3 Degrees of Wealthy, Comparative Degree of Wealthy, Superlative Degree of Wealthy

Meaning of Wealthy: having a great deal of money

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Wealthy

Comparative degree of Wealthy is wealthier, superlative degree of Wealthy is wealthiest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Wealthy wealthier wealthiest

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Wealthy:

  • He is a wealthy entrepreneur with multiple businesses.
  • She enjoys a wealthy lifestyle filled with luxury.
  • They live in a wealthy neighborhood with mansions.
  • The wealthy businessman owns a private jet.
  • The mansion is filled with wealthy furnishings and artwork.
  • The wealthy family donated generously to charity.
  • His wealthy parents provided him with a lavish upbringing.
  • The wealthy investor made smart financial decisions.
  • She inherited a wealthy estate from her grandparents.
  • The wealthy CEO is known for his philanthropy.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Wealthy:

  • He is wealthier than his siblings due to his investments.
  • She lives in a wealthier neighborhood than before.
  • Wealthier countries have better access to resources.
  • His business grew wealthier after expanding internationally.
  • The new job offers a wealthier salary and benefits.
  • They own a wealthier collection of art than most galleries.
  • Wealthier investors have access to exclusive opportunities.
  • She became wealthier after winning the lottery.
  • The company’s profits are wealthier compared to last year.
  • Wealthier individuals have access to premium services.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Wealthy:

  • He is the wealthiest person in the entire country.
  • She inherited the wealthiest fortune from her family.
  • The wealthiest neighborhoods are gated communities with mansions.
  • The wealthiest entrepreneur owns a fleet of luxury cars.
  • Their art collection is one of the wealthiest in the world.
  • The wealthiest philanthropists contribute millions to causes.
  • His company is the wealthiest in the industry.
  • She is the wealthiest woman in the corporate world.
  • The wealthiest individuals live in extravagant mansions.
  • The wealthiest families own private islands and yachts.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives