100+ Collocations with Take in English with PDF

List of common Collocations with take in English with PDF. These 63+ plus collocations are very useful collocations. When we have to give a thing to someone or we have to give advice we use these most common & conversational collocations with take.

collocations with take

Collocations with take

List of collocations with Take

  • Take a sauna
  • Take a sample
  • Take a nap
  • Take a seat
  • Take a seminar
  • Take a coaching
  • Take a swim
  • Take a bus
  • Take a meeting
  • Take a hike
  • Take a photograph
  • Take a test
  • Take a quiz
  • Take exercise
  • Take a bike ride
  • Take effect
  • Take a photography class
  • Take a plane
  • Take a message
  • Take a painting class
  • Take a bath
  • Take place
  • Take a memo
  • Take a supplement
  • Take charge
  • Take a vacation
  • Take a video
  • Take action
  • Take cover
  • Take a run
  • Take a course
  • Take a train
  • Take a class
  • Take a holiday
  • Take a break
  • Take my place
  • Take a counseling
  • Take lessons
  • Take a therapy
  • Take your time
  • Take ages
  • Take medicine
  • Take a long time
  • Take a chance
  • Take a note
  • Take a photo
  • Take a rest
  • Take up space
  • Take a walk
  • Take a bite
  • Take a screenshot
  • Take a number
  • Take a call
  • Take a conference
  • Take a certification
  • Take a measurement
  • Take a language class
  • Take a picture
  • Take a degree
  • Take class
  • Take part
  • Take notes
  • Take advice
  • Take a training
  • Take a bow
  • Take a lesson
  • Take a look
  • Take a decision
  • Take a journey
  • Take turns
  • Take notice
  • Take a step
  • Take a risk
  • Take care
  • Take drugs
  • Take a mentoring
  • Take a yoga class
  • Take pride in
  • Take a massage
  • Take a shower
  • Take a dance class
  • Take a music lesson
  • Take a workshop
  • Take a license
  • Take advantage
  • Take a trip
  • Take a sit
  • Take care of
  • Take the bus
  • Take part in sth
  • Take a cooking class
  • Take it apart
  • Take a medication
  • Take an exam
  • Take it seriously
  • Take time
  • Take a survey
  • Take heart
  • Take a taxi

You may Like to Read: Collocations with Have

List of collocations with take List of collocations with take pdf

Examples of Collocations with Take

  • Take up space

It will take up a lot of extra space.

  • Take lessons

You should take lessons from the mistakes of your elder brother.

  • Take pride in

We take pride in raising poor children.

  • Take it apart

The mechanic has to take apart the machine to diagnose the problem.

  • Take a bow

The national cricket team should take a bow for its remarkable success.

  • Take my place

I’m not interested in politics you can take my place. I want to live peacefully.

  • Take a holiday

If you are not feeling good you should take a holiday. I will manage the work.

  • Take drugs

It is a very disgusting act to sell drugs. They should be punished.

  • Take medicine

Kindly, take medicine your health is very upset.

  • Take a rest

You should take a rest, you have completed a long journey.

  • Take a trip

We take a trip to the northern hills and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

  • Take notes

I would not mind it if you take my notes.

  • Take a hike

After 9 pm she was behaving awkwardly and the boss asked her to take a hike.

  • Take a class

You should take the class you have already missed in the previous lectures.

  • Take a chance

You have good potential you should take a chance to improve your abilities.

  • Take place

Nothing take place as was expected.

  • Take a bite

She started to take a bite of her pizza, at once agitated and longing.

  • Take care of

I will take care of her baby, you should not worry about him.

  • Take a break

We should take a break, my brain is burning.

  • Take notice

The Police should take notice of this serious act by the politician.

  • Take a long time

You can take a long time but I need complete details of this paper.

  • Take a course

After paying the fee you can take a course.

  • Take time

Take time according to your desire but I need output.

  • Take a step

You have to take a step to give him a chance to improve this relationship.

  • Take a decision

The government take a decision to punish all the corrupt people.

