List of Compound Adjectives (Download PDF)

Compound adjectives are the unsung heroes that add color and precision to our expressions. In this handy list, you’ll discover the magic of hyphenated word duos that can transform your everyday language into a tapestry of vivid imagery and exactness.
Before we jump into our comprehensive list, let’s get a quick grasp on what compound adjectives really are and how they can transform your communication.

What are Compound Adjectives?

Compound adjectives are adjectives that are made up of two or more words usually combined with a hyphen to act as a single idea to modify a noun. These two words work together to function like any other adjective, describing or giving more information about a noun.

The hyphen is an important little dash that links the words together to make sure the person reading knows that the words are connected in meaning.

For example, in the term “high-speed chase,” “high-speed” is a compound adjective that tells you what kind of chase it is—it’s not just any chase; it’s one with high speed. Similarly, a “full-time job” isn’t just any job, it’s a job that’s full-time.

How Compound Adjectives are Formed?

Compound adjectives can be formed from combinations of different types of words, such as:

  • An adjective and a noun (e.g., “bitter-sweet”)
  • A noun and a past participle (e.g., “sugar-coated”)
  • A noun and an adjective (e.g., “ice-cold”)
  • An adverb and a past participle (e.g., “well-known”)
  • A verb and a preposition (e.g., “run-down”)

Compound Adjectives

Compound Adjectives List

Here is a list of all popular compound adjectives;

  1. Open-minded
  2. Well-known
  3. Middle-aged
  4. High-speed
  5. Long-term
  6. Full-time
  7. Part-time
  8. Well-behaved
  9. Old-fashioned
  10. Cold-hearted
  11. Warm-hearted
  12. Bitter-sweet
  13. Low-key
  14. High-pitched
  15. Small-scale
  16. Wide-ranging
  17. Thin-skinned
  18. Heavy-handed
  19. Light-hearted
  20. Quick-witted
  21. Tight-fisted
  22. Hard-headed
  23. Soft-spoken
  24. Well-dressed
  25. Bad-tempered
  26. Good-natured
  27. Strong-willed
  28. Easy-going
  29. Long-lasting
  30. Short-lived
  31. Well-off
  32. Hand-picked
  33. Mass-produced
  34. Sugar-coated
  35. Sun-dried
  36. Ice-cold
  37. Bone-dry
  38. Heart-warming
  39. Sky-high
  40. Feather-light
  41. Razor-sharp
  42. Stone-cold
  43. Pitch-black
  44. Snow-white
  45. Dirt-cheap
  46. Brand-new
  47. Time-consuming
  48. Eye-opening
  49. Far-reaching
  50. Well-read
  51. Quick-thinking
  52. High-quality
  53. Low-cost
  54. Hard-wearing
  55. Long-distance
  56. Short-term
  57. Air-tight
  58. Water-resistant
  59. User-friendly
  60. Eco-friendly
  61. Future-proof
  62. Child-proof
  63. Tamper-proof
  64. Fire-resistant
  65. Bullet-proof
  66. Error-prone
  67. Drought-resistant
  68. Self-sufficient
  69. Self-assured
  70. Self-contained
  71. All-inclusive
  72. All-encompassing
  73. All-important
  74. High-level
  75. Low-level
  76. Mid-level
  77. Cutting-edge
  78. State-of-the-art
  79. Heart-shaped
  80. Time-saving
  81. Labour-intensive
  82. Cost-effective
  83. Life-changing
  84. Mind-blowing
  85. Eye-catching
  86. Mouth-watering
  87. Never-ending
  88. Long-standing
  89. Far-off
  90. Hand-made
  91. Machine-washable
  92. Well-intentioned
  93. High-resolution
  94. Low-grade
  95. High-grade
  96. Top-secret
  97. Well-informed
  98. Poorly-made
  99. Second-hand
  100. Best-selling
  101. Self-reflective
  102. Blue-eyed
  103. Short-staffed
  104. Long-haired
  105. Hard-to-find
  106. Well-rounded
  107. Custom-built
  108. Double-blind
  109. French-speaking
  110. Multi-layered
  111. Single-minded
  112. Five-star
  113. Wind-blown
  114. Ocean-front
  115. Battle-scarred
  116. Home-baked
  117. Hand-written
  118. Soft-shell
  119. Iron-clad
  120. Laser-focused
  121. Sugar-free
  122. Fat-free
  123. Tax-free
  124. Pain-free
  125. Hassle-free
  126. Wrinkle-free
  127. Duty-bound
  128. Tightly-knit
  129. Well-placed
  130. Cross-functional
  131. Over-the-counter
  132. In-depth
  133. Off-peak
  134. On-site
  135. In-house
  136. Out-of-date
  137. Made-to-order
  138. High-impact
  139. Low-impact
  140. Zero-tolerance
  141. Top-quality
  142. Full-bodied
  143. World-famous
  144. Three-dimensional
  145. Short-range
  146. Long-range
  147. Wide-eyed
  148. Far-flung
  149. Medium-sized
  150. Heavy-duty
  151. Light-weight
  152. Heart-healthy
  153. Time-lapse
  154. Record-breaking
  155. Award-winning
  156. Breath-taking
  157. Show-stopping
  158. Noise-cancelling
  159. Career-minded
  160. Free-thinking
  161. Grass-roots
  162. Safety-conscious
  163. Outcome-based
  164. Performance-driven
  165. Goal-oriented
  166. Faith-based
  167. Future-oriented
  168. Client-focused
  169. User-centered
  170. Detail-oriented
  171. Mission-critical
  172. Third-party
  173. Special-edition
  174. Limited-edition
  175. High-definition
  176. Wide-angle
  177. Narrow-minded
  178. Short-sighted
  179. Long-sighted
  180. Right-handed
  181. Left-handed
  182. Soft-hearted
  183. Strong-minded
  184. Well-meaning
  185. Quick-tempered
  186. Thin-lipped
  187. Tight-lipped
  188. Closed-minded
  189. Open-hearted
  190. High-flying
  191. Low-lying
  192. Forward-thinking
  193. Back-breaking
  194. Ground-breaking
  195. Earth-shattering
  196. World-class
  197. Jury-rigged
  198. Double-jointed
  199. Self-cleaning

