Man Plural, What is the Plural of Man?

Meaning: male boy or person

Singular and Plural of Man

Singular plural
man mans

Man as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The confident man delivered a powerful speech.
  2. The skilled man crafted intricate wooden furniture.
  3. The weary man rested under the shade of a tree.
  4. The ambitious man pursued his dreams relentlessly.
  5. The compassionate man offered a helping hand to those in need.
  6. The intellectual man engaged in thought-provoking discussions.
  7. The diligent man worked diligently to achieve his goals.
  8. The talented man played beautiful melodies on the piano.
  9. The brave man faced his fears head-on.
  10. The experienced man shared his wisdom with younger generations.

Man as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The group of men gathered for a meeting.
  2. The team of skilled men collaborated on the project.
  3. The community honored the achievements of influential men.
  4. The brave men fought courageously on the battlefield.
  5. The society recognized the contributions of outstanding men.
  6. The conference brought together visionary men to address global issues.
  7. The construction site employed many skilled men.
  8. The council comprised respected and knowledgeable men.
  9. The festival featured performances by talented men.
  10. The committee consisted of dedicated and passionate men.

Singular Possessive of Man 

The singular possessive form of “Man” is “Man’s”. 

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Man:

  1. Man’s determination led him to achieve his goals.
  2. The responsibility falls on man’s shoulders.
  3. We appreciated man’s insight on the matter.
  4. Man’s success is a result of hard work.
  5. The teacher praised man’s efforts in the project.
  6. Man’s role in society has evolved over time.
  7. The coach recognized man’s talent in sports.
  8. Man’s instinct for survival is remarkable.
  9. The artist expressed man’s emotions through the painting.
  10. We admired man’s resilience in difficult situations.

Plural Possessive of Man 

The plural possessive form of “Man” is “Men’s”. 

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Man:

  1. The organization promoted the rights of men’s health.
  2. The conference focused on addressing men’s issues.
  3. The company celebrated the achievements of men’s contributions.
  4. The study explored the impact of work-life balance on men’s well-being.
  5. The club offered support for men’s mental health.
  6. The initiative aimed to improve men’s access to education.
  7. The campaign raised awareness about men’s role in parenting.
  8. The magazine featured stories of successful men’s entrepreneurship.
  9. The university provided resources for men’s career development.
  10. The event showcased the talents of men’s artistic expressions.

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