis
  7. Psoriasis
  8. Psychosis
  9. Pulmonary
  10. Pyrexia

Diseases and Conditions With P:

  1. Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Peripheral Neuropathy
  3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  4. Prostatitis
  5. Pneumonia
  6. Psoriatic Arthritis
  7. Periodontitis
  8. Pleurisy
  9. Pulmonary Embolism
  10. Pancreatic Cancer
  11. Paronychia
  12. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  13. Plague

Symptoms With P:

  1. Pain
  2. Pallor
  3. Palpitations
  4. Paralysis
  5. Parasthesia
  6. Pruritus
  7. Ptosis
  8. Polyuria
  9. Pyuria
  10. Palpebral edema
  11. Polydipsia
  12. Papilledema

Procedures With P:

  1. Pap Smear
  2. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  3. Peritoneal Dialysis
  4. Phlebotomy
  5. Prostatectomy
  6. Paracentesis
  7. Pacemaker Insertion
  8. Parathyroidectomy
  9. Pulmonary Function Test
  10. Patellar Tendon Repair
  11. Pilonidal Cyst Removal
  12. Pneumonectomy

Medications With P:

  1. Paracetamol
  2. Prednisone
  3. Prozac
  4. Prilosec
  5. Plavix
  6. Paxil
  7. Percocet
  8. Premarin
  9. Propecia
  10. Penicillin
  11. Protonix
  12. Phenergan

Imaging and Tests With P:

  1. PET scan
  2. Pulmonary Angiography
  3. Parathyroid Scan
  4. Proctoscopy
  5. Pelvic Ultrasound
  6. Pleural Biopsy
  7. Patency Test
  8. Pharyngoscopy
  9. Papanicolaou test
  10. Peak Flow Measurement
  11. Phonocardiogram
  12. Percutaneous Biopsy

Vaccination and Immunology With P:

  1. Pneumococcal Vaccine
  2. Polio Vaccine
  3. Pertussis Vaccine
  4. Parvovirus Vaccine
  5. Papillomavirus Vaccine
  6. Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Vaccine
  7. Passive Immunity
  8. Pathogen
  9. Plague Vaccine
  10. Polysaccharide Vaccine
  11. Pediatric Vaccines
  12. Prophylaxis

Drugs With P:

  1. Prozac
  2. Percocet
  3. Plaquenil
  4. Prednisolone
  5. Propranolol
  6. Paracetamol
  7. Pravastatin
  8. Pentobarbital
  9. Piroxicam
  10. Pantoprazole
  11. Phenytoin
  12. Paliperidone

