180 Verbs Starting with V (Complete List)

180 Verbs Starting with V! Verbs provide a powerful way to convey meaning through our writing and conversations. Verbs enable us to express action, direction, feeling, and more. They are a foundational element of communication in any language, so it pays to become familiar with common verbs and their usage.

In this blog post, we will explore an extensive list of 180 verbs starting with V – ranging from vacillate to vanish – for you to use in your next project or conversation! Get ready for the ultimate verb reference guide that will transform how you write and speak.

verbs starting with v

Verbs Starting with V

Verbs Starting with VA

  • vacuate
  • vary
  • vail
  • vant
  • validate
  • vaporate
  • varify
  • vamp
  • value
  • vanish
  • vacuum
  • vamose
  • vagissate
  • vault
  • vacate
  • vassal
  • variegate
  • van
  • vagabond
  • vandyke
  • vapor
  • vaticinate
  • vaagmer
  • vamper
  • vaunt
  • vanquish
  • variate
  • vacillate
  • vade
  • vat
  • varnish
  • vantage
  • vandalize
  • valance
  • vaunce
  • vague
  • vagabondize
  • vacation
  • vaporize
  • vaccinate

Verbs Starting with VE

  • vest
  • ventilate
  • vermilion
  • verge
  • verminate
  • veneer
  • ventriloquize
  • ventuse
  • very
  • verberate
  • vent
  • venge
  • vernate
  • velvet
  • verbenate
  • vein
  • veer
  • vesiculate
  • verbalize
  • vend
  • venditate
  • ventouse
  • vegetable
  • verse
  • vernish
  • vestigate
  • vermiculate
  • vegetate
  • venenate
  • versify
  • vellicate
  • venture
  • verdigris
  • verify
  • vessel
  • veadar
  • vehiculate
  • venerate
  • veil
  • vesicate

Verbs Starting with VI

  • vitrificate
  • villanize
  • visit
  • view
  • victimize
  • violence
  • vitilitigate
  • virtuate
  • virus
  • vignette
  • vilify
  • vice
  • virgin
  • vitalize
  • vise
  • vigor
  • violate
  • violent
  • vial
  • victual
  • viciate
  • villain
  • virginal
  • visa
  • victimate
  • visage
  • visualize
  • vilipend
  • viscerate
  • vitrify
  • vindicate
  • vitiate
  • vibrate
  • video
  • vision
  • vie
  • vinegar
  • vindemiate
  • visard
  • vigil

Verbs Starting with VO

  • vocalize
  • void
  • vote
  • vociferate
  • volley
  • vow
  • volatilize
  • volow
  • voluntary
  • vowelize
  • vouch
  • volunteer
  • vomit
  • voice
  • voyage
  • volcanize
  • vouchsafe
  • vole

Verbs Starting with VU

  • vulgarize
  • vulnerate
  • vulcanize

Different Types of Verbs Starting With V

Action Verbs Beginning With V

  • Verbalized
  • Validated
  • Verified
  • Volunteered

Regular Verbs That Start With V

  • Visit

Verbs That Start With V and Their Meaning

  • Vacuum: Clean with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Value: Assess or evaluate.
  • Vamp: Improvise music.
  • Vandalize: Destroy property.
  • Vanquish: Conquer or defeat.
  • Vary: Change or alter.
  • Veer: Change direction.
  • Venerate: Respect or honor.
  • Vent: Express or release.
  • Verbalize: Put into words.
  • Vet: Examine or evaluate.
  • Vibrate: Move rapidly back and forth.
  • Victimize: Make a victim.
  • View: Look at or watch.
  • Vilify: Slander or defame.
  • Vindicate: Clear from blame.
  • Violate: Break or infringe.
  • Visit: Go to see.
  • Visualize: Form a mental image.

Popular V-Verbs in Example Sentences

Visit: She visited her grandparents during the holidays.

Verify: He verified the information with multiple sources.

Volunteer: She volunteered at the local animal shelter every weekend.

Vote: He voted for his preferred candidate in the election.

Value: She valued her friendships more than material possessions.

View: He viewed the art exhibit at the museum and appreciated the beauty of the artwork.

Vacation: She went on a vacation to the beach to relax.

Vary: He varied his workout routine to avoid boredom.

Venture: She ventured into the unknown territory of entrepreneurship.

Visit: He visited the famous landmarks in the city during his trip.

Verbs With Letter V and their Three Forms

Base Form Past Form Past Participle
verify verified verified
vomit vomited vomited
vie vied vied
value valued valued
vanish vanished vanished
view viewed viewed
violate violated violated
vex vexed vexed
vary varied varied

Positive Verbs That Start With V

  • Vouch
  • Venture
  • View
  • Value
  • Valance
  • Vifivicate
  • Vigor
  • Venerate
  • Vie
  • Visit
  • Vindicate
  • Vegetate
  • Victual
  • Volunteer
  • Vary
  • Vault
  • Vaunt
  • Vifivy
  • Van
  • Vocalize
  • Variegate
  • Vail
  • Visualize
  • Verify
  • Vitalize
  • Vaunce
  • Ventilate
  • Vamp
  • Vote
  • Vow
  • Vest
  • Vamper
  • Voyage
  • Vantage
  • Vibrate
  • Validate
  • Vent
  • Vernate
  • Voice

Verbs that begin with V – Flashcards

action verbs starting with v verbs starting with v

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