3 Degrees of Renowned, Comparative Degree of Renowned, Superlative Degree of Renowned

Meaning of Renowned: famous

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Renowned

Comparative degree of Renowned is more renowned, superlative degree of Renowned is most renowned.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Renowned more renowned most renowned

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Renowned:

  • She is a renowned singer in the music industry.
  • The author’s renowned novel captivated readers worldwide.
  • The artist’s renowned paintings are exhibited in prestigious galleries.
  • The scientist made a renowned discovery in the field of medicine.
  • The professor is known for his renowned expertise in astrophysics.
  • The company hired a renowned architect to design their new headquarters.
  • The actor received critical acclaim for his renowned performance in the play.
  • The chef’s restaurant is famous for its renowned culinary delights.
  • The city is home to a renowned university renowned for its research.
  • The photographer’s work has been displayed in renowned art museums.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Renowned:

  • She is more renowned than any other actress in Hollywood.
  • The second edition of the book was even more renowned than the first.
  • The new artist’s work is considered more renowned than that of established artists.
  • The professor’s research is more renowned than any other in the field.
  • The team’s performance in the championship made them more renowned than their competitors.
  • The company’s latest product received more renowned reviews than its previous version.
  • The singer’s recent album is more renowned than their earlier releases.
  • The athlete’s achievements have made them more renowned than any other in their sport.
  • The designer’s latest collection is considered more renowned than their previous creations.
  • The actor’s performance in the sequel was more renowned than their role in the original film.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Renowned:

  • She is the most renowned actress of her generation.
  • The author’s latest novel is the most renowned work of their career.
  • The artist’s paintings are considered the most renowned in contemporary art.
  • The scientist’s groundbreaking discovery is the most renowned in the field.
  • The professor is regarded as the most renowned expert in the subject.
  • The company’s flagship store is the most renowned in the industry.
  • The actor’s performance in the play was the most renowned of the entire cast.
  • The chef’s restaurant is known as the most renowned dining establishment in the city.
  • The university is recognized as the most renowned institution in the country.
  • The photographer’s portfolio is regarded as the most renowned in the field of photography.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives