Chassis Plural, What is the Plural of Chassis?

Meaning: the base frame of a car, carriage, or other wheeled vehicle.

Plural of CHASSIS

Singular Plural
Chassis Chassis

Synonyms of CHASSIS

  • frame
  • case
  • skeleton
  • undercarriage
  • body

Chassis as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The car’s chassis was made of lightweight aluminum.
  2. He admired the sleek design of the sports car’s chassis.
  3. The mechanic inspected the damaged chassis for repairs.
  4. The sturdy chassis provided stability to the vehicle.
  5. The race car’s chassis was engineered for maximum speed.
  6. The luxury sedan featured a reinforced steel chassis.
  7. The rusted chassis was beyond repair and needed replacement.
  8. The manufacturer implemented new safety features into the chassis.
  9. The off-road vehicle had a rugged chassis for rough terrains.
  10. The crash test revealed the durability of the car’s chassis.

Chassis as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The car enthusiasts admired the vintage chassis at the exhibition.
  2. The mechanic ordered several replacement chassis for repairs.
  3. The workshop was filled with old and new chassis awaiting restoration.
  4. The car restoration team specialized in refurbishing classic chassis.
  5. The auto parts store stocked a wide range of chassis
  6. The race team transported their spare chassis to every event.
  7. The collectors sought out rare and unique automobile chassis.
  8. The auction showcased antique chassis from different eras.
  9. The car museum displayed a collection of iconic chassis.
  10. The car enthusiasts discussed the intricacies of various chassis

Singular Possessive of Chassis

The singular possessive form of “Chassis” is “Chassis’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Chassis:

  1. The weight of the Chassis’s frame determines stability.
  2. Please examine the Chassis’s structural integrity.
  3. The Chassis’s dimensions need to meet safety standards.
  4. We need to reinforce the Chassis’s mounting points.
  5. The Chassis’s design provides optimal aerodynamics.
  6. The Chassis’s material composition affects performance.
  7. The Chassis’s durability is essential for long-term use.
  8. Engineers analyzed the Chassis’s load-bearing capacity.
  9. The Chassis’s suspension system contributes to ride comfort.
  10. The Chassis’s modular design allows for customization.

Plural Possessive of Chassis

The plural possessive form of “Chassis” is “Chassis'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Chassis:

  1. The weights of the chassis’ frames determine stability.
  2. Please examine the chassis’ structural integrities.
  3. The chassis’ dimensions need to meet safety regulations.
  4. We need to reinforce the chassis’ mounting points.
  5. The chassis’ designs provide optimal aerodynamics.
  6. The chassis’ material compositions affect performance.
  7. The chassis’ durabilities are crucial for long-term use.
  8. Engineers analyzed the chassis’ load-bearing capacities.
  9. The chassis’ suspension systems contribute to ride comfort.
  10. The chassis’ modular designs allow for customization.

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