340 Verbs Starting With T (Complete List)

340 Verbs Starting With T! If you’re a writer or somebody who is always on the lookout for new words to add to your vocabulary, then this blog post has plenty of value to offer. We’ve assembled a list of 340 verbs starting with T—each one complete with example sentences and other helpful details that make it easy for you to understand how each word works in context.

verbs starting with t

List of Verbs Starting with T

Verbs Starting with TA

  • table
  • tangle
  • tack
  • tally
  • tag
  • tamp
  • tang
  • taint
  • tail
  • tallage
  • taboo
  • tailor
  • tabularize
  • tap
  • tabby
  • tantalize
  • tan
  • tale
  • tabour
  • talk
  • tame
  • tantivy
  • ta
  • take
  • tapestry
  • tallow
  • tampon
  • tabernacle
  • tabor
  • tantamount
  • tangent
  • tambour
  • talent
  • tackle
  • taper
  • tabulate
  • tabu
  • tabefy
  • tamper
  • taber

Verbs Starting with TE

  • tene
  • teeter
  • temperance
  • temp
  • temperate
  • tedder
  • teethe
  • telegraph
  • tenant
  • tell
  • teend
  • teen
  • tempest
  • teazel
  • telescope
  • teasle
  • teach
  • tender
  • telephone
  • teazle
  • ted
  • teeth
  • team
  • temporize
  • temple
  • tennis
  • temperament
  • tear
  • tee
  • tempt
  • teathe
  • tegumentary
  • tellurize
  • temper
  • tenderize
  • tea
  • tease
  • teem
  • teasel
  • tend

Verbs Starting with TH

  • throb
  • thirl
  • thrifallow
  • thermolyze
  • theologize
  • thrack
  • throat
  • thraw
  • thread
  • thicken
  • thimblerig
  • thanksgive
  • thrash
  • thring
  • threste
  • thieve
  • thou
  • thrall
  • thak
  • theorem
  • thaw
  • think
  • thraste
  • threap
  • the
  • threaten
  • thrill
  • thin
  • thresh
  • throdden
  • thole
  • thrive
  • thank
  • theorize
  • thrid
  • theosophize
  • thorn
  • thirst
  • threpe
  • thick

Verbs Starting with TI

  • tind
  • tibicinate
  • tinkle
  • tint
  • ticket
  • tiff
  • tipsify
  • tip
  • tice
  • timber
  • tine
  • tipple
  • tink
  • tide
  • tile
  • tickle
  • tidy
  • times
  • tie
  • tinge
  • till
  • tight
  • tie-dye
  • time
  • tiptoe
  • tier
  • tincture
  • ting
  • tilt
  • tinsel
  • tillow
  • tick
  • tiller
  • tinker
  • tidder
  • tingle
  • tin
  • tighten
  • tiddle
  • tinct

Verbs Starting with TO

  • toll
  • tobogganist
  • torpify
  • toe
  • tole
  • torch
  • torture
  • tobacconist
  • tone
  • torpedo
  • torment
  • tollbooth
  • tol
  • top-slice
  • tope
  • toot
  • toast
  • torace
  • torase
  • toddle
  • torrefy
  • tomb
  • tooth
  • tool
  • tonguester
  • toboggan
  • toil
  • tomahawk
  • tolerate
  • tod
  • top
  • toady
  • tongue
  • toreador
  • topple
  • toom
  • topcoat
  • to-rend
  • top-dress
  • tohew

Verbs Starting with TR

  • tramp
  • transfigure
  • traffic
  • transcur
  • transcend
  • tradition
  • trampoose
  • trail
  • trace
  • transelement
  • traject
  • transfeminate
  • tranquillize
  • transelementate
  • tractable
  • trance
  • train
  • transcolate
  • transact
  • tract
  • transfigurate
  • tramble
  • transanimate
  • track
  • transfer
  • trait
  • traipse
  • transforate
  • trample
  • traduct
  • tranquilize
  • transcorporate
  • traitor
  • trade
  • traduce
  • trammel
  • transcribe
  • transfix
  • tralineate
  • transdialect

Verbs Starting with TU

  • turbinate
  • turmoil
  • tumultuate
  • tube
  • turnip
  • tup
  • tuft
  • tug
  • turgesce
  • turn
  • tuck
  • tune
  • tumulate
  • tut
  • tub
  • tubicinate
  • turnpike
  • tutor
  • tutorize
  • tucker
  • tull
  • tumble
  • tun
  • tump
  • turf
  • tunnel
  • tumult
  • turney
  • tusk
  • tumefy
  • tussle

Verbs Starting with TW

  • twine
  • twit
  • twitter
  • twang
  • twiddle
  • twinge
  • twirl
  • twattle
  • twig
  • twinkle
  • tweag
  • twangle
  • twifallow
  • twaddle
  • twin
  • twink
  • tweel
  • twitch
  • tweedle
  • tweak
  • twist
  • twire
  • twight
  • twank
  • twill

Verbs Starting with TY

  • tyrant
  • tympanize
  • typify
  • tye
  • tyne
  • typewrite
  • tynd
  • tyrannize
  • tyre
  • type

Verbs That Start With T and Their Meaning

  • Talk: to converse with others
  • Teach: to impart knowledge
  • Taste: to perceive flavors
  • Take: to grab or receive
  • Tell: to communicate information
  • Think: to contemplate or consider
  • Try: to attempt or test
  • Travel: to journey to another place
  • Type: to input on a keyboard
  • Test: to evaluate or assess
  • Thank: to express gratitude
  • Touch: to make physical contact
  • Transform: to change fundamentally
  • Trade: to exchange goods or services
  • Tackle: to deal with a problem
  • Tie: to bind or fasten
  • Target: to aim at a goal
  • Transmit: to send or communicate
  • Trace: to follow a path
  • Treat: to handle medically.
  • Turn: to rotate or change direction
  • Testify: to give evidence or proof
  • Thankful: to express gratitude
  • Tend: to care for or manage
  • Tolerate: to endure or allow
  • Trust: to have faith or confidence in
  • Trace: to copy or draw over
  • Train: to instruct or prepare
  • Transcribe: to write down or record
  • Trim: to cut or neaten.

Popular T-Verbs in Example Sentences

Talk: She talked to her best friend on the phone for hours.

Think: He thought deeply about his career choices.

Try: She tried the new restaurant in town and loved it.

Travel: He traveled to different countries to experience new cultures.

Trust: She trusted her instincts when making an important decision.

Teach: He taught his daughter how to ride a bike.

Take: She took a photograph of the beautiful sunset.

Taste: He tasted the spicy food and reached for his glass of water.

Tell: She told her parents about her plans to study abroad.

Test: He tested the new software for bugs before releasing it.

Verbs With Letter T and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
typeset typeset typeset
toss tossed tossed
trap trapped trapped
tell told told
tear tore torn
travel travelled travelled
treasure treasured treasured
thump thumped thumped
taste tasted tasted
translate translated translated
tree treed treed
talk talked talked
treat treated treated
thrust thrust thrust
transform transformed transformed
turn turned turned
thank thanked thanked
tap tapped tapped
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
tread trod trodden
terminate terminated terminated
tax taxed taxed
trust trusted trusted
test tested tested
teach taught taught
tremble trembled trembled
touch touched touched
triumph triumphed triumphed
thrive throve thriven
tire tired tired
tempt tempted tempted
type typed typed
trample trampled trampled
tend tended tended
terrify terrified terrified
transfer transferred transferred
tee teed teed
tie tied tied
train trained trained
take took taken
try tried tried

Positive Verbs That Start With T

  • Triumph
  • Teach
  • Tidy
  • Titillate
  • Tot
  • Thrive
  • Touch
  • Total
  • Tutor
  • Thrill
  • Treasure
  • Try
  • Top
  • Transcend
  • Tout
  • Team
  • Tune
  • Train
  • Taste
  • Trustee
  • Trim
  • Trust
  • Tender
  • True
  • Thank
  • Teem
  • Travel

Different Types of Verbs Starting With T

Action Verbs Beginning With T

  • Troubleshot
  • Tripled
  • Thwarted
  • Transformed
  • Tabulated
  • Turn off
  • Transcribed
  • Throw away
  • Teamed with
  • Think
  • Taught
  • Turn on
  • Transferred
  • Trained
  • Talk
  • Tested
  • Terminated
  • Tracked
  • Transitioned
  • Targeted
  • Translated

Regular Verbs That Start With T

  • Thank
  • Trouble
  • Travel
  • Type
  • Talk
  • Think
  • Take
  • Tear

Irregular Verbs That Start With T

  • Tell
  • Thrust
  • Think
  • Typeset
  • Take
  • Tear
  • Thrive
  • Teach
  • Throw

Phrasal Verbs Starting With T

  • Talk into
  • Talk over
  • Turn around
  • Turn against
  • Turn up
  • Turn into
  • Try on
  • Tell off
  • Turn on
  • Turn in
  • Turn off
  • Take out
  • Think up
  • Think over
  • Try out
  • Talk down
  • Take off
  • Talk through
  • Think back
  • Take on
  • Turn round
  • Turn back
  • Tip off
  • Turn over
  • Turn to
  • Turn down
  • Take after
  • Turn out

Verbs that begin with T – Flashcards

irregular verbs starting with t action verbs starting with t regular verbs starting with t verbs starting with t phrasal verbs starting with t

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