Medical Terms That Start With E -(Medical Words Mastery)

The field of medicine is vast and ever-evolving, and with it comes an extensive lexicon. The letter “E” in medical terminology encompasses a myriad of terms, from diseases to medications. These terms play an essential role in understanding diagnoses, treatments, and various medical processes. Whether you’re a student, professional, or just curious, this list can serve as a guide to enhance your knowledge about medical terms associated with the letter “E.”

Medical Terms That Start With E

Here is the list of the most popular words that start with the letter E:

  1. Echocardiogram
  2. Edema
  3. Electroencephalogram
  4. Electrolytes
  5. Embolism
  6. Emphysema
  7. Endoscopy
  8. Enzyme
  9. Epidermis
  10. Epinephrine

Diseases and Conditions With E:

  1. Eczema
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Encephalitis
  4. Epstein-Barr virus
  5. Esophagitis
  6. Essential tremor
  7. Ewing’s sarcoma
  8. Exostosis
  9. Erythema
  10. Eosinophilia

Symptoms With E:

  1. Erythema (redness of the skin)
  2. Edema (swelling)
  3. Exophthalmos (bulging eyes)
  4. Epistaxis (nosebleed)
  5. Exudate (fluid oozing from wounds)
  6. Eczematous rash
  7. Euphoria
  8. Excessive sweating
  9. Eye pain
  10. Earache

Procedures With E:

  1. Endoscopy
  2. Echocardiography
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  4. Electromyography (EMG)
  5. Endotracheal intubation
  6. Excision
  7. Epidural anesthesia
  8. Esophagectomy
  9. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  10. External beam radiation

Medications With E:

  1. Erythromycin
  2. Escitalopram
  3. Enalapril
  4. Exenatide
  5. Efavirenz
  6. Estrogen
  7. Epinephrine
  8. Eplerenone
  9. Enoxaparin
  10. Entecavir

Imaging and Tests With E:

  1. Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG)
  2. Electroencephalography (EEG)
  3. Echocardiography
  4. Electron beam computed tomography (EBCT)
  5. Elastography
  6. EMG (Electromyography)
  7. Epley maneuver
  8. Esophagram
  9. Endoscopic ultrasound
  10. Evoked potential tests

Vaccination and Immunology With E:

  1. Ebola vaccine
  2. Erythropoietin
  3. Epstein-Barr virus vaccine
  4. Enterovirus vaccine
  5. Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine
  6. Encephalitis vaccine
  7. Equine tetanus vaccine
  8. Ehrlichiosis vaccine
  9. Echinococcus vaccine
  10. Exanthem subitum (Roseola) vaccine

Drugs With E:

  1. Edoxaban
  2. Etoposide
  3. Etanercept
  4. Eribulin
  5. Eluxadoline
  6. Emtricitabine
  7. Everolimus
  8. Eculizumab
  9. Elagolix
  10. Eletriptan

A to Z Medical Glossary


Medical Words With E & Their Meanings

  1. Echocardiogram – A test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart.
  2. Echolalia – The automatic and immediate repetition of words spoken by others.
  3. Eclampsia – Severe complications during pregnancy characterized by seizures.
  4. Ectopia – An abnormal location or position of an organ or a body part.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy – A pregnancy outside of the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube.
  6. Edema – Swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body’s tissues.
  7. EEG (Electroencephalogram) – A test to measure and record the electrical activity of the brain.
  8. Efferent – Conducting or conveying away from a center.
  9. Ehrlichiosis – A bacterial illness transmitted by ticks causing flu-like symptoms.
  10. Ejaculation – The release of semen from the male reproductive system.
  11. Elastase – An enzyme that breaks down elastin, a protein found in connective tissues.
  12. Elastography – A medical imaging technique used to detect the stiffness of soft tissue.
  13. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) – A test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.
  14. Electrolyte – Minerals in the blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge.
  15. Electromyogram (EMG) – A test used to measure the electrical activity of muscles.
  16. Electrophoresis – A method for separating molecules based on their charge and size.
  17. Emboli – Blood clots or other obstructions in blood vessels.
  18. Embolism – A sudden blocking of an artery.
  19. Embolization – A procedure to block blood flow to a specific area or organ.
  20. Emesis – Vomiting.
  21. Emetic – A substance that induces vomiting.
  22. Empyema – A collection of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.
  23. Encephalitis – Inflammation of the brain.
  24. Encephalopathy – A general term for any disorder or disease of the brain.
  25. Endemic – A disease or condition regularly found in a particular area or population.
  26. Endocarditis – Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  27. Endocrinology – The study of the body’s endocrine glands and their secretions.
  28. Endoscope – A flexible tube with a light used to view the inside of certain body parts.
  29. Endoscopy – A procedure where an endoscope is used to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity.
  30. Endothelium – The thin layer of cells lining the interior surface of blood vessels.
  31. Enema – A fluid injected into the lower bowel for cleansing or therapeutic purposes.
  32. Engorgement – Overfilling of a body part with blood or other fluids.
  33. Enucleation – Surgical removal of the eyeball.
  34. Eosinophil – A type of white blood cell involved in allergic reactions and fighting certain infections.
  35. Epidermis – The outermost layer of the skin.
  36. Epidural – An injection into the space around the spinal cord, often to provide anesthesia.
  37. Epiglottis – A flap of tissue that covers the windpipe to prevent food and drink from entering the lungs.
  38. Epilepsy – A neurological disorder marked by recurrent, unprovoked seizures.
  39. Episiotomy – A surgical cut made during childbirth to enlarge the vaginal opening.
  40. Epistaxis – Nosebleed.
  41. Erythema – Redness of the skin caused by increased blood flow.
  42. Erythrocyte – A red blood cell.
  43. Erythropoiesis – The production of red blood cells.
  44. Eschar – Dead tissue resulting from a burn, injury, or pressure ulcer.
  45. Esophagus – The tube connecting the mouth to the stomach.
  46. Essential amino acid – An amino acid that the body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from the diet.
  47. Estrogen – A hormone produced primarily by the ovaries that regulates the female reproductive system.
  48. Etiology – The cause or origin of a disease.
  49. Eustachian tube – A canal that links the middle ear with the throat area.
  50. Euthanasia – The act of ending a life to relieve pain or suffering.
  51. Evacuant – A substance that promotes the evacuation of bowels.
  52. Exacerbation – A worsening or increase in severity of a disease or its signs and symptoms.
  53. Excretion – The process of eliminating waste products from the body.
  54. Exfoliation – The shedding or peeling off of dead skin cells.
  55. Exhalation – The process of breathing out.
  56. Exostosis – A benign growth on the surface of a bone.
  57. Expectorant – A drug that promotes the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  58. Exsanguination – Severe loss of blood to the point of death.
  59. Extracellular – Located outside the cells.
  60. Extracorporeal – Taking place outside the body.
  61. Extraction – The act of removing something, such as a tooth.
  62. Extravasation – The leakage of fluids, like blood or medicine, from a vessel into surrounding tissues.
  63. Exudate – Fluid that leaks from blood vessels into nearby tissues.
  64. Eyelet – A small round hole or perforation, typically in the eyelid for drainage.
  65. Eyelid ptosis – Drooping of the upper eyelid.
  66. Euthyroid – Normal thyroid function.
  67. Eversion – Turning outward.
  68. Endorphins – Neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers.
  69. Endometriosis – A condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.
  70. Ergonomics – The study of people’s efficiency in their working environment.
  71. Esotropia – Inward turning of one or both eyes.
  72. Exophthalmos – Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.
  73. Epithelium – The thin tissue forming the outer layer of a body’s surface and lining the alimentary canal and other hollow structures.
  74. Enteric – Relating to, or affecting the intestines.
  75. Enteropathy – Any disease of the intestines.
  76. Enterovirus – A type of RNA virus that can cause a variety of diseases.
  77. Endoscope – An instrument used to visually examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity.
  78. Enzyme – A substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about specific biochemical reactions.
  79. Epiphysis – The end part of a long bone, which grows separately from the shaft.
  80. Exocrine – Glands that produce and secrete substances onto an epithelial surface by way of a duct.
  81. Exudative – Relating to or marked by exudation.
  82. Enteral – Relating to or occurring in the intestines.
  83. Epileptogenic – Causing or tending to cause epileptic seizures.
  84. Exophoria – A tendency of the eyes to deviate outward.
  85. Entropion – A condition in which the eyelid is rolled inward.
  86. Euphoria – A feeling or state of intense happiness and excitement.
  87. Exocytosis – The process by which cells transport secretory vesicles to the cell membrane and release their contents.
  88. Eclamptic – Relating to or affected by eclampsia.
  89. Eosinophilia – An increased number of eosinophils in the blood.
  90. Enteritis – Inflammation of the intestine.
  91. Esophagitis – Inflammation of the esophagus.
  92. Epidermolysis – The detachment of the epidermis from the dermis.
  93. Epidemiology – The study of diseases in populations, their causes, distribution, and control.
  94. Eustress – A positive form of stress that can motivate an individual.
  95. Exostectomy – Surgical removal of a bony growth.
  96. Ectoderm – The outermost layer of cells in the early embryo.
  97. Endoderm – The innermost layer of cells in the early embryo.
  98. Ectoparasite – A parasite that lives on the external surface of its host.
  99. Endosymbiosis – The theory that certain organelles in eukaryotic cells originated as free-living bacteria that were taken into another cell.
  100. Echinococcosis – A parasitic disease caused by tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus.
  101. Electroretinography (ERG) – A diagnostic test to measure the electrical activity in the retina of the eye.
  102. Escharotomy – A surgical procedure that cuts through an eschar to relieve pressure and prevent further tissue damage.

Medical Terms That Start With E