500 Verbs that End With T (Complete List)

Verbs that End With T! Have you ever been told that the more verbs you are familiar with, the better? Well, it’s true! Not only do they help give your sentences a natural flow, but they allow your writing to come alive in powerful ways. But sometimes it can be difficult to think of one verb at the right time – especially when searching for a verb that ends with ‘t’. That’s why we have put together this comprehensive list of 500 verbs that end with ‘T’ – because whether it is to liven up an essay or just add some spice to everyday conversations, having these verbs handy could give you just the boost you need!

verbs that end with t

Verbs Ending in T

Below are some related verbs:

  • zest
  • yot
  • yacht
  • wrest
  • worst
  • worrit
  • wont
  • withset
  • wit
  • wist
  • wilt
  • whoot
  • whist
  • whipgraft
  • whet
  • whereret
  • wet
  • west
  • wert
  • welt
  • weight
  • weet
  • weatherbit
  • wayment
  • watershoot
  • water-rot
  • water-ret
  • warrant
  • want
  • wait
  • wainscot
  • waiment
  • waft
  • vomit
  • vivisect
  • visit
  • violent
  • vest
  • vent
  • velvet
  • vaut
  • vaunt
  • vault
  • vat
  • vant
  • unperfect
  • unpaint
  • unnest
  • unknot
  • unknit
  • unknight
  • unjoint
  • unhelmet
  • unheart
  • unhat
  • unget
  • unfret
  • unfrequent
  • unfit
  • undust
  • undirect
  • undight
  • undershoot
  • underset
  • underput
  • underlet
  • underget
  • undercut
  • undercrest
  • undercast
  • underact
  • uncredit
  • uncolt
  • unchariot
  • uncart
  • unbreast
  • unboot
  • unbonnet
  • unbolt
  • unbit
  • unbelt
  • unbeget
  • unbeat
  • unballast
  • umbecast
  • transfreight
  • transelement
  • transdialect
  • transact
  • traject
  • trait
  • traduct
  • tract
  • tout
  • torment
  • topcoat
  • toot
  • tobogganist
  • tobacconist
  • toast
  • tittlebat
  • tint
  • tinct
  • tilt
  • tight
  • ticket
  • thwart
  • thrust
  • throat
  • thirst
  • text
  • test
  • tent
  • tenant
  • tempt
  • tempest
  • temperament
  • taunt
  • tatt
  • tart
  • target
  • tantamount
  • tangent
  • talent
  • taint
  • shut
  • shunt
  • shout
  • shot
  • short-list
  • short-circuit
  • short
  • shoot
  • shirt
  • shift
  • shet
  • shent
  • sheet
  • shaft
  • set
  • servant
  • serpent
  • seposit
  • sent
  • self-destruct
  • select
  • segment
  • secret
  • seat
  • scrupulist
  • scrat
  • scout
  • scoppet
  • scoot
  • scomfit
  • scoat
  • scent
  • scarlet
  • scapement
  • scant
  • saltant
  • salt
  • salient
  • saint
  • sacrament
  • redistrict
  • redirect
  • redigest
  • redeposit
  • redact
  • recruit
  • recreant
  • recount
  • reconvert
  • reconstruct
  • reconfort
  • reconduct
  • recompact
  • recommit
  • recomfort
  • recollect
  • recoct
  • recheat
  • receipt
  • recast
  • recant
  • rebut
  • reattempt
  • reassert
  • reappoint
  • reafforest
  • readopt
  • readmit
  • readjust
  • readept
  • react
  • rat
  • rapt
  • rant
  • rampart
  • rampant
  • raft
  • racket
  • rabbit
  • rabbet
  • quoit
  • quit
  • quilt
  • quiet
  • quickset
  • quest
  • quat
  • pocket
  • plyght
  • plummet
  • plot
  • plight
  • pliant
  • pleat
  • plat
  • plant
  • plait
  • pivot
  • pit
  • pinch-hit
  • pilot
  • picket
  • pet
  • pervert
  • pert
  • persist
  • permit
  • perfect
  • perempt
  • peract
  • pent
  • pelt
  • pavement
  • patient
  • patent
  • pat
  • past
  • passant
  • part
  • parrot
  • parget
  • pant
  • pamphlet
  • paint
  • pageant
  • pact
  • packet
  • overaffect
  • overact
  • outwrest
  • outwit
  • outEnd
  • outsport
  • outsit
  • outshut
  • outshoot
  • outscout
  • outscent
  • outroot
  • output
  • outmount
  • outlet
  • outlast
  • outjest
  • outfit
  • outfeat
  • outfeast
  • outcheat
  • outcant
  • outbreast
  • outbleat
  • outact
  • out
  • oust
  • ornament
  • orient
  • orbit
  • onset
  • omit
  • oint
  • offset
  • occult
  • obvert
  • obtest
  • obstruct
  • object
  • obduct
  • nut
  • nott
  • nonsuit
  • noint
  • newmarket
  • net
  • nest
  • neglect
  • nayt
  • mispaint
  • mislight
  • misinterpret
  • misinstruct
  • misgraft
  • misget
  • misentreat
  • misdoubt
  • misdirect
  • misdiet
  • misdepart
  • miscovet
  • miscount
  • miscorrect
  • misconstruct
  • misconduct
  • miscast
  • misaffect
  • misadjust
  • misaccompt
  • mint
  • milt
