Meaning of Stingy: mean; ungenerous.
Comparative and Superlative Degree of Stingy
Comparative degree of Stingy is stingier, superlative degree of Stingy is stingiest.
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
Stingy | stingier | stingiest |
Examples Using Positive Degree Of Stingy:
- He is known for being stingy with his money.
- The company has a stingy policy when it comes to raises.
- The landlord is stingy with repairs and maintenance.
- She gave only a stingy portion of the cake to her friend.
- The restaurant served a stingy amount of fries with the burger.
- He has a stingy attitude when it comes to sharing.
- The government’s budget allocation for education was stingy.
- The hotel’s complimentary breakfast was stingy in options.
- The billionaire’s donation to charity was stingy compared to his wealth.
- The boss is known for being stingy with praise and recognition.
Example Using Comparative Degree Of Stingy:
- He is stingier with his money than his siblings.
- The company’s new policy is stingier than the previous one.
- The new landlord is stingier with repairs than the previous one.
- She gave a stingier portion of the cake to her sister.
- The restaurant served an even stingier amount of fries than before.
- He became stingier with sharing after his bad experience.
- The government’s budget allocation for healthcare is stingier this year.
- The new hotel’s complimentary breakfast is stingier in options.
- The billionaire’s recent donation to charity was stingier than his previous ones.
- The new boss is stingier with praise than the previous one.
Example Using Superlative Degree Of Stingy:
- He is the stingiest person I know when it comes to money.
- The company’s current policy is the stingiest in the industry.
- The new landlord is the stingiest one I’ve ever had.
- She gave the stingiest portion of the cake to her cousin.
- The restaurant served the stingiest amount of fries I’ve ever seen.
- He has the stingiest attitude towards sharing with anyone I’ve met.
- The government’s budget allocation for arts and culture is the stingiest in years.
- The new hotel’s complimentary breakfast is the stingiest compared to other hotels.
- The billionaire’s recent donation to charity was the stingiest of his career.
- The new boss is the stingiest when it comes to giving praise.
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