350 Verbs Starting with F (Complete List)

350 Verbs Starting with F! Are you looking for the perfect verb to use in your next piece of writing? Look no further! Here we present a complete list of 350 verbs starting with ‘F’. No matter the mood, tone, or style you want to convey; there is bound to be something here that will fit the bill. Whether it’s a simple ‘find‘, ‘flee‘, or ‘flutter’, if you need verbs starting with F – this guide has got you covered! Read on and find out more about each one today.

verbs starting with f

A verb is a word used to express an action or state of being. Verbs are the second most important part of speech after nouns. There are three types of verbs: Action Verbs, Linking Verbs, and Helping Verbs.

List of Verbs Starting with F

Verbs Starting with FA

  • facet
  • fang
  • faffle
  • fame
  • fagot
  • famish
  • fancied
  • faint
  • fail
  • falter
  • facilitate
  • fain
  • faddle
  • farctate
  • fabric
  • fangle
  • fanaticize
  • fake
  • factor
  • falsify
  • family
  • farce
  • fable
  • fair
  • fardel
  • famble
  • fan
  • face
  • facsimile
  • fantasy
  • fancy
  • familiarize
  • fall
  • fag
  • fard
  • fade
  • factorize
  • fabricate
  • famulate
  • fabulize

Verbs Starting with FE

  • fenerate
  • feeble
  • fellowfeel
  • felicitate
  • fellowship
  • fecundate
  • feel
  • feign
  • fence
  • feize
  • fee
  • federate
  • felt
  • feazings
  • feint
  • feature
  • fear
  • fend
  • feine
  • febricitate
  • fecche
  • feed
  • feast
  • femalize
  • felter
  • feoff
  • fellow
  • feat
  • fecundify
  • feminize
  • feaze
  • feeze
  • fele
  • fell
  • fender
  • feague
  • feather
  • federalize
  • feathering
  • fencing

Verbs Starting with FI

  • fishify
  • fillip
  • fire
  • figure
  • fidget
  • fin
  • fish
  • fine
  • finedraw
  • file
  • filibuster
  • fictionalize
  • financier
  • firm
  • finger
  • filiate
  • fimbriate
  • finalize
  • fiance
  • field
  • fiddle
  • fillet
  • find
  • fineer
  • fiddledeedee
  • finesse
  • firk
  • fill
  • fine-tune
  • fisk
  • filter
  • firmament
  • fib
  • fife
  • finish
  • fight
  • filtrate
  • film
  • finestill
  • filch

Verbs Starting with FL

  • flawter
  • flabbergast
  • fleece
  • fleet
  • flagellata
  • flank
  • flense
  • fleme
  • flacker
  • flatten
  • flay
  • flench
  • fledge
  • flagrate
  • flap
  • flagellate
  • flake
  • flattery
  • flam
  • flear
  • flapdragon
  • flanker
  • flame
  • flatter
  • flesh
  • flange
  • flaw
  • flea
  • flat
  • fleer
  • flash
  • flag
  • flare
  • flee
  • flagellum
  • flecker
  • flaunt
  • flannel
  • flagitate
  • flavor

Verbs Starting with FN

  • fnese

Verbs Starting with FO

  • fold
  • fob
  • ford
  • focus
  • foin
  • forbid
  • fordrive
  • fore
  • foal
  • follow
  • forcut
  • force
  • foliage
  • foil
  • foray
  • foot
  • fondle
  • forbathe
  • forbear
  • focillate
  • fordo
  • folio
  • fonge
  • fond
  • foment
  • foam
  • fog
  • foliate
  • foist
  • focalize
  • food
  • folwe
  • forbruise
  • forage
  • fordwine
  • fonde
  • fool
  • forcarve
  • foolify
  • foe

