10 Sentences in Future Continuous Tense

10 Sentences in Future Continuous Tense! ESL students, have you ever wondered how to use the future continuous tense? In this blog post, you will learn 10 sentences in the future continuous tense. These examples will help you understand how to use this verb tense correctly. So, let’s get started!

10 Sentences in Future Continuous Tense

  1. You will be having your breakfast.
  2. They will be going to see their friends.
  3. I will be thinking about him.
  4. You will be watching TV.
  5. The cat will be sleeping on the couch later.
  6. I will be eating a sandwich.
  7. The plane will be taking off at 5 o’clock.
  8. They will be arriving at 3 o’clock.
  9. She will be attending a conference next week.
  10. He will be doing his homework before dinner.

Want More? Read 100 Sentences in Future Continuous Tense

10 sentences in future continuous tense