Compound Adjectives List

Compound Adjectives With Meanings

  1. Bitter-sweet: Having mixed feelings about something, both pleasant and painful.
  2. Well-known: Recognized by many people.
  3. Open-minded: Willing to consider or accept new ideas and opinions.
  4. High-pitched: A sound that is higher than most other sounds.
  5. Long-term: Lasting, existing, or effective for a long time.
  6. Short-lived: Lasting for only a short period.
  7. Quick-witted: Able to think and understand quickly.
  8. Ice-cold: Extremely cold; as cold as ice.
  9. Bone-dry: Completely dry, without a trace of moisture.
  10. Stone-cold: Completely cold, often used to describe a lack of emotion.
  11. Iron-clad: Very strong and impossible to break or change.
  12. Tight-fisted: Unwilling to spend money.
  13. Cold-hearted: Lacking kindness, pity, or compassion; unfeeling.
  14. Hot-headed: Easily angered and prone to emotional outbursts.
  15. Soft-spoken: Having a quiet, gentle voice.
  16. Hard-headed: Stubborn or unwilling to change an opinion or idea.
  17. Thin-skinned: Sensitive to criticism or insults.
  18. Heavy-handed: Using too much force or authority when dealing with a problem.
  19. Single-minded: Focused on one thing with the exclusion of everything else.
  20. Feather-light: Very light; having little weight.
  21. Sky-high: Extremely high or exorbitant, often used for prices.
  22. Pain-staking: Requiring or characterized by diligent care and effort.
  23. Heart-wrenching: Causing great sadness or distress.
  24. Soul-searching: Deep and serious thought about one’s feelings and beliefs.
  25. Middle-aged: In the period of life between young adulthood and old age, often considered to be from about 45 to 65.
  26. Sugar-coated: Made to seem more pleasant or acceptable, often hiding the true nature.
  27. Full-time: Occupying or using the whole of someone’s available working time, typically 40 hours in a week.
  28. Part-time: For only part of the usual working time.
  29. Mouth-watering: Smelling or looking delicious.
  30. Self-sufficient: Able to maintain oneself without outside aid; capable of providing for one’s own needs.

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