Verbs Starting with FR

  • freck
  • frisk
  • fragment
  • fret
  • frequent
  • fraction
  • free
  • fraise
  • friend
  • fraternate
  • frighten
  • freight
  • frieze
  • friz
  • fracas
  • freeborn
  • frame
  • fresco
  • frenchify
  • frab
  • fringe
  • fray
  • frenzy
  • frill
  • frank
  • franchise
  • frit
  • freckle
  • fracture
  • freeze
  • fresh
  • frap
  • fract
  • fractionate
  • freak
  • freshen
  • fritter
  • frist
  • fraternize
  • fribble

Verbs Starting with FU

  • fumble
  • fumigate
  • fulminate
  • functionalize
  • fumado
  • fuel
  • fuff
  • furhelow
  • fumify
  • funambulate
  • fuse
  • fuddle
  • fum
  • full
  • funk
  • fub
  • furnish
  • functionate
  • funnel
  • fur
  • fudge
  • fugle
  • furniture
  • fulfil
  • fulmine
  • furl
  • furbish
  • fulgurate
  • fume
  • furdle
  • fumade
  • further
  • furrow
  • fuller
  • function
  • furring
  • fund
  • fulfill
  • furlough
  • funerate

Verbs Starting with FY

  • fyrd
  • fyrdung

Different Types of Verbs Starting With F

Action Verbs Beginning With F

  • Familiarized
  • Formulated
  • Forecasted
  • Fielded
  • Fall
  • Fashioned
  • Furthered
  • Fly
  • Finished
  • Formed
  • Forged
  • Finalized
  • Facilitated
  • Founded
  • Fostered
  • Fixed
  • Financed
  • Formalized
  • Fight

Regular Verbs That Start With F

  • Flower
  • Fight
  • Follow
  • Form
  • Frame
  • Find
  • Flash
  • Fancy
  • Fry
  • Fence
  • Forgive
  • Fetch
  • Feed
  • Fix
  • Film
  • Fade
  • Fasten
  • Flap
  • Float
  • Frighten
  • File
  • Fire
  • Forecast
  • Fling
  • Force
  • Forget
  • Face
  • Fail
  • Flee
  • Freeze
  • Flow
  • Found
  • Fall
  • Fit
  • Fly
  • Fool
  • Foresee
  • Fold
  • Flood
  • Fill
  • Fax
  • Fear
  • Forsake
  • Foretell

Irregular Verbs That Start With F

  • Forsake
  • Feed
  • Forbid
  • Fall
  • Forecast
  • Forget
  • Fight
  • Feel
  • Flee
  • Foresee
  • Find
  • Fit
  • Freeze
  • Fly
  • Forgive
  • Foretell
  • Fling

Phrasal Verbs Starting With F

  • Fall down
  • Fall upon
  • Fall away
  • Fix up
  • Fill out
  • Fall in
  • Fall apart
  • Fit in
  • Focus on
  • Finish with
  • Find out
  • Fall behind
  • Fall through
  • Figure out
  • Fall on
  • Finish off
  • Fall off
  • Fit into
  • Finish up
  • Fit up
  • Fall under
  • Fill up
  • Fall about
  • Force out
  • Fall into
  • Fill in
  • Fall out
  • Fall for

