260+ Verbs that End with W (Complete List)

Verbs that End with W! Verbs are the lifeblood of language, allowing us to express our thoughts and feelings in ways that connect with others! But how many verbs can you name that end with a ‘w’? We bet not many. The truth is, there are more than 260 verb forms ending in ‘w’ – and we’ve compiled them all right here for you. From powerful action words to useful phrasal verbs, this list has got it all covered; an essential resource for English learners or language lovers everywhere! Keep reading to uncover each verb’s definition and see usage examples of these unique w-words – guaranteed to give your writing a fresh new edge.

verbs that end with w

Verbs Ending in W

Below are some related verbs:

  • yew
  • yellow
  • yaw
  • withdraw
  • wiredraw
  • winnow
  • windrow
  • window
  • willow
  • widow
  • whipsaw
  • whew
  • welew
  • wallow
  • vow
  • volow
  • view
  • upthrow
  • upgrow
  • upflow
  • updraw
  • upblow
  • unsinew
  • unsew
  • unscrew
  • unmew
  • unlaw
  • unknow
  • unhallow
  • unfellow
  • undraw
  • underhew
  • undergrow
  • underfurrow
  • underfollow
  • unclew
  • unburrow
  • unbow
  • twifallow
  • trow
  • trifallow
  • transmew
  • tow
  • tohew
  • tillow
  • thryfallow
  • throw
  • thrifallow
  • thraw
  • thaw
  • tewtaw
  • tew
  • taw
  • tallow
  • swallow
  • surview
  • strow
  • strew
  • straw
  • stow
  • stew
  • staw
  • spew
  • sow
  • sorrow
  • snow
  • snew
  • slow
  • slew
  • skew
  • sinew
  • show
  • shew
  • shallow
  • shadow
  • sew
  • seesaw
  • scrimshaw
  • screw
  • scow
  • saw
  • sallow
  • row
  • roughhew
  • roughdraw
  • ripsaw
  • review
  • resow
  • resaw
  • renew
  • regrow
  • reflow
  • reendow
  • redraw
  • rebellow
  • pshaw
  • preshow
  • powwow
  • plow
  • pillow
  • pew
  • paw
  • overtrow
  • overthrow
  • overstrow
  • overstrew
  • overstraw
  • oversow
  • oversorrow
  • oversnow
  • overslow
  • overshadow
  • overgrow
  • overflow
  • overdraw
  • overcrow
  • overbrow
  • overbow
  • overblow
  • outthrow
  • outlaw
  • outgrow
  • outflow
  • outdraw
  • outbow
  • new
  • narrow
  • mow
  • morphew
  • mistrow
  • misthrow
  • misknow
  • misbestow
  • mildew
  • mew
  • meow
  • mellow
  • meaw
  • marrow
  • low
  • law
  • kowtow
  • kotow
  • know
  • knaw
  • kaw
  • jaw
  • interview
  • interknow
  • interflow
  • insinew
  • inmew
  • inlaw
  • inflow
  • indow
  • indew
  • immew
  • imbow
  • hollow
  • hew
  • hawhaw
  • haw
  • harrow
  • hallow
  • guffaw
  • grow
  • gnaw
  • glow
  • gallow
  • furrow
  • furhelow
  • forslow
  • foreslow
  • foreshow
  • foreshew
  • foreshadow
  • foreknow
  • forehew
  • foreflow
  • follow
  • flyblow
  • flow
  • flaw
  • finedraw
  • fellow
  • farfow
  • eschew
  • enwallow
  • ennew
  • enmew
  • endow
  • emmew
  • embrew
  • embow
  • embillow
  • elbow
  • draw
  • dow
  • disshadow
  • dismaw
  • dishallow
  • disendow
  • disavow
  • disallow
  • dew
  • devow
  • deflow
  • decrew
  • daw
  • cumshaw
  • crow
  • crossflow
  • crew
  • cow
  • counterdraw
  • corkscrew
  • conventionalizw
  • claw
  • clapperclaw
  • chew
  • chaw
  • caw
  • caperclaw
  • burrow
  • brow
  • brew
  • bow
  • borrow
  • blow
  • billow
  • bestrew
  • bestow
  • bespew
  • besnow
  • beshrew
  • bellow
  • beknow
  • begnaw
  • bedew
  • avow
  • allow
  • adaw
  • acknow

Popular Verbs That End in W With Meaning

  • allow: permit or authorize
  • blow: expel air forcefully
  • bow: bend forward
  • chew: bite and grind with teeth
  • draw: create a picture
  • follow: go after someone
  • glow: emit light
  • grow: increase in size
  • hew: chop or cut
  • know: be aware of

Verbs Ending with W and Example Sentences

  • The wind blow strongly during the storm.
  • I bow my head in respect during the ceremony.
  • I chew my food slowly to aid in digestion.
  • I draw a picture with my pencil.
  • The puppy loves to follow its owner around the house.
  • The embers glow in the fire pit.
  • The tree needs to grow taller before producing fruit.
  • The carpenter needs to hew the wood to the correct size.
  • I know the answer to the trivia question.

5 Letter Verbs Ending In W

  • Widow
  • Vinew
  • Unsew
  • Unmew
  • Unlaw
  • Throw
  • Threw
  • Thraw
  • Strow
  • Strew
  • Straw
  • Sinew
  • Shrow
  • Shrew
  • Screw
  • Resow
  • Resew
  • Resaw
  • Renew
  • Pshaw
  • Pawaw
  • Miaow
  • Kotow
  • Indow
  • Indew
  • Immew
  • Ensew
  • Enmew
  • Endow
  • Endew
  • Emmew
  • Embow
  • Elbow
  • Besaw
  • Bedew
  • Arrow
  • Allow
  • Advew

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