  • Take care

I am going to the office don’t forget to take care of my baby.

  • Take a taxi

Take a taxi and reach immediately. We have to present our project.

  • Take a bus

You can take a bus to go there.

  • Take a plane

We don’t have much time you should take a plane.

  • Take a photograph

I was gloomy when she asked me to take a photograph.

  • Take a photo

They took a photo for their last memory.

  • Take your time

Take your time I need the final results with an explanation.

  • Take a picture

They take a picture of her finance to show her.

  • Take a nap

They usually take a nap after their meal.

  • Take turns

You should not take turns without watching the mirror.

  • Take a vacation

Take a vacation and enjoy the party.

  • Take advantage

You should take advantage of this offer.

  • Take a risk

I have to take a risk to start this new project.

  • Take it seriously

Why are you laughing, Take it seriously!

  • Take a number

Take a number I will tell you the next digit in your mind.

  • Take a shower

She was taking a shower when her husband called her.

  • Take exercise

If you want to live a healthy life you should take exercise.

  • Take charge

Tomorrow, you have to take charge of this post.

  • Take a seat

I can stand, Take a seat, please!

  • Take a survey

Take a complete survey to figure out the no. of votes for this person.

  • Take action

Why are you hesitating? Take action!

Other Common Collocations with Take in example Sentences

  • I need to take a rest after a long day at work.
  • I often take a nap after lunch to recharge my energy.
  • I am planning to take a vacation to a tropical island next month.
  • I would like to take a trip to Europe to explore different cultures.
  • I dream of taking a journey across the world someday.
  • We should take a hike in the mountains for some fresh air and exercise.
  • Let’s take a walk in the park to enjoy the sunshine.
  • I usually take a run in the morning to start my day.
  • I love to take a bike ride along the beach for fun.
  • It’s hot outside, so I’m going to take a swim in the pool.
  • After a long day, I like to take a shower to relax my muscles.
  • I prefer to take a bath with some essential oils for a spa-like experience.
  • I love to take a sauna to detoxify my body and reduce stress.
  • I treat myself to take a massage once a month for some self-care.
  • I plan to take a yoga class this weekend to improve my flexibility and mindfulness.
  • I signed up to take a dance class to learn salsa and have fun.
  • I want to take a cooking class to learn new recipes and culinary skills.
  • I enrolled in a take a language class to learn Spanish and communicate with more people.
  • I am taking take a music lesson to learn how to play the piano.
  • I want to take a painting class to unleash my creativity.
  • I need to take a photography class to improve my skills for my job.
  • I decided to take a course in digital marketing to improve my career prospects.
  • I completed my take degree in psychology and landed a great job.
  • I am studying for my take certification in project management to advance my career.
  • I passed my take license exam for real estate and can now sell houses.
  • I am preparing for my take test in mathematics and need to study hard.
  • I have an take an exam in biology next week and need to review my notes.
  • I just finished a take a quiz on world history for fun.
  • I need to take a survey to gather feedback on my product.
  • I am going to take a sample of the new product to try it out.
  • I need to take a measurement of the room before buying furniture.
  • Let me take a photo of this beautiful sunset.
  • I want to take a video of my daughter’s first ballet recital.
  • I will take a screenshot of this important document for future reference.
  • I need to take note of the meeting agenda.
  • I sent a take a memo to my team to update them on the project.
  • Can you take a message for me while I am in a meeting?
  • I have to take a call from my boss in a few minutes.
  • I am attending a take a meeting with my colleagues to discuss the project.
  • I registered for a take a conference on entrepreneurship next month.
  • I am going to take a workshop on public speaking to improve my communication skills.
  • I attended a take a seminar on time management and learned a lot.
  • I am participating in a take a training program to learn new skills for my job.
  • I hired a coach to take a coaching session on career development.
  • I am looking for a mentor to take a mentoring relationship for guidance.
  • I am going to take a counseling session to improve my mental health.
  • I need to schedule a take a therapy session to manage my anxiety.

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