  • might
  • mezzotint
  • merit
  • merchant
  • melt
  • meet
  • meat
  • mat
  • mast
  • mart
  • market
  • margent
  • manumit
  • manifest
  • management
  • maltreat
  • malt
  • maletreat
  • lust
  • lout
  • lot
  • lost
  • loot
  • lodgment
  • list
  • limit
  • lilt
  • light
  • lift
  • levant
  • let
  • lest
  • leaflet
  • lat
  • last
  • lariat
  • lappet
  • lament
  • lambast
  • knout
  • knot
  • knit
  • knight
  • kit
  • kilt
  • kick-End
  • keyseat
  • juxtaposit
  • jut
  • just
  • junket
  • jump-End
  • judgment
  • joust
  • jot
  • jolt
  • joist
  • joint
  • jilt
  • jet
  • jest
  • jaunt
  • jant
  • jacket
  • inherit
  • inhabit
  • ingreat
  • ingraft
  • inglut
  • ingirt
  • ingest
  • infract
  • informant
  • inflict
  • inflect
  • infest
  • infect
  • infant
  • inexist
  • induct
  • indict
  • indent
  • indebt
  • indart
  • incyst
  • incrust
  • increst
  • inchest
  • inchant
  • imprint
  • imprest
  • important
  • import
  • implement
  • implant
  • impest
  • imperfect
  • impediment
  • impart
  • impaint
  • impact
  • immit
  • ill-treat
  • illtreat
  • hurt
  • hunt
  • humect
  • hot
  • host
  • hoot
  • hont
  • hoit
  • hoist
  • hit
  • hint
  • hight
  • hent
  • hemisect
  • heft
  • heat
  • heart
  • haunt
  • harvest
  • hartwort
  • harlot
  • handfast
  • halt
  • haft
  • habitat
  • habitant
  • gut
  • gust
  • guilt
  • guest
  • guardant
  • grunt
  • grout
  • grit
  • greit
  • greet
  • graunt
  • grant
  • graft
  • gobbet
  • glut
  • glout
  • gloat
  • glint
  • glent
  • gleet
  • girt
  • gimlet
  • gimblet
  • gilt
  • gift
  • gibbet
  • ghost
  • get
  • genuflect
  • gelt
  • gast
  • gallivant
  • gallant
  • format
  • forlet
  • forget
  • forfeit
  • forest
  • forelift
  • forelet
  • forecast
  • foreappoint
  • forcut
  • foot
  • foment
  • foist
  • flout
  • float
  • flit
  • flirt
  • fleet
  • flaunt
  • flat
  • flabbergast
  • fit
  • fist
  • firmament
  • fillet
  • fight
  • fidget
  • fet
  • ferret
  • ferment
  • felt
  • feint
  • feat
  • feast
  • fault
  • fat
  • fast
  • faint
  • fagot
  • facet
  • epithet
  • envault
  • entwist
  • entrust
  • entreat
  • enroot
  • enmist
  • enlist
  • enlight
  • enhort
  • engraft
  • englut
  • engirt
  • engallant
  • enforest
  • endict
  • encyst
  • encrust
  • enchest
  • enchant
  • enact
  • emprint
  • emit
  • emigrant
  • embright
  • embasement
  • elicit
  • element
  • elect
  • eject
  • egest
  • effront
  • effort
  • efflorescent
  • effect
  • edit
  • eclaircissement
  • eat
  • east
  • earnest
  • destruct
  • desport
  • desist
  • desert
  • descant
  • deposit
  • deport
  • deponent
  • deplant
  • depict
  • depeinct
  • department
  • depart
  • depaint
  • deobstruct
  • dent
  • demount
  • demit
  • demerit
  • dement
  • delimit
  • delight
  • deject
  • dehort
  • degust
  • deforest
  • deflect
  • defect
  • defeat
  • default
  • deduct
  • decurt
  • decorament
  • deconcoct
  • decoct
  • decant
  • debut
  • debit
  • daunt
  • dart
  • coadjust
  • coact
  • clout
  • clot
  • closet
  • cleftgraft
  • cleat
  • clart
  • civet
  • circumvest
  • circumvent
  • circumflect
  • circumduct
  • circuit
  • chit
  • chest
  • cheat
  • chaunt
  • chat
  • chast
  • chart
  • chariot
  • chaplet
  • chant
  • cessment
  • cement
  • cavort
  • caught
  • catapult
  • cat
  • casuist
  • cast
  • casket
  • cart
  • carpet
  • carburet
  • capot
  • cant
  • callet
  • cabinet
  • besot
  • besort
  • besmut
  • besit
  • beshut
  • beset
  • besaint
  • bequest
  • bepelt
  • bepaint
  • bent
  • benight
  • benet
  • benefit
  • bemist
  • bemeet
  • belt
  • belowt
  • belight
  • behight
  • behest
  • begirt
  • beget
  • befit
  • bedust
  • bedight
  • beblot
  • beat
  • bayonet
  • battailant
  • bat
  • basset
  • basket
  • banquet
  • bankrupt
  • ballot
  • ballast
  • bait
  • backset
  • babbitt
  • affright
  • affreight
  • afforest
  • afflict
  • affect
  • advert
  • advancement
  • adopt
  • admit
  • adjust
  • adject
  • adight
  • adhort
  • adhibit
  • adduct
  • addict
  • adaunt
  • adapt
  • adact
  • act
  • acquit
  • acquiet
  • acquaint
  • accredit
  • accourt
  • account
  • accost
  • accordment
  • accoast
  • accept
  • accent
  • abut
  • abstract
  • absist
  • absent
  • abrupt
  • abortifacient
  • abort
  • abet
  • abduct

