290+ Verbs that End With M (Complete List)

Verbs that End With M! Verbs are an integral part of any language but did you know there are more than 290 verbs that can be used in English which end with the letter M? That’s right – from ‘acclaim’ to ‘zoom’, this collection of verbs is packed full of action words you might use in everyday conversations and writing. But why does it matter? Knowing which verbs end with m can help expand your vocabulary and give you word choices to better express yourself with confidence, no matter whether you’re writing a story or just making small talk. So dive into this complete list of 290+ Verbs that end with m — You’ll never run out of exciting words again!

verbs that end with m

Verbs Ending in M

Below are some related verbs:

  • anagram
  • decharm
  • germ
  • palm
  • stem
  • addoom
  • besom
  • countingroom
  • dishelm
  • forearm
  • impalm
  • outstorm
  • ram
  • slowworm
  • toom
  • claim
  • farm
  • misseem
  • seam
  • whelm
  • clam
  • fathom
  • misterm
  • seem
  • whim
  • beseem
  • disesteem
  • imbosom
  • quitclaim
  • thrum
  • carom
  • engloom
  • misaffirm
  • rim
  • unwarm
  • bam
  • diadem
  • gorm
  • pomatum
  • strum
  • atom
  • deform
  • gloam
  • pilgrim
  • stram
  • buckram
  • embosom
  • loam
  • restem
  • unseam
  • bottom
  • embeam
  • jam
  • redeem
  • undam
  • bloom
  • dream
  • inform
  • rebloom
  • unbeseem
  • acclaim
  • confirm
  • flagellum
  • nim
  • skim
  • blissom
  • dram
  • infirm
  • ream
  • unarm
  • baptism
  • diagram
  • groom
  • prearm
  • stum
  • boom
  • efform
  • invenom
  • reclaim
  • uncalm
  • chloroform
  • esteem
  • misinform
  • scream
  • warm
  • affirm
  • cream
  • foredoom
  • overbrim
  • spoom
  • addeem
  • countercharm
  • foam
  • outdream
  • slim
  • bestorm
  • distream
  • indiadem
  • ransom
  • transform
  • anthem
  • declaim
  • glaum
  • paum
  • stoom
  • arm
  • deem
  • gleam
  • perform
  • storm
  • adeem
  • cram
  • foredeem
  • outvenom
  • spasm
  • brim
  • embloom
  • lamm
  • reform
  • unhelm
  • bream
  • emblem
  • lam
  • reem
  • unform
  • chirm
  • envenom
  • misform
  • salaam
  • walm
  • becalm
  • disaccustom
  • harm
  • predoom
  • swarm
  • aim
  • custom
  • form
  • overgloom
  • squirm
  • belam
  • disembossom
  • hum
  • proem
  • term
  • cham
  • enrheum
  • misbeseem
  • roam
  • upswarm
  • chum
  • exclaim
  • misreform
  • scum
  • wem
  • alum
  • daydream
  • gem
  • overwhelm
  • steem
  • becharm
  • disaffirm
  • hawm
  • preform
  • swim
  • blossom
  • drum
  • inseam
  • reblossom
  • unbosom
  • calm
  • enfreedom
  • maim
  • retrim
  • unteam
  • charm
  • enseam
  • misdeem
  • room
  • vacuum
  • accustom
  • conform
  • flam
  • obfirm
  • slam
  • broom
  • emblossom
  • leam
  • re-form
  • uniform
  • cloom
  • firm
  • mumm
  • shram
  • bosom
  • embalm
  • item
  • reconfirm
  • uncharm
  • bedim
  • disarm
  • helm
  • prim
  • team
  • alarm
  • dam
  • fum
  • overinform
  • steam
  • balm
  • dephlegm
  • gloom
  • platform
  • stream
  • begem
  • disclaim
  • hem
  • proclaim
  • teem
  • clem
  • film
  • mohammedanism
  • sham
  • worm
  • betrim
  • doom
  • infilm
  • reaffirm
  • trim
  • balsam
  • derm
  • glum
  • plim
  • stroam
  • bum
  • enform
  • loom
  • retransform
  • unseem
  • benim
  • disencharm
  • imbalm
  • psalm
  • theorem
  • beam
  • dim
  • gum
  • preconform
  • sum

Popular Verbs That End in M With Meaning

  • blossom: produce flowers
  • dim: make less bright
  • dream: experience a series of thoughts during sleep
  • exclaim: cry out suddenly
  • form: give shape to something
  • harm: injure or damage
  • hum: make a low, continuous sound
  • inform: give information
  • scam: deceive or swindle
  • scream: make a loud, high-pitched sound

Verbs Ending with M and Example Sentences

  • The flowers in the garden blossom in the spring.
  • I dimmed the light of this room.
  • I dream of traveling to different countries around the world.
  • The teacher exclaim in excitement when the student got the answer right.
  • The sculptor needs to form the clay into a statue.
  • The car accident harm the people involved.
  • I hum a song to myself when I’m bored.
  • I inform my friend of the changes in the schedule.
  • He tried to scam me out of my money by selling me a fake product.
  • The woman scream for help when she saw the spider.

5 Letter Verbs Ending In M

  • Yealm
  • Whelm
  • Vroom
  • Venom
  • Unjam
  • Ungum
  • Undam
  • Unarm
  • Thrum
  • Swarm
  • Strum
  • Strim
  • Storm
  • Steem
  • Steam
  • Spoom
  • Spasm
  • Smarm
  • Smalm
  • Slorm
  • Sloom
  • Sklim
  • Scrum
  • Scram
  • Sclim
  • Rehem
  • Rearm
  • Psalm
  • Pharm
  • Modem
  • Madam
  • Inarm
  • Groom
  • Gloom
  • Gleam
  • Glaum
  • Exeem
  • Enarm
  • Dwaum
  • Dwalm
  • Dream
  • Degum
  • Cream
  • Claim
  • Chirm
  • Charm
  • Carom
  • Broom
  • Bream
  • Bosom
  • Bloom
  • Besom
  • Begem
  • Bedim
  • Alarm
  • Adeem

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