440 Verbs Starting With E (Complete List)

440 Verbs Starting With E! English is filled with amazing verb choices to express yourself–from commonly used words like “eat” and “explain,” to more obscure words such as the rare term “evanesce.” With so many verbs’ emotive power, it’s no wonder why English has become one of the most popular languages in history. To help you out, we’ve compiled an exhaustive list of 440 E-starting verbs that range from everyday language to those only found in literature and technical writing. So if you’re looking for pleasure words or just want to study up on your vocab, this comprehensive guide is sure to have what you need!

verbs starting with e

A verb is a word used to express an action or state of being. Verbs are the second most important part of speech after nouns. There are three types of verbs: Action Verbs, Linking Verbs, and Helping Verbs.

List of Verbs Starting with E

Verbs Starting with EA

  • earth
  • eavesdrop
  • earwig
  • easy
  • ear
  • east
  • ean
  • earnest
  • ease
  • eat
  • easter
  • earmark
  • earn

Verbs Starting with EB

  • ebb
  • ebonize
  • ebulliate

Verbs Starting with EC

  • eclaircissement
  • ecstasy
  • echo
  • ecclesiastic
  • echelon
  • economize
  • ecchymose
  • eclaircise
  • eclipse
  • eccoriate

Verbs Starting with ED

  • edit
  • edge
  • educe
  • editorialize
  • eddy
  • educate
  • edder
  • edituate
  • edify
  • edulcorate

Verbs Starting with EE

  • eek
  • eeke

Verbs Starting with EF

  • effluviate
  • effume
  • efflagitate
  • efforce
  • effort
  • effront
  • efflower
  • efflorescent
  • effervesce
  • effray
  • effeminate
  • effranchise
  • effierce
  • effigiate
  • efflux
  • efface
  • effuse
  • effascinate
  • efflate
  • effeminize
  • efform
  • effulge
  • effund
  • effect
  • effloresce
  • effectuate

Verbs Starting with EG

  • egerminate
  • egotize
  • egest
  • egyptize
  • egger
  • egg
  • eglomerate
  • egress

Verbs Starting with EJ

  • ejaculate
  • eject

Verbs Starting with EK

  • eke
  • eking

Verbs Starting with EL

  • elope
  • electroplate
  • elucubrate
  • eloignate
  • eld
  • elapse
  • elenchize
  • elongate
  • elicitate
  • elide
  • electioneer
  • eluctate
  • elude
  • electrize
  • elf
  • eloinate
  • elixate
  • electrify
  • element
  • elevate
  • elaqueate
  • elaborate
  • electrolyze
  • elicit
  • elimate
  • elance
  • eliminate
  • eloin
  • electrocute
  • elix
  • elucidate
  • electrotype
  • elong
  • elate
  • eloign
  • elbow
  • elegize
  • electrotonize
  • elinguate
  • elect

Verbs Starting with EM

  • embay
  • embitter
  • emblaze
  • emacerate
  • emball
  • emblematiccize
  • emblazon
  • embase
  • embeam
  • emblem
  • embezzle
  • emancipate
  • embar
  • emaciate
  • emarginate
  • embastardize
  • emasculate
  • emblemize
  • embellish
  • emblossom
  • embarge
  • embalm
  • embace
  • embasement
  • emblematize
  • embale
  • embattle
  • embed
  • embarrass
  • embloom
  • emblanch
  • embark
  • embargo
  • embillow
  • emaculate
  • embetter
  • embathe
  • embank
  • emanate
  • embattail

Verbs Starting with EN

  • encalendar
  • enact
  • enclose
  • enamor
  • enbroude
  • enclasp
  • encloud
  • encoffin
  • encarnalize
  • encloister
  • enclitical
  • encamp
  • enbibe
  • enchest
  • enchase
  • enchain
  • encolden
  • enchisel
  • encircle
  • enamel
  • enclothe
  • encapsulate
  • enchair
  • encave
  • encash
  • enable
  • enavigate
  • encanker
  • encage
  • enambush
  • enchannel
  • encase
  • enclave
  • enchasten
  • encoach
  • enchafe
  • enchant
  • enclitic
  • encharge
  • enarch