Popular Verbs That End in T With Meaning

  • accept: receive willingly
  • act: perform a task or role
  • adjust: change to fit better
  • admit: acknowledge or confess
  • alight: descend from a vehicle
  • arrest: take into custody
  • assert: state confidently
  • assort: group according to type
  • attract: draw towards oneself
  • audit: examine financial records

Verbs Ending with T and Example Sentences

  • I accept your apology for what you did wrong.
  • The actor needs to act out their role in the movie.
  • I need to adjust the temperature on the thermostat.
  • I admit my mistake and apologize.
  • The airplane needs to alight at the airport before passengers can exit.
  • The police officer needs to arrest the suspect for their crimes.
  • The store needs to assert their dominance in the market.
  • The clothes need to sort by color before washing.
  • The advertisement needs to attract customers to the product.
  • The accountant needs to audit the company’s financial statements.

5 Letter Verbs Ending In T

  • Ytost
  • Yrent
  • Ymolt
  • Yeast
  • Yacht
  • Wroot
  • Wrest
  • Wrast
  • Wrapt
  • Worst
  • Wisht
  • Wight
  • Whoot
  • Whist
  • Whipt
  • Vomit
  • Visit
  • Vaunt
  • Vault
  • Valet
  • Upset
  • Uplit
  • Upjet
  • Unwit
  • Unset
  • Unhat
  • Unget
  • Unfit
  • Twist
  • Twilt
  • Tweet
  • Tryst
  • Trust
  • Troat
  • Treat
  • Trapt
  • Trant
  • Tract
  • Toast
  • Tinct
  • Tempt
  • Taunt
  • Taint
  • Swopt
  • Swift
  • Swept
  • Swelt
  • Sweet
  • Sweat
  • Swapt
  • Sturt
  • Stunt
  • Strut
  • Stott
  • Stopt
  • Stoit
  • Stint
  • Stilt
  • Stept
  • Stent
  • Start
  • Squat
  • Spurt
  • Spout
  • Sport
  • Split
  • Splat
  • Spirt
  • Spilt
  • Spent
  • Spelt
  • Spalt
  • Souct
  • Snout
  • Snort
  • Snoot
  • Snift
  • Smout
  • Smoot
  • Smelt
  • Smart
  • Slipt
  • Slept
  • Sleet
  • Slart
  • Slant
  • Skirt
  • Sight
  • Sicht
  • Shunt
  • Shout
  • Short
  • Shoot
  • Shirt
  • Shift
  • Shent
  • Sheet
  • Shalt
  • Shakt
  • Shaft
  • Scrat
  • Scout
  • Scoot
  • Scent
  • Scart
  • Scant
  • Sayst
  • Saunt
  • Saist
  • Saint
  • Rozit
  • Rozet
  • Royst
  • Roust
  • Rosit
  • Roset
  • Roost
  • Roist
  • Roast
  • Rivet
  • Right
  • Richt
  • Rewet
  • Revet
  • Resit
  • Reset
  • Resat
  • Repot
  • Remit
  • Remet
  • Relit
  • Relet
  • Reist
  • Refit
  • Reest
  • Recut
