100+ Commonly Grammar Mistakes in English – Download PDF

Commonly Grammar Mistakes

Go through these sentences of Common Grammar Mistakes. these will help you in correcting your mistakes of grammar, prepositions, etc. here a pdf of more than 400 sentences is added. You may download it. It will make you able to avoid grammar mistakes and speak fluently.

Common mistakes Video Lesson

Grammar Mistakes Related Adverbs

She is too happy.She is very happy.
He is very weak to walk.He is too week to walk.
She is much happy.She is very happy
He is much tall.He is very tall.
She is very taller than her sister.She is much taller than her sister.
He is much delighted.He is very delighted.
Israel is very hated by the Muslim.Israel is much hated by the Muslim.
This book is much interesting.This book is very interesting.
She is very kind enough to me.She is very kind to me.
He is enough kind to help me.He is kind enough to help me.
Uzma is enough kind to help me.Uzma frequently helps me.
She helps me frequently.She treats the poor in a friendly way.
He treats the poor friendly.He treats the poor in a friendly manner.
She walks lovely.She walks in a lovely manner.
Neither he comes nor goes.He neither comes nor goes.
She ran lest he might miss the train.She ran lest he should miss the train.
He is beautifully singingHe is singing beautifully.
She brought many sugar.She bought a lot of sugar.
He owns much booksHe owns many books.
Writing a good book is too much difficult.Writing a good book is much too difficult.
Do you sleep good?Do you sleep well?
Grammar Mistakes Related Adverbs


Commonly Grammar Mistakes Related Verb

She wants that I should help her.She wants me to help her.
Success is consisted in hard work.Success consists of hard work.
He is feeling hungerHe is feeling hungry.
Ali looks happily.Ali looks happy.
He knows to swimHe knows how to swim.
Rima prevented me to go there.Rima prevents me from getting there.
She is one of those who is liked by me.She is one of those who are like me.
He had not met me two days ago.He did not meet me two days ago.
Opening the book, the lesson was learnt.Opening the book she learned the lesson.
Every one of them are lazy.Every one of them is lazy.
Cutting the grass a snake bit him.Cutting the grass, he was bitten by a snake.
A black and white TV are cheap.A black and white TV is cheap.
Opening the door, a handle was broken.Opening the door, he broke the handle.
Each student have done his work.Each student has done his work.
She never speaks a lieShe will never tell a lie
Liza opened the knot.Liza untied the knot.
She has written a letter last night.She wrote a letter last night.
The boat drowned beneath the waves.The boat sank beneath the waves.
Two-man sank in the sea.Two men were drowned in the sea.
A duck was swimming in the pool.A duck was floating in the pool
A boy was floating in the canal.A boy was swimming in the canal
A picture was hanged on the wall.A picture was hung on the wall.
The murderer was hung yesterday.The murderer was hanged yesterday.
The hen has lain an eggThe hen has laid an egg.
She was laying in the bed.She was lying in bed.
You will pass if you will work hard.You will pass if you worked hard.
If he work hard he will pass.If he worked hard he will pass.
She said that she is ill.She Said that she was ill.
If he work hard he will have passed.If he worked hard, he would have passed.
He fear to pass the exam.He hopes to pass the exam.
I hope to lose the game.I fear to lose the game.
He told that he was illHe said that he was ill.
Every Muslim should wear a beard.Every Muslim should have a beard.
The boy has given the examination.The boy has taken the examination.
The lion invaded the hunterThe lion attacked the hunter.
She has taken admission to the college.She has got admission to the college.
Usman refused that he had told a lie.Usman denied that he had told a lie.
He denied to help me.He refused to help me.
John refuses the existence of god.John denies the existence of God.
She with her daughters are taking tea.He refused to help me.
Commonly Grammar Mistakes Related Verb


