Lavra Plural, What is the plural of Lavra?

Meaning: a type of monastery consisting of a cluster of cells.

Plural of Lavra

Singular Plural
Lavra Lavras

Lavra as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The ancient lavra is a site of historical significance.
  2. The peaceful atmosphere of the lavra encourages meditation and reflection.
  3. The architecture of the lavra is truly remarkable.
  4. Exploring the underground chambers of the lavra is an awe-inspiring experience.
  5. Many pilgrims visit the lavra to seek spiritual guidance.
  6. The beauty of the lavra attracts tourists from around the world.
  7. The monks at the lavra lead a life of prayer and contemplation.
  8. The lavra is a symbol of faith and devotion.
  9. The paintings and icons inside the lavra are breathtaking.
  10. Visiting the lavra provides a glimpse into the rich religious history.

Lavra as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The nearby mountains are home to several ancient lavras.
  2. These stunning lavras are hidden gems waiting to be explored.
  3. The region is known for its numerous monastic lavras.
  4. Pilgrims often visit multiple lavras during their spiritual journey.
  5. The unique architecture of these lavras is a testament to human creativity.
  6. The lavras attract scholars and historians interested in religious art.
  7. The surrounding landscapes of the lavras offer breathtaking views.
  8. Many legends and stories are associated with these sacred lavras.
  9. The tranquility of these remote lavras provides a retreat from the busy world.
  10. The restoration efforts have preserved the historical significance of these lavras.

Singular Possessive of Lavra

The singular possessive form of “Lavra” is “Lavra’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Lavra:

  1. The lavra’s architecture showcased exquisite craftsmanship.
  2. He explored the depths of the lavra’s underground tunnels.
  3. The tranquility of the lavra’s gardens provided solace.
  4. The lavra’s bell tower rose high above the landscape.
  5. I admired the lavra’s intricate frescoes and mosaics.
  6. The lavra’s spiritual significance attracted pilgrims from afar.
  7. The monks maintained the lavra’s sacred traditions.
  8. I lit a candle in the lavra’s candlelit chapel.
  9. The lavra’s history spanned centuries of devotion.
  10. The beauty of the lavra’s surroundings inspired awe.

Plural Possessive of Lavra

The plural possessive form of “Lavra” is “Lavras'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Lavra:

  1. The lavras’ architecture showcased exquisite craftsmanship.
  2. They explored the depths of the lavras’ underground tunnels.
  3. The tranquility of the lavras’ gardens provided solace.
  4. The lavras’ bell towers rose high above the landscape.
  5. We admired the lavras’ intricate frescoes and mosaics.
  6. The lavras’ spiritual significance attracted pilgrims from afar.
  7. The monks maintained the lavras’ sacred traditions.
  8. We lit candles in the lavras’ candlelit chapels.
  9. The lavras’ histories spanned centuries of devotion.
  10. The beauty of the lavras’ surroundings inspired awe.

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