  • Rebut
  • Rebit
  • Reast
  • React
  • Quoit
  • Quirt
  • Quilt
  • Quiet
  • Quest
  • Quant
  • Print
  • Prest
  • Prent
  • Pratt
  • Poynt
  • Poupt
  • Posit
  • Point
  • Ploat
  • Pleat
  • Plast
  • Plant
  • Plait
  • Pivot
  • Pipet
  • Pilot
  • Pight
  • Picot
  • Perst
  • Paint
  • Ought
  • Orbit
  • Obiit
  • Noint
  • Nempt
  • Mulct
  • Muist
  • Moust
  • Mount
  • Moult
  • Moist
  • Might
  • Meynt
  • Merit
  • Meint
  • Meant
  • Mayst
  • Loast
  • Limit
  • Light
  • Licht
  • Leapt
  • Leant
  • Kydst
  • Knout
  • Knelt
  • Joust
  • Joist
  • Joint
  • Jaunt
  • Inset
  • Input
  • Inlet
  • Ingot
  • Immit
  • Hoist
  • Hoast
  • Hight
  • Heist
  • Hecht
  • Heart
  • Haunt
  • Hadst
  • Habit
  • Guest
  • Grypt
  • Grunt
  • Grout
  • Gript
  • Grift
  • Greet
  • Grant
  • Graft
  • Goest
  • Glout
  • Gloat
  • Glint
  • Glent
  • Gleet
  • Giust
  • Ghost
  • Ghest
  • Ghast
  • Gaunt
  • Fruit
  • Frost
  • Front
  • Fritt
  • Frist
  • Fract
  • Foist
  • Flout
  • Float
  • Flirt
  • Flint
  • Fleet
  • Filet
  • Fight
  • Feint
  • Fecit
  • Fecht
  • Feast
  • Fault
  • Faint
  • Fagot
  • Facet
  • Exult
  • Exist
  • Exert
  • Exalt
  • Exact
  • Evict
  • Evert
  • Event
  • Escot
  • Erupt
  • Eruct
  • Erect
  • Enlit
  • Enact
  • Elect
  • Eject
  • Egest
  • Dwelt
  • Durst
  • Dropt
  • Dript
  • Drift
  • Drest
  • Drent
  • Drant
  • Draft
  • Doubt
  • Donut
  • Doest
  • Docht
  • Dight
  • Didst
  • Dicht
  • Derat
  • Denet
  • Dempt
  • Demit
  • Defat
  • Debut
  • Debit
  • Dealt
  • Daunt
  • Curst
  • Curet
  • Crust
  • Crost
  • Croft
  • Crest
  • Crept
  • Craft
  • Covet
  • Court
  • Count
  • Coost
  • Coopt
  • Compt
  • Coast
  • Coapt
  • Coact
  • Clout
  • Clipt
  • Clept
  • Cleft
  • Cleat
  • Claut
  • Clart
  • Clapt
  • Chirt
  • Chest
  • Cheat
  • Chart
  • Chapt
  • Chant
  • Capot
  • Canst
  • Burst
  • Burnt
  • Buist
  • Built
  • Brust
  • Brunt
  • Bruit
  • Brast
  • Boult
  • Boost
  • Boast
  • Blurt
  • Blunt
  • Bloat
  • Blist
  • Blest
  • Blent
  • Bleat
  • Blast
  • Blart
  • Bight
  • Bewet
  • Besot
  • Besit
  • Beset
  • Besat
  • Bepat
  • Benet
  • Begot
  • Beget
  • Begat
  • Befit
  • Beast
  • Await
  • Avert
  • Audit
  • Assot
  • Arett
  • Allot
  • Alert
  • Agist
  • Agent
  • Adust
  • Adopt
  • Admit
  • Adapt
  • Abort

Other Verbs Ending In: