Medical Terms That Start With C -(Medical Words Mastery)

The medical field is vast, comprising an expansive array of terms, concepts, and terminologies that aid in precise communication. Within this extensive lexicon, each letter of the alphabet carves out its niche of related words. As we focus on the letter ‘C’, it’s fascinating to realize how many essential terms in medicine are grouped under this particular letter.

Medical Terms That Start With C

Here is the list of the most popular words that start with the letter C:

  1. Cardiology
  2. Cystic fibrosis
  3. Carcinoma
  4. Cholesterol
  5. Craniotomy
  6. Chemotherapy
  7. Cervical
  8. Conjunctivitis
  9. Celiac disease
  10. Calcaneus

Diseases and Conditions With C

  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  2. Crohn’s disease
  3. Cataract
  4. Cervical spondylosis
  5. Chickenpox
  6. Chlamydia
  7. Congestive heart failure
  8. Chronic kidney disease
  9. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  10. Cystitis
  11. Candidiasis
  12. Cholera
  13. Cirrhosis
  14. Cushing’s syndrome
  15. Cerebral palsy

Symptoms With C

  1. Cough
  2. Chest pain
  3. Constipation
  4. Confusion
  5. Cyanosis
  6. Chills
  7. Cramps
  8. Convulsions
  9. Coma
  10. Cachexia
  11. Conjunctival redness
  12. Curvature of the spine
  13. Clumsiness
  14. Cephalgia (headache)
  15. Crepitus

Procedures With C

  1. Cesarean section
  2. Colonoscopy
  3. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  4. Corneal transplant
  5. Cryotherapy
  6. Cholecystectomy
  7. Colostomy
  8. Catheterization
  9. Cervical biopsy
  10. Craniectomy
  11. Carotid endarterectomy
  12. Corticosteroid injection
  13. Coronary angiography
  14. Capsulotomy
  15. Cystoscopy

Medications With C

  1. Citalopram
  2. Ciprofloxacin
  3. Celecoxib
  4. Clonazepam
  5. Cyclosporine
  6. Cetirizine
  7. Chlorpromazine
  8. Clindamycin
  9. Clopidogrel
  10. Carbamazepine
  11. Carvedilol
  12. Calcium carbonate
  13. Cefuroxime
  14. Cortisol
  15. Cholecalciferol

Imaging and Tests With C

  1. CT scan
  2. Cardiac MRI
  3. Colonography
  4. Cerebral angiography
  5. Chest X-ray
  6. Cystogram
  7. Cardiac catheterization
  8. Caloric test
  9. Chromosome analysis
  10. Capnography
  11. C-reactive protein test
  12. Colposcopy
  13. Carotid duplex
  14. Cholangiography
  15. Cystosonography

Vaccination and Immunology With C

  1. Chickenpox vaccine
  2. Cervical cancer vaccine (HPV)
  3. Cholera vaccine
  4. COVID-19 vaccine
  5. CMV immunoglobulin
  6. Cat-scratch disease vaccine (under research)
  7. Cytomegalovirus vaccine (under research)
  8. Cryptococcus vaccine (under research)
  9. Coccidioidomycosis vaccine (under research)
  10. CRISPR-based immunotherapy

Drugs With C

  1. Cocaine
  2. Cannabis
  3. Codeine
  4. Caffeine
  5. Corticosteroids
  6. Cisplatin
  7. Curcumin
  8. Chloroquine
  9. Carboplatin
  10. Cetuximab
  11. Cyclophosphamide
  12. Captopril
  13. Cyproheptadine
  14. Chlordiazepoxide
  15. Clomiphene