Common Errors in English Related Adjectives

Please give me any milk.Please give me some milk
He did not give me some milk.He did not give me any milk
She made tea with little milk.She made tea with a little milk
Liza made tea with a little milk in the jug.Liza made tea with the little milk in the jug
He earns few rupees daily.He earns a few Rupees daily.
Sham spent a few rupees he had.Sham spent the few rupees he had.
She is taller than me.She is taller than I.
Liza is tallest than her sister.Liza is taller than her sister
Lubna is the taller of the three.Lubna is the tallest of the three.
She is more taller than I.She is taller than I
That book is more ideal than that.This book is ideal.
This car is more preferable than that.This car is preferable to that
He is the most unique doctor in city.He is a unique doctor in the city.
This cloth is more superior than that.This cloth is superior to that
He is senior than me.He is senior to me
She is the most tallest girl in the class.She is the tallest girl in the class
He gained a first prize.He gained the first prize
She loves every of his two sisters.She loves each of his two sisters
I am elder than  he.I am older than he.
She is my older sister.She is my eldest sister.
He is the tallest of the two.He is the taller of the two.
The number of students in our class are less.The number of students in our school is small.
Your affectionate friend.Yours affectionately.
He is a coward man.He is a coward
She is much beautiful.She is very beautiful
He spent whole the money.He spent the whole money
She spent the all money.She spent all the money.
He has no any money to buy a pen.He has no money to buy a pen.
She is very tired to run.She is too tired to run
He is too tired today.He is very tired today
This is a worth reading bookThis is a book worth reading
We should not hate the poors.We should not hate the poor
Rich should not hate poors.The rich should not hate the poor
The student in our class are more intelligent than your class.The students in our class are more intelligent than those of your class.
The climate of Murree is nicer than Multan.The climate of Murree is nicer than that of Multan
Ghalib is greater than any poet.Ghalib is greater than any other poet.
Ali is the eldest man in the city.Ali is the oldest man in the city
She is my oldest daughterShe is my eldest daughter.
What is the last news about the match?What is the latest news about the match?
She is a miser woman.She is a miserly woman.
This book is too much thick.This book is much too thick.

Common Errors in English Related Adjectives


Common Mistakes in English Grammar Related Pronoun

This is yours book.This is your book.
Your work is better than mine work.Your work is better than my work.
This pen is myThis pen is mine.
One should do his duty.One should do one’s duty.
A man should do one’s duty.A man should do his duty.
He keeps himself away from smoking.He keeps away from smoking.
She was bathing herself in the pool.She was bating in the pool.
Wise people avail of every opportunity.Wise people avail themselves of every opportunity.
He enjoyed in the class.He enjoyed himself in the class.
Aslam and I are thieves.I and Aslam are thieves.
I and Aslam are social workerAslam and I are social workers.
Ali is the boy which I like the best.Ali is the boy whom I like the best.
I saw a bird who was pretty.I saw a bird who was pretty.
She saw a rat who was running about in the roomShe saw a rat who was running about in the room.
He is such a boy who is liked by me.He is such a boy as is like by me.
John is the same boy who won the prize.John is the same boy that won the prize.
He is the boy who I like.He is the boy whom I like.
Whom is singing a song?Who is singing a song?
The athlete which won the race is Pakistani.The athlete who won the race is Pakistani.
It is him.It is he.
Let we do it.Let us do it.
Let’s she come in.Let her come in.
The matter is between she and I.The matter is between her and me.
None of the girl has done their work.None of the girls has done her work.
Neither of the two boys is doing their duty.Neither of the two boys is doing his duty.
Either of two boys is learning their lesson.Either of the two boys is learning his lesson.
Anyone of these boys is reading their book.Anyone of these boys is really reading his book.
Every boy is doing their duty.Every boy is doing his duty.
Each of them has paid their dues.Each of them has paid his dues.
The two girls are fighting with one another.The two girls are fighting with each other.
The jury was divided in its verdicts.The jury was divided in their verdicts.
Jury were united in their opinion.The jury was united in its opinion.
I saw a girl in the school who was lovely.In school, I saw a girl who was lovely.
She was wearing a ring on her finger which was made of gold.She was wearing a ring which was made of gold on her finger.
The two boys are helping one another.The two boys are helping each other.
One of the girl is wise.One of the girls is wise.
Your’s truly.Yours truly.
This pen is like me.This pen is like my pen.
Those who work hard they will pass.Those who work hard will pass.
Common Mistakes in English Grammar Related Pronoun


Common Grammar Mistakes Related Conjunction

She is as tall as he.She is as tall as him.
She had no sooner enter the class, the teacher began to teach the lesson.She had no sooner enter the class than the teacher began to teach the lesson.
She is not as tall as her sister.She is not so tall as her sister.
She is so tall as her sister.She is as tall as her sister.
He is as tall as all of we.He is as tall as all of us.
She is as wise as both of we.She is as wise as both of us.
She is both wise as well as beautiful.She is both wise and beautiful.
Although he is old but he can run fast.Although he is old, he can run fast.
We had hardly reached the class than the teacher began to teach the lesson.We had hardly reached the class when the teacher began to teach the lesson.
She had sacredly reach the station than the train steamed off.She had sacredly reached the station when the train steamed off.
Not only he is fat but also lazy.He is not only fat but also lazy.
Not only he writes but also teaches.He Not only writes but also teaches.
When he comes then I will entertain him.When he comes, I will entertain him.
As he is poor so we should help him.As he is poor, we should help him.
She talks like her mother does.She talks like her mother.
He ran if he was crazy.He ran as if he were crazy.
She as well as her sisters are beautiful.She as well as her sisters is beautiful.
I will not help you unless you do not request me to do so.I will not help you unless you request me to do so.
Either she or I is the in charge.Either she or I am in charge.
Work hard lest you should not fail.Work hard lest you should fail.

Common Grammar mistakes Related conjunction


Incorrect and Correct Sentences Related Noun

The sceneries of swat are lovely.The scenery of the swat is lovely.
The furniture’s in this room are good.The furniture in this room is good.
She gave me two advices.She gave me two pieces of advice.
Ali shouted vulgar abuse at me.Ali shouted vulgar abuse at me.
She wrote three poetries.She wrote three poems.
The hen ate many riceThe hen ate many grains of rice.
He made many mischiefs.He made many pieces/acts of mischief.
Raza ran into troubles.Raza ran into much trouble.
John gave me two information.John gave me two pieces of information.
The united nations are a global organization.The united nations is a global organization
She took tea with her family membersShe took tea with a member of her family.
The cattle is eating grass.The cattle are eating grass.
The cattle are eating grassThe cattle are eating grass.
Ten miles are a long distance.Ten miles is a long distance.
He gave me a fifty rupees note.She gave me a fifty-rupee note.
I have a business in the office.I have a piece of business in the office.
Politics are a game.Politics is a game.
Two sheep’s are eating grassTwo sheep are eating grass.
I like fresh fruits.I like fresh fruit.
He grows a variety of fruit.He grows a variety of fruits.
I bought two dozen eggs.I bought two dozen eggs.
Her hairs are curly.Her hair is curly.
He caught two fishes.He caught two fishes.
I have two work to do.I have two pieces of work to do.
She bought some StationeriesShe bought some stationery.
We spent the summer vacations in swat.We spent the summer vacation in swat.
The united states are a big country.The united states is a big country.
She told me two news.She told me two pieces of news.

Incorrect and Correct Sentences Related Noun


Common Grammatical Errors Related Article

She is making noise.She is making a noise.
He is in wrong.He is in the wrong.
Horse is a faithful animalThe horse is a faithful animal.
She is telling lie.She is telling a lie.
I saw snake in the garden.I saw a snake in the garden.
The wisdom is unique gift.Wisdom is a unique gift.
She is of opinion that he is a cheat.She is of the opinion that he is a cheat.
Elena got an employment in the bank.Elena got employment in the bank.
The both sisters are beautiful.Both the sisters are beautiful.
Moon ate the breakfast late today.Moon ate breakfast late today.
She is suffering from the diabetes.She is suffering from diabetes.
The all book in this bag are written by me.All the books in this bag is written by me.
The Aslam is a selfish boy.Aslam is a selfish boy.
She is wiser of two girls.She is wiser of the two girls.
More we earn more we want.The More we earn, the more we want.
Holy Quran is the best book of Allah.The Holy Quran is the best book of Allah.
The sun Sets in west.The sun Sets in the west.
Nile is the longest river of the world.The Nile is the longest river in the world.
English are a cunning nation.The English are Cunning nation.
We should love Innocents.We should love the innocent.
Karachi is Biggest city of Pakistan.Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan
A snake I saw in the garden was black.The snake, I saw in the garden was black.
Earth is a small Planet.The earth is a small planet
Pakistan of Today is different from Pakistan of 1947.The Pakistan of today is different from Pakistan of 1947
I love the USA.I love the USA.
Gold of this watch is pure.The gold of this watch is pure.
The iron is found in Pakistan.Iron is found in Pakistan.
Beauty of swat is matchless.The beauty of swat is matchless.
The health is a wealth.Health is wealth.
She drank a tea.She drank tea
Common Grammatical Errors Related Article


Another  Long List of Commonly Grammar Mistakes


                        Don’t Use                            Use
You had better to see the officeYou had better see the office.
Running along the road, a dog bite me.