Verbs That Start With F and Their Meaning

  • Face: to confront, oppose
  • Fail: to not succeed
  • Fall: to drop, descend
  • Fancy: to imagine, desire
  • Fasten: to secure, attach
  • Favor: to prefer, support
  • Fear: to be afraid
  • Feel: to sense, perceive
  • Fetch: to bring, retrieve
  • Fight: to battle, struggle
  • Fill: to occupy, complete
  • Find: to discover, locate
  • Finish: to complete, conclude
  • Fit: to match, suit
  • Fix: to repair, mend
  • Flaunt: to display, show off
  • Flee: to escape, run away
  • Flirt: to show interest, tease
  • Flow: to move, stream
  • Fly: to soar, travel
  • Follow: to pursue, obey
  • Forbid: to prohibit, ban
  • Force: to compel, pressure
  • Forecast: to predict, estimate
  • Forgive: to pardon, excuse
  • Form: to shape, create
  • Forsake: to abandon, leave
  • Fortify: to strengthen, reinforce
  • Foster: to promote, encourage
  • Found: to establish, create
  • Fathom: to understand, comprehend
  • Feast: to eat, indulge
  • Feature: to showcase, highlight
  • Fence: to enclose, protect
  • Ferment: to brew, cause to change
  • Fetch: to sell for a certain price
  • File: to organize, store
  • Fillip: to stimulate, give a boost
  • Film: to record, capture on camera
  • Filter: to strain, purify
  • Fire: to shoot, dismiss
  • Fish: to catch, search for
  • Fizzle: to fail, lose energy
  • Flame: to ignite, blaze
  • Flash: to shine, reveal quickly
  • Flatten: to make flat, level
  • Fleece: to cheat, swindle
  • Flex: to bend, stretch
  • Flip: to turn over, change direction
  • Flit: to dart, move quickly
  • Float: to stay on surface, drift
  • Flog: to beat, whip
  • Flounce: to move with exaggerated movements
  • Flounder: to struggle, flop around
  • Flourish: to thrive, prosper.

Popular F-Verbs in Example Sentences

Fix: He fixed the broken chair with some glue.

Fly: She flew to Paris for her honeymoon.

Finish: He finished his homework before dinner.

Follow: She followed the instructions carefully.

Forget: He forgot his keys and had to call a locksmith.

Face: She had to face her fears to overcome them.

Find: He found a lost wallet on the street

Fill: She filled the bathtub with hot water and bubbles.

Focus: He tried to focus on his work despite the distractions.

Forgive: She forgave her friend for forgetting her birthday.

Verbs With Letter F and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
fold folded folded
feed fed fed
finish finished finished
fish fished fished
found founded founded
fix fixed fixed
fancy fancied fancied
fry fried fried
find found found
flap flapped flapped
fizz fizzed fizzed
forget forgot forgotten
fan fanned fanned
fill filled filled
flop flopped flopped
forgive forgave forgiven
face faced faced
fail failed failed
free freed freed
fall fell fallen
forecast forecast forecast
fit fit/fitted fit/fitted
fling flung flung
flash flashed flashed
feel felt felt
foretell foretold foretold
forlese forlore forlorn
flee fled fled
form formed formed
faint fainted fainted
fax faxed faxed
force forced forced
fly flew flown
forbid forbade forbidden
freeze froze frozen
fetch fetched fetched
follow followed followed
fight fought fought
frighten frightened frightened
frame framed framed
favour favoured favoured
forsake forsook forsaken
ferry ferried ferried
fulfil fulfilled fulfilled
float floated floated

Positive Verbs That Start With F

  • Fleet
  • Favor
  • Fair
  • Force
  • Foolproof
  • Fame
  • Fine
  • Fan
  • Full
  • Fix
  • Flush
  • Fain
  • Fantasize
  • Flourish
  • Flower
  • Fancy
  • Fertilize
  • Friend
  • Facilitate
  • Fate
  • Flit
  • Festoon
  • Fountain
  • Fluff
  • Frank
  • Fire
  • Fresh
  • Flame
  • Flavor
  • Felicitate
  • Familiarize
  • Fortify
  • Flex
  • Flicker
  • Fly
  • Fashion
  • Forward
  • Fare
  • Focus
  • Fellowship
  • Fill
  • Fascinate
  • Finance
  • Free
  • Foresee
  • Feel
  • Father
  • Feast
  • Firm
  • Forgive
  • Flash
  • Favour
  • Fortune
  • Flatter
  • Fit
  • Fine-Tune
  • Forbear
  • Financier
  • Fun
  • Fizz
  • Flirt
  • Flow
  • Fasten

Verbs that Begin with F – Flashcards

phrasal verbs starting with f irregular verbs starting with f action verbs starting with f verbs starting with f regular verbs starting with f

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