A to Z Medical Glossary


Medical Words With P & Their Meanings

  1. Pacemaker: A device to regulate heart rhythm.
  2. Palate: The roof of the mouth.
  3. Palpation: Examining by touch.
  4. Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Pancytopenia: Reduction in red and white blood cells and platelets.
  6. Papilloma: A benign growth.
  7. Paralysis: Loss of muscle function.
  8. Parasomnia: Sleep disorders.
  9. Parathyroid: Glands that regulate calcium.
  10. Parenchyma: The functional parts of an organ.
  11. Parkinson’s Disease: Neurological disorder affecting movement.
  12. Paroxysm: A sudden attack or outburst.
  13. Patella: Knee cap bone.
  14. Pathogen: Disease-causing agent.
  15. Pathology: Study of disease.
  16. Pediatric: Pertaining to children.
  17. Pelvis: Lower trunk of the body.
  18. Perfusion: Blood flow through tissue.
  19. Pericardium: Membrane around the heart.
  20. Perineum: Area between anus and genitals.
  21. Perioperative: Time surrounding a surgery.
  22. Peripheral Neuropathy: Damage to peripheral nerves.
  23. Peristalsis: Muscle contractions moving content in intestines.
  24. Pernicious Anemia: Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.
  25. Perseveration: Repetition of a response.
  26. Petechiae: Small red or purple spots on the skin.
  27. Phalanges: Bones in fingers and toes.
  28. Pharmacology: Study of drugs.
  29. Pharyngitis: Throat inflammation.
  30. Pharynx: Throat.
  31. Phlebitis: Inflammation of a vein.
  32. Phobia: Intense fear of something.
  33. Photophobia: Sensitivity to light.
  34. Physiology: Study of body functions.
  35. Pituitary Gland: Master gland controlling other glands.
  36. Placenta: Organ supporting fetal development.
  37. Plasma: Liquid component of blood.
  38. Platelets: Blood cells for clotting.
  39. Pleura: Membranes around the lungs.
  40. Pleural Effusion: Fluid around the lungs.
  41. Pneumothorax: Air in the chest causing lung collapse.
  42. Polycythemia: High red blood cell count.
  43. Polymyalgia: Pain in multiple muscle groups.
  44. Polyneuropathy: Damage to multiple nerves.
  45. Polyp: Growth projecting from a mucous membrane.
  46. Polyuria: Excessive urination.
  47. Posterior: Backside.
  48. Postpartum: Time after childbirth.
  49. Postprandial: After a meal.
  50. Potassium: An essential mineral.
  51. Pre-eclampsia: High blood pressure during pregnancy.
  52. Precipitin: Antibody causing precipitation when binding to an antigen.
  53. Prediabetes: Elevated blood sugar not high enough for diabetes diagnosis.
  54. Preeclampsia: Pregnancy condition with high blood pressure.
  55. Prenatal: Before birth.
  56. Presbycusis: Age-related hearing loss.
  57. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria.
  58. Proctitis: Rectum inflammation.
  59. Prognosis: Expected disease outcome.
  60. Prolapse: Organ slip out of place.
  61. Prophylaxis: Preventive treatment.
  62. Prostate: Male gland.
  63. Prosthesis: Artificial body part.
  64. Proteins: Essential molecules for body function.
  65. Prothrombin: Protein for blood clotting.
  66. Proximal: Nearer to the center.
  67. Psoriasis: Skin disease with red patches.
  68. Psychosis: Disconnection from reality.
  69. Ptosis: Drooping of upper eyelid.
  70. Puberty: Developmental stage at which a person becomes capable of reproduction.
  71. Phlebotomy: The act of drawing blood for testing.
  72. Phototherapy: Treatment using light waves.
  73. Physiotherapy: Treatment method involving exercises and physical movements.
  74. Pilocarpine: A drug used to treat dry mouth or glaucoma.
  75. Pinna: External part of the ear.
  76. Pituitary Adenoma: Benign tumor of the pituitary gland.
  77. Plague: Disease caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium.
  78. Plasmapheresis: Process to remove, treat, and return blood plasma.
  79. Plateletpheresis: Removal of platelets from the blood.
  80. Plebiscite: A referendum or direct vote.
  81. Plexopathy: Disease of the neural plexus.
  82. Pneumococcus: Bacteria that can cause pneumonia.
  83. Pneumonia: Lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection.
  84. Podiatry: Medical specialty focusing on foot, ankle, and lower extremity.
  85. Polypectomy: Surgical removal of polyps.
  86. Polyposis: Condition in which polyps develop.
  87. Postmenopausal: Time after menopause.
  88. Potentiation: Increase in effectiveness due to interaction with another substance.
  89. Prader-Willi Syndrome: Genetic disorder causing weak muscle tone, feeding difficulties, and more.
  90. Precancerous: Cells that have the potential to become cancerous.
  91. Prehypertension: Slightly elevated blood pressure that may worsen over time.
  92. Prevalence: Number of cases in a population at a specific time.
  93. Proctoscopy: Examination of the rectum using a scope.
  94. Progestin: A type of hormone.
  95. Prolactin: Hormone that promotes milk production.
  96. Prostatitis: Inflammation or infection of the prostate gland.
  97. Proteome: Entire set of proteins in an organism.
  98. Pseudocyesis: False belief of being pregnant.
  99. Pseudomembranous colitis: Inflammation of the colon due to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
  100. Pterygium: Abnormal growth on the eye’s conjunctiva.
  101. Ptosis: Drooping or falling of a part.
  102. Pubalgia: Pain in the pubic region.
  103. Pulpectomy: Removal of dental pulp.
  104. Pulposus: Gel-like substance in the center of a spinal disc.
  105. Pyloric stenosis: Narrowing of the opening from the stomach to the first part of the small intestine.
  106. Pyriform: Pear-shaped.
  107. Pyromania: Impulse control disorder involving fire-starting.
  108. Pyrosis: Heartburn.
  109. Pyruvate: End product of glycolysis.
  110. Pyelogram: X-ray of the renal pelvis.
  111. Pachyderma: Thickening of the skin.
  112. Palindromic: Symptoms that come and go regularly.
  113. Paludism: Another term for malaria.

Medical Terms That Start With P