While I was running along the road, a dog bit me.



She will come for meeting you.



She will come to meet you.



He cannot help but helping others.



He cannot help (avoid) helping others.



This is a worth-seeing mosque.



This is a mosque worth seeing.



She is very surprised at my decision.



She is much surprised by my decision.



First meeting of chips and Katherine was much interesting.



The first meeting of chips and Katherine was very interesting.



Naveed is our mutual friend.



Naveed is our common friend



She is totally right.



She is wholly right.



Hear what I say.Listen to what I say.



She took her meal at 8 a.m.



She had (or ate) her meal at 8 a.m.



I took a bath.



I had a bath.



He made a goal.



He scored a goal.




Another List of commonly grammar mistakes

My tooth is paining.



My tooth is aching.



Let me take leave from him now.



Let me take leave of him now.



Whosever does the best he will get a prize.



Whosever does the best, will get a prize.



I don’t care for these sort of things.



I don’t care about these sorts of things.



He come from a good family.



He come of a good family.



She died from Typhoid.



She died of Typhoid.



I do not want to eat some foods.



I do not want to eat any food.



She is too able to pass the examination.



She is able enough to pass the examination.



he is very foolish to answer this question.



he is too foolish to answer this question.



She is very weak to walk.



She is too weak to walk.



Ali is too able.



Ali is very able.



They are too healthy.



They are very healthy.



I love with my mother



I love my mother.




Common Grammar mistakes Short list

She has no pen to write.



She has no pen to write with.



I hope you are keeping good health.



I hope you are enjoying good health.



He denied to help me.



He refused to help me.



You can’t refuse that charity begins at home.



You can’t be denied that charity begins at home.



She is more good at mathematics.



She is better at mathematics



Of the two, she is more able.



Of the too. She is abler.



He is tallest boy in this class



He is the tallest boy in this class.



She called me and she.



She called me and her.



Let you and I go in.



Let us go in.



It is them who i want to see.



It is whom I want to see.



Who did you meet at airport.



Whom did you meet at the airport.



Which you told me about her is wrong.



What you told me about her is wrong.



She has hundred of books.



She has hundreds of books.



“Evening post” is a morning newspaper.



The “Evening Post” is a morning newspaper.



Don’t UseUse These
I have a question to ask youI have a question for you.
He hit me hardHe hit me strongly.
My pay is not enough to live onMy pay cannot support my living.
Don’t leave the office in a messDon’t make the office out of order.
I’d like to paint this door blackI like pain this door to black.
Give me a phone callGive me a phone.
Is there any room for me in car?Is there any place for me in car?
Don’t leave the office in a messDon’t make the office out of order
He is our mutual friendHe is our common friend.
It was the first time I had gone abroadIt was my first time to go abroad.
I met a friend of mine while walkingI met my friend while walking.
My room is small.My room is narrow.
She married late in life.She married old.
He is a liar and you are too.He is a liar and you are one too.
Give me money, if you have any.Give me money if you have.
You will catch a cold if you keep your window open.You will have a cold if you keep your window open.
How much do you weigh?How heavy are you?

Grammar Mistakes list

Do you like Chinese food How about Chinese food
I visited her sick mother in hospital I visited her ill mother in the hospital
There is no limit to my patience There is no limit in my patience
Let’s begin at page 10 Let’s begin from page 10
Did you go to college? Did you attend college?
I am going home I am going back home
Its seven twenty Its seven twenty o’clock
Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Would you mind posting this letter for me?
Its nearly seven now It’s about seven now
I recommend that you take a long vacation. I recommend you to take a long vacation.
His temperature came down His temperature went down
I like green I like green color
He was talking loud He was talking in a heavy voice
This is how did it This is the way how I did it
Do you have automatic camera? Yes I have one Do you have automatic camera? Yes I have it
Train was about an hour late Train was late about an hour
This is where you are mistaken This is where you mistake
Please allow me two more hours Please allow me more two hours
May I introduce Mr. Saleem to you! I introduce Mr. Saleem to you!
Is your house insured against fire? Is your house ensured for fire
This is where you are mistaken
This is where you are mistaken
This is where you mistake
This is where you mistake
This is where you are mistaken
This is where you mistake


correct and incorrect sentences
correct and incorrect sentences
Common Grammar Mistakes
Common Grammar Mistakes
Common Grammar Mistakes


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