Verbs Starting with EP

  • episcopate
  • epigrammatize
  • episcopize
  • epitomize
  • epicurize
  • epistle
  • epitaph
  • epistolize
  • epiloguize
  • epithet
  • epidermis
  • epilogize

Verbs Starting with EQ

  • equate
  • equivalent
  • equilibrate
  • equipensate
  • equip
  • equivalue
  • equiponderate
  • equal
  • equivalence
  • equibalance
  • equiparate
  • equivocate
  • equalize

Verbs Starting with ER

  • ermine
  • eradiate
  • eruct
  • erase
  • erect
  • erudiate
  • ere
  • err
  • eructate
  • erme
  • erupt
  • ergat
  • erode
  • erogate
  • ern
  • eradicate

Verbs Starting with ES

  • essay
  • establish
  • esloin
  • estimate
  • esquire
  • escalade
  • essentiate
  • estate
  • espouse
  • escort
  • estrangle
  • estimation
  • estray
  • estreat
  • escape
  • escarp
  • espalier
  • estrepe
  • eschew
  • essence
  • estuate
  • espy
  • escot
  • esteem
  • estop
  • escheat
  • estrange

Verbs Starting with ET

  • etiolate
  • eternalize
  • etymologize
  • eternify
  • etch
  • ettle
  • etherize
  • etherealize
  • eternize
  • etching

Verbs Starting with EU

  • eulogize
  • europeanize
  • eunuch
  • euphuize
  • euphemize
  • euhemerize
  • eunuchate
  • euripize
  • euphonize
  • euchre

Verbs Starting with EV

  • evict
  • event
  • evacate
  • eventuate
  • evestigate
  • evaluate
  • evacuate
  • even
  • evade
  • eviscerate
  • evidence
  • evesdrop
  • evolve
  • evangelize
  • evaporate
  • eventilate
  • evirate
  • evomit
  • evocate
  • evanesce
  • evite
  • evene
  • evert
  • evince
  • evibrate
  • eventerate
  • evulgate
  • evanish
  • evitate
  • evoke
  • everse

Verbs Starting with EX

  • exchequer
  • exarate
  • excave
  • excarnate
  • excipient
  • excecate
  • exalt
  • exauctorate
  • exauthorate
  • except
  • excite
  • excamb
  • exantlate
  • exanimate
  • excise
  • excedent
  • exclaim
  • exacuate
  • excalceate
  • exacinate
  • excerpt
  • exauthorize
  • exaggerate
  • exagitate
  • exasperate
  • excel
  • exceed
  • excide
  • excavate
  • excitate
  • examine
  • excelsior
  • exact
  • exaugurate
  • excambie
  • excarnificate
  • exchange
  • example
  • exacerbate
  • excern

Verbs Starting with EY

  • eye
  • eyeball
  • eyle
  • eysell

Different Types of Verbs Starting With E

Action Verbs Beginning With E

  • Exert
  • Estimated
  • Elected
  • Enlisted
  • Enhanced
  • Explored
  • Endured
  • Engineered
  • Effected
  • Established
  • Eat
  • Enforced
  • Examined
  • Enacted
  • Exhibited
  • Evaluated
  • Expedited
  • Earned
  • Enabled
  • Executed
  • Educated
  • Eliminated
  • Energized
  • Encouraged
  • Emphasized
  • Expanded
  • Experimented
  • Ensured
  • Exported
  • Edited
  • Elaborated
  • Engaged In
  • Employ
  • Exceeded

Regular Verbs That Start With E

  • Escape
  • Educate
  • Excite
  • Embarrass
  • Exist
  • Enter
  • Earn
  • Entertain
  • Enjoy
  • Establish
  • Expect
  • Examine
  • End
  • Exercise
  • Encourage
  • Employ
  • Empty
  • Estimate
  • Expand
  • Explode
  • Explain
  • Extend
  • Excuse

Irregular Verbs That Start With E

  • Engird
  • Eat
  • Engrave

Phrasal Verbs Starting With E

  • Ease off
  • End in
  • End up
  • Eat away
  • Eat out
  • Eat into
  • Eat up