A to Z Medical Glossary


Medical Words With C & Their Meanings

  1. Calcaneus – The largest bone in the foot, commonly known as the heel bone.
  2. Calcification – The accumulation of calcium salts in tissues.
  3. Calculus – A hard, stone-like concretion, such as a kidney stone.
  4. Candidiasis – A fungal infection caused by Candida species.
  5. Carcinogen – A substance or agent responsible for causing cancer.
  6. Carcinoma – A type of cancer that begins in the skin or tissues lining organs.
  7. Cardiac – Pertaining to the heart.
  8. Cardiomyopathy – Disease of the heart muscle.
  9. Cardiovascular – Relating to the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Carpal – Referring to the wrist bones.
  11. Cataract – Clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye.
  12. Catheter – A flexible tube inserted into a body cavity or vessel for drainage or administration of fluids.
  13. Caudal – Pertaining to the tail or posterior end.
  14. Celiac – Relating to the abdominal cavity.
  15. Cellulitis – A bacterial skin infection causing redness and swelling.
  16. Cephalic – Referring to the head.
  17. Cerebral – Relating to the brain.
  18. Cervical – Pertaining to the neck or the cervix.
  19. Chemotherapy – Treatment using chemicals, often to kill cancer cells.
  20. Chlamydia – A sexually transmitted bacterial infection.
  21. Cholecystitis – Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  22. Cholesterol – A waxy substance found in the blood, necessary for cell building but harmful in excess.
  23. Chronic – Long-lasting or recurrent.
  24. Cirrhosis – Scarring of the liver due to various causes like alcohol or hepatitis.
  25. Claudication – Pain caused by reduced blood flow during exercise.
  26. Clavicle – The collarbone.
  27. Coagulation – The process of blood clot formation.
  28. Cognition – The mental processes of acquiring knowledge.
  29. Colitis – Inflammation of the colon or large intestine.
  30. Collagen – A protein responsible for skin elasticity and strength.
  31. Colostomy – A surgical procedure to create an opening from the colon to the surface of the body.
  32. Comorbidity – The presence of two or more diseases or conditions in a patient.
  33. Congenital – Present at birth.
  34. Conjunctiva – The mucous membrane covering the front of the eye and lining the eyelids.
  35. Conjunctivitis – Inflammation of the conjunctiva, also known as pink eye.
  36. Contraindication – A reason or condition that makes a particular treatment or procedure inadvisable.
  37. Corticosteroid – A class of steroid hormones that are commonly used as anti-inflammatory drugs.
  38. Cranial – Pertaining to the skull.
  39. Craniotomy – A surgical procedure to access the brain.
  40. Creatinine – A waste product filtered out by the kidneys, often measured to assess kidney function.
  41. Crohn’s disease – A chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
  42. Cryotherapy – Treatment using cold temperatures.
  43. Cyanosis – Bluish discoloration of the skin due to insufficient oxygen.
  44. Cyst – A closed sac-like structure filled with liquid or semisolid material.
  45. Cystic fibrosis – A genetic disorder affecting the lungs and digestive system.
  46. Cytology – The study of cells.
  47. Cytoplasm – The material within a living cell, excluding the nucleus.
  48. Cytotoxic – Toxic to cells.
  49. Calcitriol – The active form of vitamin D in the body.
  50. Capillary – The smallest of the body’s blood vessels.
  51. Carcinogenesis – The initiation of cancer formation.
  52. Cathartic – A substance that accelerates defecation.
  53. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
  54. Chelation – The binding of ions or molecules to metal ions.
  55. Chromosomes – Structures in cells that contain genetic information.
  56. Circadian – Relating to the roughly 24-hour cycle in the physiological processes of living beings.
  57. Coccyx – The tailbone, located at the base of the spine.
  58. Cognition – Mental processes like knowledge, understanding, and consciousness.
  59. Corticoid – Any of a group of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.
  60. Costal – Relating to the ribs.
  61. Cutaneous – Pertaining to the skin.
  62. Cyanotic – Showing symptoms of cyanosis.
  63. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – A type of herpesvirus that usually causes mild illness.
  64. Chondrocyte – Cells found in cartilage tissue.
  65. Cerebellum – Part of the brain responsible for coordinating movement.
  66. Cephalosporins – A class of antibiotics.
  67. Cytokines – Small proteins released by cells that have specific effects on cell-cell interactions.
  68. Catabolism – The breakdown of complex molecules in living organisms to form simpler ones.
  69. Cannula – A thin tube inserted into the body to drain or deliver fluids.
  70. Carcinogenic – Substances or agents that can cause cancer.
  71. Cauda equina – A bundle of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord.
  72. Cerumen – Earwax.
  73. Cholecystokinin – A hormone that stimulates the digestion of fat and protein.
  74. Chromosome – Thread-like structures that carry genes.
  75. Cocci – Spherical bacteria.
  76. Corticobulbar – Relating to the cortex of the brainstem.
  77. Cruciate – Cross-shaped.
  78. Cubital – Relating to the elbow.
  79. Culdocentesis – A procedure where fluid is removed from the space behind the vagina.
  80. Curettage – A procedure to remove tissue by scraping or scooping.
  81. Cyanocobalamin – Another term for vitamin B12.
  82. Cystoscope – An instrument used to view the inside of the bladder.
  83. Cytogenetics – The study of chromosomes and cell division.
  84. Chiasm – A structure in the brain where the optic nerves cross.
  85. Caloric test – A test that uses changes in temperature to diagnose damage to the acoustic nerve.
  86. Cachexia – Weakness and wasting of the body due to severe illness.
  87. Chorea – Irregular, rapid, uncontrolled movements.
  88. Cervicectomy – Surgical removal of the cervix.
  89. Cathexis – Investment of emotional energy in an object or idea.
  90. Cerebrovascular – Relating to the blood vessels in the brain.
  91. Cholangiography – Imaging of the bile ducts.
  92. Cryptorchidism – A condition where one or both testicles fail to descend.
  93. Cortical – Relating to the outer layer of an organ or structure.
  94. Cataplexy – A sudden loss of voluntary muscle strength.
  95. Cleft palate – A congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
  96. Cryoglobulinemia – The presence of abnormal proteins in the blood.
  97. Cystinuria – A condition characterized by high levels of cystine in the urine.
  98. Calvaria – The top part of the skull.
  99. Cervicitis – Inflammation of the cervix.
  100. Cephalogram – An X-ray of the head.
  101. Chromatography – A method used to separate mixtures.
  102. Cystectomy – Surgical removal of the bladder.
  103. Caloric restriction – Reducing calorie intake without malnutrition.

Medical Terms That Start With C