Equipment Plural, What is the Plural of Equipment?

Meaning: the necessary items for a particular purpose.

Plural of Equipment

Singular Plural
Equipment Equipment


  • apparatus
  • material
  • machinery
  • furniture
  • furnishings
  • contraptions
  • belongings
  • baggage
  • attachments
  • articles
  • appurtenances

Equipment as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The firefighter wore protective equipment during the rescue operation.
  2. The laboratory requires specialized equipment for scientific experiments.
  3. The construction worker used heavy-duty equipment on the site.
  4. The athlete had state-of-the-art equipment for training.
  5. The surgeon sterilized the surgical equipment before the procedure.
  6. The technician repaired the faulty equipment in the workshop.
  7. The gym is well-equipped with modern exercise equipment.
  8. The astronaut relied on advanced equipment for space exploration.

Equipment as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The workers unloaded the truckload of equipment for the event.
  2. The company invested in new equipment to improve productivity.
  3. The athletes were responsible for maintaining their own sports equipment.
  4. The technicians tested the performance of the electronic equipment.
  5. The laboratory stored various types of scientific equipment.
  6. The military base housed a vast array of specialized equipment.
  7. The team checked and prepared the necessary equipment before the expedition.
  8. The workshop provided a wide range of tools and equipment.

Singular Possessive of Equipment

The singular possessive form of “Equipment” is “Equipment’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Equipment:

  1. The laboratory’s equipment’s accuracy is crucial for research.
  2. The athlete’s success relies on the equipment’s quality.
  3. The technician checked the equipment’s functionality before starting.
  4. The equipment’s maintenance is necessary to ensure longevity.
  5. The manufacturer improved the equipment’s performance.
  6. The equipment’s design influences user experience.
  7. The company invested in the equipment’s upgrades and repairs.
  8. The equipment’s cost was justified by its capabilities.
  9. The scientist relied on the equipment’s precision for accurate results.
  10. The equipment’s manual provides instructions for operation.

Plural Possessive of Equipment

The plural possessive form of “Equipment” is “Equipment’s”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Equipment:

  1. The laboratories’ equipment’s accuracy is crucial for research.
  2. The athletes’ success relies on the equipment’s quality.
  3. The technicians checked the equipment’s functionality before starting.
  4. The equipment’s maintenance is necessary to ensure longevity.
  5. The manufacturers improved the equipment’s performance.
  6. The equipment’s design influences users’ experience.
  7. The companies invested in the equipment’s upgrades and repairs.
  8. The equipment’s cost was justified by its capabilities.
  9. The scientists relied on the equipment’s precision for accurate results.
  10. The equipment’s manuals provide instructions for operation.

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