Positive Words That Start E

  • Empower
  • Esteem
  • Enamor
  • Enlist
  • Enjoy
  • Enrich
  • Engage
  • Endorse
  • Elaborate
  • Enliven
  • Excite
  • Endear
  • Enlighten
  • Ease
  • Engineer
  • Electrify
  • Endow
  • Evolve
  • Enthral
  • Edify
  • Enhance
  • Exact
  • Elevate
  • Escort
  • Entice
  • Establish
  • Enrapture
  • Engross
  • Equal
  • Ensure
  • Educate
  • Entrust

Verbs That Start With E and Their Meaning

  • Earn: to receive payment
  • Eat: to consume food
  • Echo: to repeat sound
  • Edge: to sharpen
  • Edit: to modify text
  • Educate: to teach
  • Elect: to choose by vote
  • Elevate: to lift up
  • Eliminate: to remove completely
  • Embarrass: to make uncomfortable
  • Embrace: to hug
  • Employ: to hire
  • Empower: to give authority
  • Empty: to remove contents
  • Enable: to make possible
  • Encourage: to inspire
  • Endanger: to put at risk
  • Endorse: to support
  • Endure: to withstand
  • Enforce: to impose
  • Enhance: to improve
  • Enjoy: to experience pleasure
  • Enlarge: to make bigger
  • Enlighten: to inform
  • Enrich: to make rich
  • Ensure: to guarantee
  • Enter: to go in
  • Entertain: to amuse
  • Envision: to imagine
  • Escape: to flee
  • Establish: to create
  • Estimate: to approximate
  • Evaluate: to assess
  • Evaporate: to turn to gas
  • Exaggerate: to overstate
  • Examine: to inspect
  • Exceed: to surpass
  • Excel: to be excellent
  • Exchange: to trade
  • Exclaim: to shout
  • Exclude: to keep out
  • Execute: to carry out
  • Exercise: to work out
  • Exhale: to breathe out
  • Exile: to banish
  • Exist: to be present
  • Expand: to grow
  • Expect: to anticipate
  • Expel: to eject
  • Experience: to undergo

Popular E-Verbs in Example Sentences

Eat: She ate a delicious sandwich for lunch.

Edit: He edited his manuscript before submitting it to the publisher.

Enjoy: They enjoyed a quiet afternoon at the park.

Entertain: She entertained her guests with her singing.

Explain: He explained the complicated concept in simple terms.

Exercise: She exercises regularly to stay fit.

Expand: They plan to expand their business to other cities.

Explore: He loves to explore new places during his travels.

Extract: She extracted the juice from the fruits to make a smoothie.

Embarrass: She felt embarrassed after tripping in public.

Verbs With Letter E and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
engrave engraved engraved
expect expected expected
exist existed existed
earn earned earned
encircle encircled encircled
exchange exchanged exchanged
envy envied envied
escape escaped escaped
enter entered entered
evaporate evaporated evaporated
educate educated educated
encroach encroached encroached
endure endured endured
express expressed expressed
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed
enlarge enlarged enlarged
exclaim exclaimed exclaimed
eye eyed eyed
exclude excluded excluded
explain explained explained
empower empowered empowered
explore explored explored
endanger endangered endangered
extend extended extended
endorse endorsed endorsed
empty emptied emptied
eat ate eaten
expand expanded expanded
encourage encouraged encouraged
enlighten enlightened enlightened
erase erased erased

Positive Verbs That Start With E

  • Edify
  • Evolve
  • Enjoy
  • Engross
  • Escort
  • Endow
  • Empower
  • Endear
  • Equal
  • Elevate
  • Ensure
  • Endorse
  • Enthral
  • Entrust
  • Ease
  • Enliven
  • Educate
  • Elaborate
  • Engage
  • Enrich
  • Engineer
  • Exact
  • Entice
  • Esteem
  • Enlighten
  • Enlist
  • Enrapture
  • Enhance
  • Establish
  • Excite
  • Electrify
  • Enamor

Verbs that Begin with E – Flashcards

action verbs starting with e verbs starting with e regular verbs starting with e irregular verbs starting with e phrasal verbs starting with e

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