50 Adjectives List, Common Adjectives List

ESL students often have difficulty understanding the definition of adjectives and how to use them correctly in a sentence. It is aimed at helping ESL students improve their language skills and become more confident writers.

Related: 5000+ Adjectives in a List

Below are 50 common adjectives:

Good: High quality, desirable.

  • She felt good after helping out.

New: Recently made, fresh.

  • They just moved into a new house.

First: Coming before all others.

  • He won the race, finishing first.

Last: Final in a series.

  • She read the last chapter yesterday.

Long: Extending a great distance.

  • The journey seemed long and tiring.

Great: Remarkably high standard.

  • They enjoyed a great concert together.

Little: Small in size or amount.

  • A little puppy followed them home.

Own: Belonging to oneself.

  • She finally bought her own car.

Other: Additional or different.

  • They chose the other path in the woods.

Old: Having lived for many years.

  • The old tree stood tall and proud.

Right: Correct or suitable.

  • He made the right decision under pressure.

Big: Large in size or extent.

  • They couldn’t believe how big the cake was.

Good: High in quality.

  • Her good deed brightened the day.

New: Recently created or introduced.

  • They celebrated their new beginning joyfully.

First: Before anything else.

  • His first attempt was remarkably successful.

Last: Coming after all others.

  • The last piece of the puzzle fit perfectly.

Long: Measuring much in extent.

  • They enjoyed a long, peaceful walk.

Great: Considerable in degree.

  • Their great adventure was unforgettable.

Little: Small in size or amount.

  • A little effort made a big difference.

Own: Belonging to oneself.

  • She proudly presented her own creation.

Other: Different or additional.

  • They explored other exciting possibilities.

Old: Advanced in years.

  • The old book held untold stories.

Right: Correct or appropriate.

  • His right choice led to success.

Big: Large in size.

  • The big surprise was overwhelming.

Easy: Not difficult.

  • The solution was surprisingly easy.

Short: Small in length.

  • Their short meeting was productive.

Clear: Easily understood.

  • Her explanation was perfectly clear.

Late: After the expected time.

  • He apologized for being late.

Hard: Requiring effort.

  • The task was unusually hard.

Major: Very important.

  • A major decision awaited them.

Better: More desirable.

  • She felt better the next day.

Best: Surpassing all others.

  • Their best memories were cherished.

Sure: Confident in one’s belief.

  • He was sure of his answer.

Low: Not high or tall.

  • The sun was low in the sky.

Free: Without cost or obligation.

  • The birds flew free and high.

True: In accordance with fact.

  • Their friendship was true and deep.

Full: Containing as much as possible.

  • The moon was full and bright.

Special: Distinguished from others.

  • Their special day was unforgettable.

Necessary: Absolutely needed.

  • Water is necessary for life.

Bright: Radiant or luminous.

  • The stars were especially bright.

Light: Not heavy; gentle.

  • The light breeze felt refreshing.

Useful: Having a practical use.

  • The tool was incredibly useful.

Serious: Not joking or frivolous.

  • Her tone was suddenly serious.

Available: Ready for use.

  • The book was now available.

Popular: Liked by many people.

  • The song became very popular.

Afraid: Filled with fear.

  • She was afraid of the dark.

Deep: Extending far down.

  • The ocean was dark and deep.

Dark: Lacking light; obscure.

  • The night was moonless and dark.

Strong: Having great force.

  • The structure was built strong.

50 Adjectives

50 adjectives list

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